
    Relaxation function in basilisk

    The relaxation function in poisson solver is used here to solver 2D poisson equation same as here

    // #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #include "poisson.h"
    double solution(double x, double y) { return (sin(pi * x) + cos(pi * y)); }
    scalar U[], f[], ee[];
    // int nrelax = 10000;
    int depth = 8;
    // void * data;
    struct Poisson pp;
    const scalar lambda[] = 0;
    U[right] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
    U[left] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
    U[top] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
    U[bottom] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
    int main()
        pp.a = U;
        pp.b = f;
        pp.alpha = unityf;
        pp.lambda = lambda;
        L0 = 2 * pi;
        X0 = -L0 / 2.;
        Y0 = -L0 / 2.;
        init_grid(1 << depth);
        foreach ()
            U[] = 0;
            f[] = -sq(pi) * sin(pi * x) - sq(pi) * cos(pi * y);
        double Tolerance = 2;
        double sumerror = 0.;
        foreach ()
            sumerror += fabs(solution(x, y));
        printf("%g\n", sumerror);
        int j = 0;
        while (sumerror > Tolerance)
            double e = 0;
            relax({U}, {f}, depth, &pp);
            foreach ()
                e += fabs(U[] - solution(x, y));
            if (e < sumerror)
                sumerror = e;
            printf("%d %g %g\n", j, sumerror, e);
        foreach ()
            ee[] = U[] - solution(x, y);
        FILE *fp1 = fopen("outputfield_U", "w");
        output_field({U}, fp1);
        FILE *fp2 = fopen("outputfield_e", "w");
        output_field({ee}, fp2);
    plot[-1:7] 'log' using 1:2 with points t "solver", sin(3.*pi*x) with lines t "analytical"


    plot[-1:7][-0.35:0.35] 'log' using 1:3 with l t "error"


    Using brutal force iteration does not work in this case