A novice trial on relaxation method for solving elliptic PDEs.
Take 2D poisson equation as an example
\displaystyle \frac{\partial^{2}U}{\partial{x^2}} + \frac{\partial^{2}U}{\partial{y^2}} = f
If we set out known solution as sin(\pi x) + cos(\pi y), then f = -(\pi)^2 sin(\pi x) --(\pi)^2 cos(\pi x). We use relaxation method to solve this 1D poisson equation.
by initially assume f = 1, we can iterate until the solution converge.
#include "utils.h"
#include "view.h"
double solution (double x, double y) { return (sin(pi*x) + cos(pi*y)); }
scalar U[], f[];
// set BC from solution
U[right] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
U[left] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
U[top] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
U[bottom] = dirichlet(solution(x, y));
int main()
L0 = 2*pi;
X0 = -L0 / 2.;
Y0 = -L0 / 2.;
f[]= -sq(pi)*sin(pi*x) -sq(pi)*cos(pi*y);
double Tolerance = 2;
double sumerror = 0.;
foreach ()
sumerror += fabs(solution(x, y));
printf("%g\n", sumerror);
int j = 0;
while (sumerror > Tolerance)
double e = 0;
foreach ()
U[] = (U[1, 0] + U[0, 1] + U[-1, 0] + U[0, -1] - sq(Delta) * f[]) / 4;
e += fabs(U[] - solution(x, y));
if (e < sumerror)
sumerror = e;
printf("%d %g %g\n", j, sumerror, e);
FILE *fp1 = fopen("outputfield_U", "w");
output_field({U}, fp1);
In the end, it took 22972 times iteration to converge, reaching field sum error of 2.
set terminal png size 1200,600 enhanced font 'Times-Roman,16'
set key samplen 2 spacing 1.5 font 'Times-Roman,16'
set multiplot layout 1,1
dataU = "outputfield_U"
set size ratio -1
set pm3d map
set palette defined (-3 "blue", 0 "white", 1 "red")
splot[][] dataU u 1:2:3 t "num results"
unset multiplot