
    Breaking a wave against a Wall

    This page is a near copy of the marvalous page presented in Stephane Popinet’s sandbox: wave.c. I am indebted to the contributors here.

    We solve the two-phase Navier–Stokes equations with surface tension and using a momentum-conserving transport of each phase. Gravity is taken into account using the “reduced gravity approach” and the results are visualised using Basilisk view.

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/conserving.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "reduced.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "tag.h"

    We log some profiling information.

    #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h"
    #include "profiling.h"

    The primary parameters are the wave steepness ak, the Bond and Reynolds numbers.

    double ak = 0.55;
    double BO = 1000.;
    double RE = 20000.;

    The default maximum level of refinement depends on the dimension.

    int LEVEL = dimension == 2 ? 9 : 6;

    The error on the components of the velocity field used for adaptive refinement.

    double uemax = 0.005;

    The density and viscosity ratios are those of air and water.

    #define RATIO (1./850.)
    #define MURATIO (17.4e-6/8.9e-4)

    Define if we want to use a Dirac viscous layer initialization.

    int DIRAC = 0;

    The wave number, fluid depth and acceleration of gravity are set to these values.

    #define k_  (2.*pi)
    #define h_   0.5
    #define g_   1.

    The program takes optional arguments which are the level of refinement, steepness, Bond and Reynolds numbers, and optional Dirac initialisation. We also set a no-slip contion to at the right wall

    u.t[right] = dirichlet(0.);
    int main (int argc, char * argv[])
      if (argc > 1)
        LEVEL = atoi (argv[1]);
      if (argc > 2)
        ak = atof(argv[2]);
      if (argc > 3)
        BO = atof(argv[3]);
      if (argc > 4)
        RE = atof(argv[4]);    
      if (argc > 5)
        DIRAC = atof(argv[5]);

    The domain is a cubic box centered on the origin and of length L0=1, periodic in the optional z-direction.

      origin (-L0/2, -L0/2, -L0/2);

    Here we set the densities and viscosities corresponding to the parameters above.

      rho1 = 1.;
      rho2 = RATIO;
      mu1 = 1.0/RE; //using wavelength as length scale
      mu2 = 1.0/RE*MURATIO;
      f.sigma = 1./(BO*sq(k_));
      G.y = -g_;

    When we use adaptive refinement, we start with a coarse mesh which will be refined as required when initialising the wave.

    #if TREE  
      N = 32;
      N = 1 << LEVEL;

    Initial conditions

    These functions return the shape of a third-order Stokes wave with the wavenumber and steepness given by the parameters above (ak and _k_).

    double wave (double x, double y) {
      double a_ = ak/k_;
      double eta1 = a_*cos(k_*x);
      double alpa = 1./tanh(k_*h_);
      double eta2 = 1./4.*alpa*(3.*sq(alpa) - 1.)*sq(a_)*k_*cos(2.*k_*x);
      double eta3 = -3./8.*(cube(alpa)*alpa - 
    			3.*sq(alpa) + 3.)*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(k_*x) + 
        3./64.*(8.*cube(alpa)*cube(alpa) + 
    	    (sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) - 1.))*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(3.*k_*x);
      return eta1 + ak*eta2 + sq(ak)*eta3 - y;
    double eta (double x, double y) {
      double a_ = ak/k_;
      double eta1 = a_*cos(k_*x);
      double alpa = 1./tanh(k_*h_);
      double eta2 = 1./4.*alpa*(3.*sq(alpa) - 1.)*sq(a_)*k_*cos(2.*k_*x);
      double eta3 = -3./8.*(cube(alpa)*alpa - 
    			3.*sq(alpa) + 3.)*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(k_*x) + 
        3./64.*(8.*cube(alpa)*cube(alpa) + 
    	    (sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) - 1.))*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(3.*k_*x);
      return eta1 + ak*eta2 + sq(ak)*eta3;

    We also calculate an approximation to a Dirac distribution on the wave surface. This allows us to calculate a vortex sheet on the surface to provide a boundary layer in the air above the water surface.

    double gaus (double y, double yc, double T){
      double deltaw = sqrt(2.0/RE)/k_;
      double deltaa = sqrt(2.0/RE*MURATIO/RATIO)/k_;
      double r = y - yc;
      return 2.0/(sqrt(2.0*pi*sq(deltaa)) + sqrt(2.0*pi*sq(deltaw))) *
        (T*exp(-sq(r)/(2.0*sq(deltaw))) + (1.0 - T)*exp(-sq(r)/(2.0*sq(deltaa))));

    We either restart (if a “restart” file exists), or initialise the wave using the third-order Stokes wave solution.

    event init (i = 0)
      if (!restore ("restart")) {
        do {
          fraction (f, wave(x,y));

    To initialise the velocity field, we first define the potential.

          scalar Phi[];
          foreach() {
    	double alpa = 1./tanh(k_*h_);
    	double a_ = ak/k_;
    	double sgma = sqrt(g_*k_*tanh(k_*h_)*
    			   (1. + k_*k_*a_*a_*(9./8.*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*
    					      (sq(alpa) - 1.) + sq(alpa))));
    	double A_ = a_*g_/sgma;
    	double phi1 = A_*cosh(k_*(y + h_))/cosh(k_*h_)*sin(k_*x);
    	double phi2 = 3.*ak*A_/(8.*alpa)*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*
    	  cosh(2.0*k_*(y + h_))*sin(2.0*k_*x)/cosh(2.0*k_*h_);
    	double phi3 = 1./64.*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) + 3.)*
    	  (9.*sq(alpa) - 13.)*
    	  cosh(3.*k_*(y + h_))/cosh(3.*k_*h_)*a_*a_*k_*k_*A_*sin(3.*k_*x);
    	Phi[] = phi1 + ak*phi2 + ak*ak*phi3;
          boundary ({Phi});
          if (DIRAC) {

    We calculate the vorticity in the Dirac layer. We need a separate foreach here because we need the derivative of the potential phi.

    	scalar vort2[];
    	scalar psi[];
    	foreach() {
    	  vort2[] = -2.0*gaus(y,wave(x,y)+y,f[])*(Phi[1,0]-Phi[-1,0])/(2.*Delta);
    	  psi[] = 0.0;
    	boundary ({vort2,psi});
    	psi[top] = dirichlet(0.);
    	psi[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);

    Solve the Poisson problem for the streamfunction psi given the vorticity field.

    	poisson (psi, vort2);

    And then define the velocity field using centered-differencing of the streamfunction.

    	foreach() {
    	  u.x[] = (psi[0,1] - psi[0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
    	  u.y[] = -(psi[1] - psi[-1])/(2.*Delta);
          else {

    If we choose not to use the Dirac layer, instead initialize in the water only according to the potential already calculated.

    	    u.x[] = (Phi[1] - Phi[-1])/(2.0*Delta) * f[];
          boundary ((scalar *){u});

    On trees, we repeat this initialisation until mesh adaptation does not refine the mesh anymore.

    #if TREE  
        while (adapt_wavelet ({f,u},
    			  (double[]){0.01,uemax,uemax,uemax}, LEVEL, 5).nf);
        while (0);


    We are interested in the viscous dissipation rate in both water and air.

    int dissipation_rate (double* rates)
      double rateWater = 0.0;
      double rateAir = 0.0;
      foreach (reduction (+:rateWater) reduction (+:rateAir)) {
        double dudx = (u.x[1]     - u.x[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dudy = (u.x[0,1]   - u.x[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dudz = (u.x[0,0,1] - u.x[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdx = (u.y[1]     - u.y[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdy = (u.y[0,1]   - u.y[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdz = (u.y[0,0,1] - u.y[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdx = (u.z[1]     - u.z[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdy = (u.z[0,1]   - u.z[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdz = (u.z[0,0,1] - u.z[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double SDeformxx = dudx;
        double SDeformxy = 0.5*(dudy + dvdx);
        double SDeformxz = 0.5*(dudz + dwdx);
        double SDeformyx = SDeformxy;
        double SDeformyy = dvdy;
        double SDeformyz = 0.5*(dvdz + dwdy);
        double SDeformzx = SDeformxz;
        double SDeformzy = SDeformyz;
        double SDeformzz = dwdz; 
        double sqterm = 2.*dv()*(sq(SDeformxx) + sq(SDeformxy) + sq(SDeformxz) +
    			     sq(SDeformyx) + sq(SDeformyy) + sq(SDeformyz) +
    			     sq(SDeformzx) + sq(SDeformzy) + sq(SDeformzz)) ;
        rateWater += mu1/rho[]*f[]*sqterm; //water
        rateAir   += mu2/rho[]*(1. - f[])*sqterm; //air
      rates[0] = rateWater;
      rates[1] = rateAir;
      return 0;

    We also want to count the drops and bubbles in the flow.

    event countDropsBubble(i++)
      scalar m1[]; //droplets
      scalar m2[]; //bubbles
        m1[] = f[] > 0.5; //i.e. set m true if f[] is close to unity (droplets)
        m2[] = f[] < 0.5; //m true if f[] close to zero (bubbles)
      int n1 = tag(m1);
      int n2 = tag(m2);

    Having counted the bubbles, now we find their size. This example is similar to the jet atomization problem. We are interested in the volumes and positions of each droplet/bubble.

      double v1[n1]; //droplet
      coord b1[n1];  //droplet
      double v2[n2]; //bubble
      coord b2[n2];  //bubble

    We initialize:

      for (int j=0; j<n1; j++)
          v1[j] = b1[j].x = b1[j].y = b1[j].z = 0.0;
      for (int j=0; j<n2; j++)
          v2[j] = b2[j].x = b2[j].y = b2[j].z = 0.0;

    We proceed with calculation.

      foreach_leaf() {
        // droplets
        if (m1[] > 0) {
          int j = m1[] - 1;
          v1[j] += dv()*f[]; //increment the volume of the droplet
          coord p = {x,y,z};
    	b1[j].x += dv()*f[]*p.x;
        // bubbles
        if (m2[] > 0) {
          int j = m2[] - 1;
          v2[j] += dv()*(1.0-f[]);
          coord p = {x,y,z};
    	b2[j].x += dv()*(1.0-f[])*p.x;

    Reduce for MPI.

    #if _MPI
      MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, b1, 3*n1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, b2, 3*n2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    Output the volume and position of each droplet to file.

      static FILE * fdrop = fopen("droplets.dat","w");
      static FILE * fbubb = fopen("bubbles.dat","w");
      for (int j=0; j<n1; j++)
        fprintf (fdrop, "%d %g %d %g %g %g\n", i, t,
    	     j, v1[j], b1[j].x/v1[j], b1[j].y/v1[j]);
      for (int j=0; j<n2; j++)
        fprintf (fbubb, "%d %g %d %g %g %g\n", i, t,
    	     j, v2[j], b2[j].x/v2[j], b2[j].y/v2[j]);

    We log the evolution of the kinetic and potential energies and dissipation rate as functions of the non-dimensional time.

    event graphs (i++) {
      static FILE * fpwater = fopen("budgetWater.dat", "w");
      static FILE * fpair = fopen("budgetAir.dat", "w");
      double ke = 0., gpe = 0.;
      double keAir = 0., gpeAir = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:ke) reduction(+:gpe) 
    	  reduction(+:keAir) reduction(+:gpeAir)) {
        double norm2 = 0.;
          norm2 += sq(u.x[]);
        ke += rho[]*norm2*f[]*dv();
        keAir += rho[]*norm2*(1.0-f[])*dv();
        gpe += rho1*g_*y*f[]*dv();
        gpeAir += rho2*g_*y*(1.0-f[])*dv();
      double rates[2];
      double dissWater = rates[0];
      double dissAir   = rates[1];
        if (i == 0) {
        fprintf (fpwater, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
        fprintf (fpair, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
      fprintf (fpwater, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), ke/2., gpe + 0.125, dissWater);
      fprintf (fpair, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), keAir/2., gpeAir + 0.125, dissAir);
      fprintf (ferr, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), ke/2., gpe + 0.125, dissWater);
    set key auto col
    plot 'budgetWater.dat' u 1:2 w l, '' u 1:3 w l, '' u 1:(($2+$3)/2.) t 'total/2' w l, \
    '' u 1:4 w l
    Evolution of kinetic, potential and total energies and dissipation rate. (script)

    Evolution of kinetic, potential and total energies and dissipation rate. (script)


    We use Basilisk view to display animations of the results.

    event movies (t += 0.01) {

    We use Basilisk view differently in 2D and 3D.

      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
    #if dimension == 2
      view (width = 800, height = 500, fov = 18, tx = -0.25);
      draw_vof ("f", filled = 1, fc = {0.1,0.1,0.8});
      begin_mirror({1,0}, 0.5);

    This gives the following movie.

    #else // dimension == 3

    In 3D, we generate a first movie seen from below.

      view (width = 1600, height = 1200, theta = pi/4, phi = -pi/6, fov = 20);
          squares ("omega", linear = true, n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -L0/2);
          for (double z = -3*L0; z <= L0; z += L0)
    	translate (z = z)
    	  draw_vof ("f");
      save ("below.mp4");

    And a second movie, seen from above.

      view (width = 1600, height = 1200, theta = pi/4, phi = pi/6, fov = 20);

    In 3D, we are doubly-periodic (along x and z).

      squares ("omega", linear = true, n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -L0/2);
      draw_vof ("f");
    #endif // dimension == 3
      save ("movie.mp4");


    To be able to restart, we dump the entire simulation at regular intervals.

    event snapshot (i += 200) {
      char fname[99];
      sprintf (fname, "dump%d", i);
      dump (fname);


    The wave period is k_/sqrt(g_*k_). We want to run up to 0.4 periods.

    event end (t = 0.5*k_/sqrt(g_*k_)) {
      fprintf (fout, "i = %d t = %g\n", i, t);
      dump ("end");

    Mesh adaptation

    On trees, we adapt the mesh according to the error on volume fraction and velocity.

    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double[]){0.01, uemax, uemax, uemax}, LEVEL, 5);