
    Breaking wave

    We solve the two-phase Navier–Stokes equations with surface tension and using a momentum-conserving transport of each phase. Gravity is taken into account using the “reduced gravity approach” and the results are visualised using Basilisk view.

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/conserving.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "reduced.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "tag.h"

    We log some profiling information.

    #include "navier-stokes/perfs.h"
    #include "profiling.h"

    The primary parameters are the wave steepness ak, the Bond and Reynolds numbers.

    double ak = 0.55;
    double BO = 1000.;
    double RE = 40000.;

    The default maximum level of refinement depends on the dimension.

    int LEVEL = dimension == 2 ? 9 : 6;

    The error on the components of the velocity field used for adaptive refinement.

    double uemax = 0.005;

    The density and viscosity ratios are those of air and water.

    #define RATIO (1./850.)
    #define MURATIO (17.4e-6/8.9e-4)

    Define if we want to use a Dirac viscous layer initialization.

    int DIRAC = 0;

    The wave number, fluid depth and acceleration of gravity are set to these values.

    #define k_  (2.*pi)
    #define h_   0.5
    #define g_   1.

    The program takes optional arguments which are the level of refinement, steepness, Bond and Reynolds numbers, and optional Dirac initialisation.

    int main (int argc, char * argv[])
      if (argc > 1)
        LEVEL = atoi (argv[1]);
      if (argc > 2)
        ak = atof(argv[2]);
      if (argc > 3)
        BO = atof(argv[3]);
      if (argc > 4)
        RE = atof(argv[4]);    
      if (argc > 5)
        DIRAC = atof(argv[5]);

    The domain is a cubic box centered on the origin and of length L0=1, periodic in the x- and z-directions.

      origin (-L0/2, -L0/2, -L0/2);
      periodic (right);
    #if dimension > 2
      periodic (front);

    Here we set the densities and viscosities corresponding to the parameters above.

      rho1 = 1.;
      rho2 = RATIO;
      mu1 = 1.0/RE; //using wavelength as length scale
      mu2 = 1.0/RE*MURATIO;
      f.sigma = 1./(BO*sq(k_));
      G.y = -g_;

    When we use adaptive refinement, we start with a coarse mesh which will be refined as required when initialising the wave.

    #if TREE  
      N = 32;
      N = 1 << LEVEL;

    Initial conditions

    These functions return the shape of a third-order Stokes wave with the wavenumber and steepness given by the parameters above (ak and _k_).

    double wave (double x, double y) {
      double a_ = ak/k_;
      double eta1 = a_*cos(k_*x);
      double alpa = 1./tanh(k_*h_);
      double eta2 = 1./4.*alpa*(3.*sq(alpa) - 1.)*sq(a_)*k_*cos(2.*k_*x);
      double eta3 = -3./8.*(cube(alpa)*alpa - 
    			3.*sq(alpa) + 3.)*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(k_*x) + 
        3./64.*(8.*cube(alpa)*cube(alpa) + 
    	    (sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) - 1.))*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(3.*k_*x);
      return eta1 + ak*eta2 + sq(ak)*eta3 - y;
    double eta (double x, double y) {
      double a_ = ak/k_;
      double eta1 = a_*cos(k_*x);
      double alpa = 1./tanh(k_*h_);
      double eta2 = 1./4.*alpa*(3.*sq(alpa) - 1.)*sq(a_)*k_*cos(2.*k_*x);
      double eta3 = -3./8.*(cube(alpa)*alpa - 
    			3.*sq(alpa) + 3.)*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(k_*x) + 
        3./64.*(8.*cube(alpa)*cube(alpa) + 
    	    (sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) - 1.))*cube(a_)*sq(k_)*cos(3.*k_*x);
      return eta1 + ak*eta2 + sq(ak)*eta3;

    We also calculate an approximation to a Dirac distribution on the wave surface. This allows us to calculate a vortex sheet on the surface to provide a boundary layer in the air above the water surface.

    double gaus (double y, double yc, double T){
      double deltaw = sqrt(2.0/RE)/k_;
      double deltaa = sqrt(2.0/RE*MURATIO/RATIO)/k_;
      double r = y - yc;
      return 2.0/(sqrt(2.0*pi*sq(deltaa)) + sqrt(2.0*pi*sq(deltaw))) *
        (T*exp(-sq(r)/(2.0*sq(deltaw))) + (1.0 - T)*exp(-sq(r)/(2.0*sq(deltaa))));

    We either restart (if a “restart” file exists), or initialise the wave using the third-order Stokes wave solution.

    event init (i = 0)
      if (!restore ("restart")) {
        do {
          fraction (f, wave(x,y));

    To initialise the velocity field, we first define the potential.

          scalar Phi[];
          foreach() {
    	double alpa = 1./tanh(k_*h_);
    	double a_ = ak/k_;
    	double sgma = sqrt(g_*k_*tanh(k_*h_)*
    			   (1. + k_*k_*a_*a_*(9./8.*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*
    					      (sq(alpa) - 1.) + sq(alpa))));
    	double A_ = a_*g_/sgma;
    	double phi1 = A_*cosh(k_*(y + h_))/cosh(k_*h_)*sin(k_*x);
    	double phi2 = 3.*ak*A_/(8.*alpa)*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*
    	  cosh(2.0*k_*(y + h_))*sin(2.0*k_*x)/cosh(2.0*k_*h_);
    	double phi3 = 1./64.*(sq(alpa) - 1.)*(sq(alpa) + 3.)*
    	  (9.*sq(alpa) - 13.)*
    	  cosh(3.*k_*(y + h_))/cosh(3.*k_*h_)*a_*a_*k_*k_*A_*sin(3.*k_*x);
    	Phi[] = phi1 + ak*phi2 + ak*ak*phi3;
          boundary ({Phi});
          if (DIRAC) {

    We calculate the vorticity in the Dirac layer. We need a separate foreach here because we need the derivative of the potential phi.

    	scalar vort2[];
    	scalar psi[];
    	foreach() {
    	  vort2[] = -2.0*gaus(y,wave(x,y)+y,f[])*(Phi[1,0]-Phi[-1,0])/(2.*Delta);
    	  psi[] = 0.0;
    	boundary ({vort2,psi});
    	psi[top] = dirichlet(0.);
    	psi[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);

    Solve the Poisson problem for the streamfunction psi given the vorticity field.

    	poisson (psi, vort2);

    And then define the velocity field using centered-differencing of the streamfunction.

    	foreach() {
    	  u.x[] = (psi[0,1] - psi[0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
    	  u.y[] = -(psi[1] - psi[-1])/(2.*Delta);
          else {

    If we choose not to use the Dirac layer, instead initialize in the water only according to the potential already calculated.

    	    u.x[] = (Phi[1] - Phi[-1])/(2.0*Delta) * f[];
          boundary ((scalar *){u});

    On trees, we repeat this initialisation until mesh adaptation does not refine the mesh anymore.

    #if TREE  
        while (adapt_wavelet ({f,u},
    			  (double[]){0.01,uemax,uemax,uemax}, LEVEL, 5).nf);
        while (0);


    We are interested in the viscous dissipation rate in both water and air.

    int dissipation_rate (double* rates)
      double rateWater = 0.0;
      double rateAir = 0.0;
      foreach (reduction (+:rateWater) reduction (+:rateAir)) {
        double dudx = (u.x[1]     - u.x[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dudy = (u.x[0,1]   - u.x[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dudz = (u.x[0,0,1] - u.x[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdx = (u.y[1]     - u.y[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdy = (u.y[0,1]   - u.y[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdz = (u.y[0,0,1] - u.y[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdx = (u.z[1]     - u.z[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdy = (u.z[0,1]   - u.z[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdz = (u.z[0,0,1] - u.z[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double SDeformxx = dudx;
        double SDeformxy = 0.5*(dudy + dvdx);
        double SDeformxz = 0.5*(dudz + dwdx);
        double SDeformyx = SDeformxy;
        double SDeformyy = dvdy;
        double SDeformyz = 0.5*(dvdz + dwdy);
        double SDeformzx = SDeformxz;
        double SDeformzy = SDeformyz;
        double SDeformzz = dwdz; 
        double sqterm = 2.*dv()*(sq(SDeformxx) + sq(SDeformxy) + sq(SDeformxz) +
    			     sq(SDeformyx) + sq(SDeformyy) + sq(SDeformyz) +
    			     sq(SDeformzx) + sq(SDeformzy) + sq(SDeformzz)) ;
        rateWater += mu1/rho[]*f[]*sqterm; //water
        rateAir   += mu2/rho[]*(1. - f[])*sqterm; //air
      rates[0] = rateWater;
      rates[1] = rateAir;
      return 0;

    We also want to count the drops and bubbles in the flow.

    event countDropsBubble(i++)
      scalar m1[]; //droplets
      scalar m2[]; //bubbles
        m1[] = f[] > 0.5; //i.e. set m true if f[] is close to unity (droplets)
        m2[] = f[] < 0.5; //m true if f[] close to zero (bubbles)
      int n1 = tag(m1);
      int n2 = tag(m2);

    Having counted the bubbles, now we find their size. This example is similar to the jet atomization problem. We are interested in the volumes and positions of each droplet/bubble.

      double v1[n1]; //droplet
      coord b1[n1];  //droplet
      double v2[n2]; //bubble
      coord b2[n2];  //bubble

    We initialize:

      for (int j=0; j<n1; j++)
          v1[j] = b1[j].x = b1[j].y = b1[j].z = 0.0;
      for (int j=0; j<n2; j++)
          v2[j] = b2[j].x = b2[j].y = b2[j].z = 0.0;

    We proceed with calculation.

      foreach_leaf() {
        // droplets
        if (m1[] > 0) {
          int j = m1[] - 1;
          v1[j] += dv()*f[]; //increment the volume of the droplet
          coord p = {x,y,z};
    	b1[j].x += dv()*f[]*p.x;
        // bubbles
        if (m2[] > 0) {
          int j = m2[] - 1;
          v2[j] += dv()*(1.0-f[]);
          coord p = {x,y,z};
    	b2[j].x += dv()*(1.0-f[])*p.x;

    Reduce for MPI.

    #if _MPI
      MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, b1, 3*n1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      MPI_Allreduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, b2, 3*n2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

    Output the volume and position of each droplet to file.

      static FILE * fdrop = fopen("droplets.dat","w");
      static FILE * fbubb = fopen("bubbles.dat","w");
      for (int j=0; j<n1; j++)
        fprintf (fdrop, "%d %g %d %g %g %g\n", i, t,
    	     j, v1[j], b1[j].x/v1[j], b1[j].y/v1[j]);
      for (int j=0; j<n2; j++)
        fprintf (fbubb, "%d %g %d %g %g %g\n", i, t,
    	     j, v2[j], b2[j].x/v2[j], b2[j].y/v2[j]);

    We log the evolution of the kinetic and potential energies and dissipation rate as functions of the non-dimensional time.

    event graphs (i++) {
      static FILE * fpwater = fopen("budgetWater.dat", "w");
      static FILE * fpair = fopen("budgetAir.dat", "w");
      double ke = 0., gpe = 0.;
      double keAir = 0., gpeAir = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:ke) reduction(+:gpe) 
    	  reduction(+:keAir) reduction(+:gpeAir)) {
        double norm2 = 0.;
          norm2 += sq(u.x[]);
        ke += rho[]*norm2*f[]*dv();
        keAir += rho[]*norm2*(1.0-f[])*dv();
        gpe += rho1*g_*y*f[]*dv();
        gpeAir += rho2*g_*y*(1.0-f[])*dv();
      double rates[2];
      double dissWater = rates[0];
      double dissAir   = rates[1];
        if (i == 0) {
        fprintf (fpwater, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
        fprintf (fpair, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
      fprintf (fpwater, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), ke/2., gpe + 0.125, dissWater);
      fprintf (fpair, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), keAir/2., gpeAir + 0.125, dissAir);
      fprintf (ferr, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), ke/2., gpe + 0.125, dissWater);
    set key auto col
    plot 'log' u 1:2 w l, '' u 1:3 w l, '' u 1:(($2+$3)/2.) t 'total/2' w l, \
    '' u 1:4 w l
    Evolution of kinetic, potential and total energies and dissipation rate. (script)

    Evolution of kinetic, potential and total energies and dissipation rate. (script)


    We use Basilisk view (and output_ppm()) to display animations of the results.

    event movies (t += 0.01) {

    We first do simple movies of the volume fraction, level of refinement fields. In 3D, these are in a z=0 cross-section.

        static FILE * fp = popen ("ppm2mp4 f.mp4", "w");
        output_ppm (f, fp, min = 0, max = 1, n = 512);
    #if TREE
        scalar l[];
        l[] = level;
        static FILE * fp = popen ("ppm2mp4 level.mp4", "w");
        output_ppm (l, fp, min = 5, max = LEVEL, n = 512);

    Wave breaking. Animation of the level of refinement.

    We use Basilisk view differently in 2D and 3D.

      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
    #if dimension == 2
      view (width = 800, height = 600, fov = 18.8);

    We repeat the drawing periodically in the x-direction.

      for (double x = -L0; x <= L0; x += L0)
        translate (x) {
          draw_vof ("f");
          squares ("omega", linear = true);
    This gives the following movie.
    #else // dimension == 3

    In 3D, we generate a first movie seen from below.

      view (width = 1600, height = 1200, theta = pi/4, phi = -pi/6, fov = 20);
      for (double x = -2*L0; x <= L0; x += L0)
        translate (x) {
          squares ("omega", linear = true, n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -L0/2);
          for (double z = -3*L0; z <= L0; z += L0)
    	translate (z = z)
    	  draw_vof ("f");
      save ("below.mp4");

    And a second movie, seen from above.

      view (width = 1600, height = 1200, theta = pi/4, phi = pi/6, fov = 20);

    In 3D, we are doubly-periodic (along x and z).

      for (double x = -2*L0; x <= L0; x += L0)
        translate (x) {
          squares ("omega", linear = true, n = {0,0,1}, alpha = -L0/2);
          for (double z = -3*L0; z <= L0; z += L0)
    	translate (z = z)
    	  draw_vof ("f");
    #endif // dimension == 3
      save ("movie.mp4");


    To be able to restart, we dump the entire simulation at regular intervals.

    event snapshot (i += 200) {


    The wave period is k_/sqrt(g_*k_). We want to run up to 2 (alternatively 4) periods.

    event end (t = 2.*k_/sqrt(g_*k_)) {
      fprintf (fout, "i = %d t = %g\n", i, t);
      dump ("end");

    Mesh adaptation

    On trees, we adapt the mesh according to the error on volume fraction and velocity.

    #if TREE
    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double[]){0.01,uemax,uemax,uemax}, LEVEL, 5);

    Running in parallel

    This file will work in 2D or 3D, either with parallel multigrid (without adaptivity), using for example:

    qcc -source -D_MPI=1 -grid=multigrid3D wave.c
    scp _wave.c

    and then following a recipe similar to that of the atomisation example.

    To use adaptivity, just do something like:

    qcc -source -D_MPI=1 -grid=octree wave.c
    scp _wave.c