
    Sometimes it may be usefull to extend the domain to get increased statistics. This functions copies a grid and solution 2^{dimension-1} times and extends it over the bottom boundary.

    See the example for reference.

    void enlarge_hor(scalar * list){
      double * data;
      unsigned * flags;
      long unsigned int n = 0, j = 0, jj = 0;
      int len = list_len(list);
      data = malloc (n*len*sizeof(double));
      flags = malloc (n*sizeof(unsigned));
      foreach_cell(){ //"Dump" to arrays
        flags[jj++] = is_leaf(cell) ? leaf : 0;
        for (scalar s in list)
          data[j++] = s[];
        if (is_leaf(cell)) // No halo data
      unrefine(level >= 1);
        if (point.level >= 1 && y < Y0 + L0/2.){
          if (point.level == 1)
    	j = jj = 0;
          for (scalar s in list)
    	s[] = data[j++];
          if (!(flags[jj++] & leaf) && is_leaf(cell))
    	refine_cell(point, list, 0, NULL);
          if (is_leaf(cell))// Still No halos
      free(data); free(flags);
      L0 *= 2.; X0 *= 2.; Z0 *= 2.;

    This very similar function extends the domain in all dimension directions. See this example

    void enlarge_all(scalar * list){
      double * data;
      unsigned * flags;
      long unsigned int n = 0, j = 0, jj = 0;
      int len = list_len(list);
      data = malloc (n*len*sizeof(double));
      flags = malloc (n*sizeof(unsigned));
      foreach_cell(){ //"Dump" to arrays
        flags[jj++] = is_leaf(cell) ? leaf : 0;
        for (scalar s in list)
          data[j++] = s[];
        if (is_leaf(cell)) // No halo data
      unrefine(level >= 1);
        if (point.level >= 1){ // Do not start at root cell
          if (point.level == 1)
    	j = jj = 0;
          for (scalar s in list)
    	s[] = data[j++];
          if (!(flags[jj++] & leaf) && is_leaf(cell))
    	refine_cell(point, list, 0, NULL);
          if (is_leaf(cell))// Still No halos
      free(data); free(flags);
      foreach_coarse_level(0){ //Also restrict the root cell
        for (scalar s in list){
          double sum = 0;
    	sum += s[];
          s[] = sum /(double)(1 << dimension);
      L0 *= 2.; X0 *= 2.; Y0 *= 2.; Z0 *= 2.;

    Child points -> rotated 1st = -1 -1 -1 -> -1 -1 -1 = 1st 2nd = -1 -1 1 -> 1 -1 -1 = 5th 3rd = -1 1 -1 -> -1 -1 1 = 2nd 4th = -1 1 1 -> 1 -1 1 = 6th 5th = 1 -1 -1 -> -1 1 -1 = 3rd 6th = 1 -1 1 -> 1 1 -1 = 7th 7th = 1 1 -1 -> -1 1 1 = 4th 8th = 1 1 1 -> 1 1 1 = 8th

    int swap_array[8] = {0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7};
    int ind[8][3];
    void swap_direction (scalar * list) {
      double * data;
      unsigned * flags;
      long unsigned int n = 0, j = 0, jj = 0;
      data  = malloc (n*list_len(list)*sizeof(double));
      flags = malloc (n*sizeof(unsigned));
      for (int i = 0; i < 2 ; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 2 ; j++)
          for (int k = 0; k < 2 ; k++) {
    	ind[jj][0] = i, ind[jj][1] = j, ind[jj][2] = k;
      jj = 0;

    We will traverse the tree and keep track of the number of iterated cells at each level. Per traversal, the maximum is eight.

      int child_nr[depth() + 1];
      for (int d = 0; d <= depth(); d++)
        child_nr[d] = 0;

    We write our own cell iterator

      Point point; point.i = point.j = point.k = GHOSTS, point.level = 0;

    The root is not rotated…

      child_nr[point.level] = 8; //We are done at level = 0.
      write_data (point, list, data, flags, &j, &jj);
      bool next_cell = true;
      while (next_cell) {
        if (!is_leaf(cell)) { //Go to child
          point.i =  2*point.i - GHOSTS + ind[swap_array[0]][0];
          point.j =  2*point.j - GHOSTS + ind[swap_array[0]][1];
          point.k =  2*point.k - GHOSTS + ind[swap_array[0]][2];
          child_nr[point.level]++; //Mark as being iterated
        } else { //a leaf: We go to a sibling or a parent...
          if (child_nr[point.level] < 8) { //Goto sibling
    	int old = swap_array[child_nr[point.level] - 1];
    	int new = swap_array[child_nr[point.level]];
    	point.i += ind[new][0] - ind[old][0];
    	point.j += ind[new][1] - ind[old][1];
    	point.k += ind[new][2] - ind[old][2];
          } else {
    	while (child_nr[point.level] == 8 && point.level > 0) { //reset and move down
    	  child_nr[point.level] = 0;
    	  point.i = (point.i + GHOSTS)/2;
    	  point.j = (point.j + GHOSTS)/2;
    	  point.k = (point.k + GHOSTS)/2;
    	  point.level-- ;
    	if (point.level > 0) {	//Goto the next sibling at this coarser level
    	  int old = swap_array[child_nr[point.level] - 1];
    	  int new = swap_array[child_nr[point.level]];
    	  point.i += ind[new][0] - ind[old][0];
    	  point.j += ind[new][1] - ind[old][1];
    	  point.k += ind[new][2] - ind[old][2];
    	} else
    	  next_cell = false;
        if (next_cell) { //Write the data
          flags[jj++] = is_leaf(cell) ? leaf : 0;
          for (scalar s in list)
    	data[j++] = s[];
      unrefine(level >= 1);
        if (point.level == 0)
          j = jj = 0;
        for (scalar s in list)
          s[] = data[j++];
        if (!(flags[jj++] & leaf) && is_leaf(cell))
          refine_cell(point, list, 0, NULL);
        if (is_leaf(cell))// Still No halos