
    The Creation of a laminar vortex ring

    Instead of leading a turbulent jet, a vortex ring can be part of a laminar flow. According to the literature, for a stroke-to-radius ratio of the injecting piston S/d = 4, a nice-enough vortex ring is generated. On this page we study the grid sensitivity of the formation process. Also we aim to find values of three different formulations of the reynolds number:

    The first is the one we control in the experiment and is based on the injection velocity (U_j), the orifice radius (R) and the fluids viscosity (\nu),

    \displaystyle Re_1 = \frac{U_jR}{\nu} = 2000.

    Alternatively, in their seminal work, T.T. Lim and T.B. Nickels(1992) defined a Reynolds number based on the size of the vortex ring (D) and translation velocity (U_t). Noting that it quite ambiguous what is meant with “vortex size”. Anyhow,

    \displaystyle Re_{\text{lim}} = \frac{U_tD}{\nu},

    Finally, it seems that in the literature the ambiguity is elimited by using the circulation of the vortex structure (\Gamma), which is defined as the integral of the velocity vector projected along an infinite line that passes trough the centre of the ring.

    \displaystyle Re_{\Gamma} = \frac{\Gamma}{\nu}

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "fractions.h"
    #define JET (tanh((1-y)*5) * (y<1))
    scalar f[];
    double ti = 5;
    double ue; 
    int maxlevel = 11 ;
    double ov = 2500;
    int j = 0;
    int m = 0;
    const face vector muc[] = {1./ov, 1./ov};
    FILE * fpRe;
    double xx[2], yy[2], circ[2];
    u.t[left] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.n[left] = dirichlet(JET * min(ti - t, 1.) * min(t, 1.) * (t <= ti)); 
    u.n[top] = neumann(0.);
    p[top] = dirichlet(0.);


    Sixs runs are performed for thee different refinement criteria (\zeta) and two maximum levels of refinement (ML);

    1. ML = 9, \zeta = 0.02 U_j
    2. ML = 9, \zeta = 0.015 U_j
    3. ML = 9, \zeta = 0.01 U_j
    4. ML = 10, \zeta = 0.02 U_j
    5. ML = 10, \zeta = 0.015 U_j
    6. ML = 10, \zeta = 0.01 U_j
    int main(){
      fpRe = fopen("Reynoldsnumbers", "w");
      L0 = 16;
        u.x.refine = refine_linear;
      for (ue = 0.01; ue >= 0.001; ue /= 2.){
        circ[0] = 0;
        circ[1] = 0;
        printf("running j = %d, ue = %g, ml = %d\n", j, ue, maxlevel);
    event init(t = 0){
      mu = muc;
      refine(x < (X0 + L0/10) && y < 1.1 && level < maxlevel);
      f.refine = f.prolongation = fraction_refine;
      fraction(f, 1.-y);
    event adapt(i++)
      adapt_wavelet((scalar*){u}, (double[]){ue, ue}, maxlevel);


    Here we discuss the output


    First a movie is generated for the fifth experiment.

    event movie(t += 0.1; t <= 5*ti){
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity(u, omega);
      char pname[99];
      sprintf(pname,"ppm2mp4 j%d.mp4", j);
      static FILE * fp = popen (pname, "w");
      output_ppm(omega, fp, n = 512, min = -5, max = 5, box = {{0, 0},{8, 4}});

    Experiment number 5

    Reynolds numbers

    We calculate Re_{\text{lim}} and Re_{\Gamma}. We define D as the distance between the centres of vorticity of the sections of the ring with oposing swirl direction. Their values correspond to those at t = 4\times t_i, where t_i is the duration of the injection. The results are written to a file.

    event Re(t=3*ti; t+= ti){
      double xp = 0, yp = 0, w = 0;
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity(u, omega);
        w += fabs(omega[]) * sq(Delta);
        xp += fabs(omega[]) * sq(Delta) * x;
        yp += fabs(omega[]) * sq(Delta) * y;
        circ[m] += omega[] * sq(Delta);
      xx[m] = xp / w;
      yy[m] = yp / w;
      if (m == 2){
        double Regamma = ((circ[0] + circ[1])/2.)*ov;
        double U = (abs(xx[1] - xx[0])) / (ti);
        double D = (yy[1] + yy[0]);
        double ReUDv  = U*D*ov; 
        fprintf(fpRe, "%d\t%g\t%g\n", j, Regamma, ReUDv);
        m = 0;

    and plotted here

    set terminal pngcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,12'
    set xr [0.5:6.5]
    set yr [0:4000]
    set xlabel 'Run number'
    set ylabel 'Re'
    set key outside
    plot 'Reynoldsnumbers' u 1:3 pt 2 t 'Re lim' , \
         'Reynoldsnumbers' u 1:2 pt 3 t 'Re Gamma'


    It appears for once that a higher resolution mesh corresponds to a lower Reynolds numbers. Let us investigate it a bit more…

    Vorticity structure

    Three iso lines of the vorticiy field are outputted for all six runs .

    event vortex_ring(t = 5*ti){
      scalar f[], omega[];
      f.refine = f.prolongation = fraction_refine;
      vorticity(u, omega);
      vertex scalar Phi[], vort[];
        vort[] = interpolate(omega, x, y);
      double iso[3] = {1, 2 , 4};
      for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++){
          Phi[] = vort[] - iso[n];
        fractions(Phi, f);
        char fname[99];
        sprintf(fname, "facets%d%g", j, iso[n]);
        FILE * fp = fopen (fname, "w");
        output_facets(f, fp);

    A few are plotted,

    set yr[0.6:1.9]
    set xr[5.8:7.1] 
    set xlabel 'z/R'
    set ylabel 'r/R'
    set size ratio -1
    plot 'facets21' w l lw 2 lc 1  t 'ex. 2, Omega = 1' , \
    'facets22' w l lw 3 lc 1  t 'ex. 2, Omega = 2' ,      \
    'facets24' w l lw 4 lc 1  t 'ex. 2, Omega = 4' ,      \
    'facets41' w l lw 2 lc 3  t 'ex. 4, Omega = 1' ,      \
    'facets42' w l lw 3 lc 3  t 'ex. 4, Omega = 2' ,      \
    'facets44' w l lw 4 lc 3  t 'ex. 4, Omega = 4' ,      \
    'facets61' w l lw 2 lc 5  t 'ex. 6, Omega = 1' ,      \
    'facets62' w l lw 3 lc 5  t 'ex. 6, Omega = 2' ,      \
    'facets64' w l lw 4 lc 5  t 'ex. 6, Omega = 4'


    Apart from a small (spatial and/ or temporal) shift, the structures found between ex. #4 and #6 are arguably similar, wheareas ex #2 shows a too-large structure. This could be due to excessive numerical diffusion. So the 10 levels of refinement is a nesessity.