
    Breaking Stokes wave

    A steep, third-order Stokes wave is unstable and breaks.

    Animation of the free-surface

    The solution obtained using the layered model matches the Navier-Stokes/VOF solution remarkably well, even after breaking.

    unset key
    unset xtics
    unset ytics
    unset border
    set multiplot layout 1,2
    set size ratio -1
    plot for [i = 0:10] 'log' index i u 1:($2-0.15*i) w l lc -1 lt 1
    plot for [i = 0:10] '../stokes-ns/log' index i u 1:($2-0.15*i) w l lc -1 lt 1
    unset multiplot
    Wave evolution: layered (left column) and Navier-Stokes/VOF (right column) (script)

    Wave evolution: layered (left column) and Navier-Stokes/VOF (right column) (script)

    See Popinet (2020) for a more detailed discussion and stokes-ns.c for the Navier-Stokes/VOF code.

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "layered/hydro.h"
    #include "layered/nh.h"
    #include "layered/remap.h"
    #include "layered/perfs.h"
    #include "stokes.h"
    double k_ = 2.*pi, h_ = 0.5, g_ = 1., ak = 0.35;
    double RE = 40000.;
    #define T0  (k_*L0/sqrt(g_*k_))
    int main()
      origin (-L0/2.);
      periodic (right);
      N = 256;
      nl = 60;
      G = g_;
      nu = 1./RE;
      CFL_H = 1;
      max_slope = 1.; // a bit less dissipative
    event init (i = 0)
      foreach() {
        zb[] = -0.5;
        double H = wave(x, 0) - zb[];
        double z = zb[];
        foreach_layer() {
          h[] = H/nl;
          z += h[]/2.;
          u.x[] = u_x(x, z);
          w[] = u_y(x, z);
          z += h[]/2.;
    event profiles (t += T0/4.; t <= 2.5*T0) {
      foreach (serial) {
        double H = zb[];
          H += h[];
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", x, H);
      fprintf (stderr, "\n\n");
    event logfile (i++)
      double ke = 0., gpe = 0.;
      foreach (reduction(+:ke) reduction(+:gpe)) {
        double zc = zb[];
        foreach_layer() {
          double norm2 = sq(w[]);
    	norm2 += sq(u.x[]);
          ke += norm2*h[]*dv();
          gpe += (zc + h[]/2.)*h[]*dv();
          zc += h[];
      printf ("%g %g %g\n", t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), ke/2., g_*gpe + 0.125);
    event movie (i += 3)
      static FILE * fp = popen ("gnuplot", "w");
      if (i == 0)
        fprintf (fp, "set term pngcairo font ',9' size 800,250;"
    	     "set size ratio -1\n");  
      fprintf (fp,
    	   "set output 'plot%04d.png'\n"
    	   "set title 't = %.2f'\n"
    	   "p [%g:%g][-0.1:0.15]'-' u 1:(-1):2 w filledcu lc 3 t ''",
    	   i/3, t/(k_/sqrt(g_*k_)), X0, X0 + L0);
      fprintf (fp, "\n");
      foreach (serial) {
        double H = 0.;
          H += h[];
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g", x, zb[] + H, zb[]);
        fprintf (fp, "\n");
      fprintf (fp, "e\n\n");
      fflush (fp);
    event moviemaker (t = end)
      system ("rm -f movie.mp4 && "
    	  "ffmpeg -r 25 -f image2 -i plot%04d.png "
    	  "-vcodec libx264 -vf format=yuv420p -movflags +faststart "
    	  "movie.mp4 2> /dev/null && "
    	  "rm -f plot*.png");