
    Internal solitary waves

    This test case is taken from section 5.6 of Vitousek & Fringer, 2014 itself based on the laboratory experiments of Horn et al., 2001. In the experiment, two layers with different densities separated by a (diffusive) interface are initially tilted relative to the horizontal and released. A train of solitary waves develops and bounces back and forth between the boundaries of the tank. The amplitude of these waves is varied by varying the initial slope.

    The figures below give the measured and modelled wave amplitudes as a function of time measured in the middle of the tank.

    Note that both \Delta\rho and \nu are tuned differently from Vitousek & Fringer, and that the results are very sensitive to this tuning.

    set term svg enhanced size 625,800 font ",10"
    set multiplot layout 5,1 scale 1,1.1
    set xrange [0:400]
    set yrange [-5:5]
    set key top left
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.01305' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'horn.vf' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.01305' w l t 'V and F 2014'
    unset key
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0261' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'horn.vf' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0261' w l t 'V and F 2014'
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.03915' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'horn.vf' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.03915' w l t 'V and F 2014'
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0522' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'horn.vf' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0522' w l t 'V and F 2014'
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0783' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'horn.vf' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0783' w l t 'V and F 2014'
    unset multiplot
    Model (Vitousek & Fringer, 2014) and experimental interface displacements (Figure 9 of Vitousek & Fringer, 2014). (script)

    Model (Vitousek & Fringer, 2014) and experimental interface displacements (Figure 9 of Vitousek & Fringer, 2014). (script)

    The results given by the multilayer solver are significantly better than those of Vitousek & Fringer. This is mostly due to the improved dispersion characteristics of the Keller box scheme.

    set term svg enhanced size 625,800 font ",10"
    set multiplot layout 5,1 scale 1,1.1
    set xrange [0:400]
    set yrange [-5:5]
    set key top left
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.01305' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'log' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.01305' w l t 'basilisk'
    unset key
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0261' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'log' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0261' w l t 'basilisk'
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.03915' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'log' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.03915' w l t 'basilisk'
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0522' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'log' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0522' w l t 'basilisk'
    plot 'horn.horn' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0783' w l t 'Horn 2001', \
         'log' u 1:($2*100.) index 'ai = 0.0783' w l t 'basilisk'
    unset multiplot
    Model (multilayer) and experimental interface displacement. (script)

    Model (multilayer) and experimental interface displacement. (script)



    Sean Vitousek and Oliver B Fringer. A nonhydrostatic, isopycnal-coordinate ocean model for internal waves. Ocean Modelling, 83:118–144, 2014. [ DOI ]


    D. A. Horn, J. Imberger, and G. N. Ivey. The degeneration of large-scale interfacial gravity waves in lakes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 434:181–207, 2001. [ DOI ]

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "layered/hydro.h"
    #include "layered/nh.h"
    #include "layered/isopycnal.h"

    We add an optional sanity check for the free surface evolution.

    The parameters are viscosity, height of the layer interfaces and initial amplitude. The relative density of each layer is given by drho.

    double nu_H = 2e-5;
    #define H0 0.29
    #define hi 0.087
    double ai;
    double * drho = (double []){ 0.018, 0 };
    int main()
      size (6.);
      origin (- L0/2.);
      N = 256;
      nl = 2;
      G = 9.81;
      nu = nu_H;
      DT = 0.05;
    #if 0
      lambda_b[] = {HUGE}; // free slip

    We do several initial amplitudes.

      ai = 1.305e-2;
      ai = 2.61e-2;
      ai = 3.915e-2;
      ai = 5.22e-2;
      ai = 7.83e-2;

    The initial layer positions.

    event init (i = 0)
      foreach() {
        double zi = ai*x/(L0/2.);
          h[] = point.l < nl/2 ? (hi - zi)/(nl/2) : (H0 - hi + zi)/(nl/2);

    This adds (an approximation of) horizontal viscosity.

    event viscous_term (i++) {
    #if NH
      horizontal_diffusion ({u, w}, nu_H, dt);
      horizontal_diffusion ((scalar *){u}, nu_H, dt);

    We log the position of the layer in the middle of the tank.

    event logfile (i += 3; t <= 400)
      if (i == 0)
        fprintf (stderr, "\n\n# ai = %g\n", ai);
      double z = 0.;
        if (_layer < nl/2)
          z += interpolate (h, 0.);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %d\n", t, z - hi, dt,
    #if NH	   

    We can optionally display the evolving layers and velocity field.

    #if 0
    void plot_setup (FILE * fp)
      fprintf (fp,
    	   "set pm3d map corners2color c2\n"
    	   "# jet colormap\n"
    	   "set palette defined ( 0 0 0 0.5647, 0.125 0 0.05882 1, 0.25"
    	   " 0 0.5647 1, 0.375 0.05882 1 0.9333, 0.5 0.5647 1 0.4392, 0.625"
    	   " 1 0.9333 0, 0.75 1 0.4392 0, 0.875 0.9333 0 0, 1 0.498 0 0 )\n"
    	   "unset key\n"
    	   "set xlabel 'x'\n"
    	   "set ylabel 'depth'\n"
    void output_fields (FILE * fp)
      foreach (serial) {
        double z = zb[];
    #if !NH
        scalar w = u.x;
        fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[]);
        foreach_layer() {
          z += h[];
          fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g\n", x, z, u.x[], w[]);
        fprintf (fp, "\n");
      fprintf (fp, "e\n\n");  
    void plot (FILE * fp)
      fprintf (fp,
    	   "set title 't = %.1f s'\n"
    	   "sp '-' u 1:2:3\n",
      output_fields (fp);
      //  fprintf (fp, "pause .01\n");
      fflush (fp);  
    event gnuplot (i += 100)
      static FILE * fp = popen ("gnuplot 2> /dev/null", "w");
      if (i == 0) {    
        fprintf (fp, "set term x11\n");
        plot_setup (fp);
      plot (fp);
      //  fprintf (fp, "pause .1\n");

    This optionally displays consistency between res_eta and deta (corresponding to the check_eta.h option above).

    #if 0 // show consistency between res_eta and deta
    #include "deta.h"