
    Tests for the einstein_sum() macro

    We create a second-order tensor structure.

    typedef struct{
      coord x;
      coord y;
      coord z;
    } coord2;

    We create a third-order tensor structure.

    typedef struct{
      coord2 x;
      coord2 y;
      coord2 z;
    } coord3;
    int main ()
      init_grid (64);
      // define time and length scale
      double gamma = 1 [0,-1];
      double length = 1 [1,0];
      // define arbitrary second and third order tensors
      coord2 E = {{gamma,0.1*gamma}, {0.2*gamma, - gamma}};
      coord2 E2 = {{gamma/length, 0.2* gamma/length},
                    {0.7*gamma/length, - 0.3*gamma/length}};
      coord3 K = {E2, E2};
      vector u2[];

    We now initialize a quadratic velocity field around the origin. Formally, we have \displaystyle \textbf{u}(\textbf{x}) = \textbf{E}\cdot \textbf{x}+\textbf{E2}: \textbf{xx} This can be encoded in indices notation as follows:

        coord X = {x,y,z};
        einstein_sum (i,k,j) {
          // factorized expression
          u.i[] = (E.i.j + K.i.j.k*X.k)*X.j;
          // developed expression
          u2.i[] = E.i.j*X.j + K.i.j.k*X.k*X.j;
      coord2 R =  (coord2) {{0}} ;
      double kinetic_energy = 0; 
      coord2 R2 =  (coord2) {{0}} ;
      double kinetic_energy2 = 0; 
        einstein_sum (i,j) {
          R.i.j += u.i[]*u.j[];
          kinetic_energy += u.i[]*u.i[]/2.;
          R2.i.j += u2.i[]*u2.j[];
          kinetic_energy2 += u2.i[]*u2.i[]/2.;
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", kinetic_energy, kinetic_energy2);
      einstein_sum (i,j) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", R.i.j, R2.i.j);