A generic compressible gas bubble in a liquid
#include "compressible/two-phase.h"
#include "compressible/Mie-Gruneisen.h"
#include "tension.h"
#include "compressible/tension.h"
#include "rayleigh-plesset.h"
Static refinement is used with a level of refinement varying from MINLEVEL far from the bubble to MAXLEVEL close to the bubble.
The liquid and gas densities as well as the initial gas pressure pg0
and the pressure “at infinity” pinf
double rhoL = 1., rhoG = 0.001;
double pg0 = 100., pinf = 100.;
The final time and the bubble radius.
double tend = 1.;
double R0 = 1.;
Boundary conditions: imposed pressure and inflow “at infinity”.
p[right] = dirichlet (pinf);
q.n[right] = neumann (0.);
#if dimension > 1
p[top] = dirichlet (pinf);
q.n[top] = neumann (0.);
event init (i = 0)
We compute the reference Rayleigh-Plesset and Keller-Miksis solutions.
static bool first = true;
if (first) {
struct RPdata RPd = {
.rhol = rhoL,
.pliq = pinf,
.p0 = pg0,
.sigma = f.sigma,
.gamma = gamma2,
.R0 = R0,
.visc = mu1,
.cson = sqrt(gamma1*(pinf + PI1)/rhoL)
FILE * fp = fopen("RP.dat", "w");
Integrate_RP (fp, 0., tend, &RPd);
fclose (fp);
fp = fopen("RPinviscid.dat", "w");
RPd.visc = 0;
Integrate_RP (fp, 0., tend, &RPd);
fclose (fp);
first = false;
The static mesh refinement.
#if TREE
for (int l = MINLEVEL ; l <= MAXLEVEL; l++)
refine (level < l && sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y)) < (2.5*R0 + 4.*sqrt(2.)*L0/(1 << (l - 1))));
The initial volume fraction, densities, energies and pressure.
fraction (f, sq(x) + sq(y) - sq(R0));
foreach() {
frho1[] = f[]*rhoL;
frho2[] = (1. - f[])*rhoG;
The initial liquid pressure field is approximated from the solution in the incompressible limit.
double r = sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y));
double pL = pinf*(1. - R0/r) + (pg0 - 2*f.sigma/R0)*R0/r;
fE1[] = f[]*(pL + PI1*gamma1)/(gamma1 - 1.);
fE2[] = (1. - f[])*pg0/(gamma2 - 1.);
p[] = average_pressure (point);
Some statistics.
event logfile (i++)
scalar pgas[], keliq[];
double volume = 0.;
foreach (reduction(+:volume)) {
double Ek = 0.;
Ek += sq(q.x[]);
Ek /= 2.*(frho1[] + frho2[]);
The gas pressure is recovered from the energy.
pgas[] = average_pressure (point)*(1. - f[]);
keliq[] = Ek*f[];
volume += dv()*(1. - f[]);
if (i == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "t volume statsf(keliq).sum statsf(pgas).sum/volume\n");
fprintf (stderr, "%10.6f %10.6f %10.8f %10.6f\n",
t, volume, statsf(keliq).sum, statsf(pgas).sum/volume);
The bubble shape as a function of time.
event profiles (t += tend/10; t <= tend) {
output_facets (f);