
    Isopycnal gyres intersecting the bathymetry

    This test verifies that isopycnals intersecting the bottom topography do not lead to spurious imbalance. The setup is close, but not identical, to the “two-layer model, high-cut topography” case of section 3 of Bleck & Smith, 1990.

    The velocity/height field can be compared to Fig.3 of Bleck & Smith, 1990.

    Velocity field and surface height

    Velocity field and surface height

    At convergence the bottom layer must be stationary.

    set xlabel 'Time (years)'
    set ylabel 'Kinetic energy per unit area (J/m^2)'
    set logscale y
    year = 86400.*365.
    set grid
    set key center right
    plot [0:5]						\
       'log' u ($1/year):3 w l t 'top layer',		\
       'log' u ($1/year):2 w l t 'bottom layer'
    Evolution of the kinetic enery per unit area for both layers (script)

    Evolution of the kinetic enery per unit area for both layers (script)



    Rainer Bleck and Linda T Smith. A wind-driven isopycnic coordinate model of the north and equatorial Atlantic Ocean: 1. Model development and supporting experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 95(C3):3273–3285, 1990. [ DOI ]

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #define hour 3600.
    #define day (24.*hour)
    #define year (365.*day)

    This flag changes the way face heights are computed for isopycnals intersecting the bathymetry (in hydro.h).

    #include "layered/hydro.h"
    #include "layered/implicit.h"


    We include Coriolis acceleration on a \beta-plane.

    double Beta = 2e-11;
    #define F0() (0.83e-4 + Beta*y)
    #define alpha_H 0.5 // fixme: unstable for alpha_H 1
    #include "layered/coriolis.h"

    Vertical stratification

    There are only two (isopycnal) layers. The bottom layer has a relative density difference of 10-2.

    double * drho = (double []){ 1e-2, 0. };
    #include "layered/isopycnal.h"

    Surface “wind stress”

    The “surface wind stress” is added directly as a (depth-weighted) acceleration (along the x-direction) in the top layer.

    double tau0 = 1e-4;
    event acceleration (i++)
        ha.x[0,0,1] += hf.x[] > dry ? tau0*cos(2.*pi*y/L0) : 0.;

    Horizontal viscosity

    double nu_H = 1e5;
    event acceleration (i++)
      if (nu_H > 0.) {
        vector d2u[];
        foreach_layer() {
    	  d2u.x[] = (h[1]*u.x[1] + h[-1]*u.x[-1] +
    		     h[0,1]*u.x[0,1] + h[0,-1]*u.x[0,-1] - 4.*h[]*u.x[])/
    	if (h[] > dry)
    	    u.x[] += dt*nu_H*d2u.x[]/max(h[],10.);


    int main()
      G = 9.8;
      nl = 2;
      size (6000e3 [1]);
      origin (0, - L0/2.);
      DT = 3000 [0,1];
      N = 32;
      theta_H = 0.51;

    Initial conditions

    event init (i = 0)

    No-slip (and dry) conditions on all boundaries. Note that this is only relevant for “wet” boundaries. For example, given that there is a (dry) coastline at x = 4400 km (see below), the u.t[right] boundary condition below is useless.

      foreach_dimension() {
        u.t[left] = dirichlet(0);
        zb[left] = 1000.;
        h[left] = 0.;
        u.t[right] = dirichlet(0);
        zb[right] = 1000.;
        h[right] = 0.;
      foreach() {

    The bathymetry.

    #if 0
        // low-cut case
        zb[] = x > 1400e3 ? - 4000. : - 1550. - 2450.*x/1400e3;
    #elif 1
        // high-cut case
        zb[] = x > 2000e3 ? - 4000. : - 200. - 3800.*x/2000e3;
    #else // flat bottom
        zb[] = -4000;

    A “coastline” at x = 4400 km.

        if (x > 4400e3)
          zb[] = 1000.;

    The bottom layer is between the bottom and - 1000 m, the top layer is between 0 and -1000 m.

        h[] = max (- 1000. - zb[], 0.);
        h[0,0,1] = max (- zb[] - h[], 0.);


    #include "view.h"
    event end (t = 5*year)
      view (fov = 19.7885,
    	tx = -0.35, ty = 0, width = 440, height = 600);
      squares ("zb < 100 ? eta : nodata", spread = -1);
      vectors ("u1", scale = 8e5);
      save ("gyre.png");
    event logfile (i += 300)
      double ke0 = 0., ke1 = 0., area = 0., rho0 = 1000;
      scalar h1 = lookup_field ("h1");
      vector u1 = lookup_vector ("u1");
      foreach (reduction (+:ke0) reduction(+:ke1) reduction(+:area)) {
        ke0 += dv()*h[]*(sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[]))/2.;
        ke1 += dv()*h1[]*(sq(u1.x[]) + sq(u1.y[]))/2.;
        area += dv();
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %g %g %g %d %d\n", t, rho0*ke0/area, rho0*ke1/area,
    	   statsf (h).sum, statsf (h1).sum, dt, mgH.i, mgH.nrelax);