
    Helper macro to invert (linear) spatial operators

    The macro below can be used to easily invert linear systems described by stencils i.e. \displaystyle \mathcal{L}(a) = b For example, let us consider the Poisson equation \displaystyle \nabla^2 a = b where a is unknown and b is given. This can be discretised as

    (a[1] + a[-1] + a[0,1] + a[0,-1] - 4.*a[])/sq(Delta) = b[];

    This can be solved using the macro below and a multigrid solver with

    solve (a, (a[1] + a[-1] + a[0,1] + a[0,-1] - 4.*a[])/sq(Delta), b);

    The macro can take the same optional arguments as mg_solve() to tune the multigrid solver.

    The multigrid statistics are stored in solve_stats.

    #include "poisson.h"
    static mgstats solve_stats;


    Note that the large macro below is a slightly simplified version of the mg_solve() and mg_cycle() functions where more documentation can be found.

    #define solve(_a, _func, _rhs, ...)					\
      do {									\
        solve_stats = (mgstats){0};						\
        struct { int dummy, nrelax, minlevel; double tolerance; }		\
          p = {0, __VA_ARGS__};						\
        scalar _res[], _da[];						\
        scalar_clone (_da, _a);						\
        for (int b = 0; b < nboundary; b++)					\
          _da.boundary[b] = _da.boundary_homogeneous[b];			\
        solve_stats.nrelax = p.nrelax > 0 ? p.nrelax : 4;			\
        double resb;							\
        {									\
          double maxres = 0.;						\
          foreach (reduction(max:maxres)) {					\
    	_res[] = _rhs[] - (_func);					\
    	if (fabs (_res[]) > maxres)					\
    	  maxres = fabs (_res[]);					\
          }									\
          resb = solve_stats.resb = solve_stats.resa = maxres;		\
        }									\
        if (p.tolerance == 0.)						\
          p.tolerance = TOLERANCE;						\
        for (solve_stats.i = 0;						\
    	 solve_stats.i < NITERMAX &&					\
    	   (solve_stats.i < NITERMIN || solve_stats.resa > p.tolerance); \
    	 solve_stats.i++) {						\
          {									\
    	restriction ({_res});						\
    	int maxlevel = grid->maxdepth;					\
    	int minlevel = min (p.minlevel, maxlevel);			\
    	for (int l = minlevel; l <= maxlevel; l++) {			\
    	  if (l == minlevel)						\
    	    foreach_level_or_leaf (l)					\
    	      foreach_blockf (_da)					\
    	        _da[] = 0.;						\
    	  else								\
    	    foreach_level (l)						\
    		foreach_blockf (_da)					\
    		  _da[] = bilinear (point, _da);			\
    	  boundary_level ({_da}, l);					\
    	  for (int i = 0; i < solve_stats.nrelax; i++) {		\
    	    scalar _a = _da;						\
    	    foreach_level_or_leaf (l) {					\
    	      _a[] = 0.;						\
    	      double n = _res[] - (_func), d;				\
    	      diagonalize(_a) {						\
    		d = (_func);						\
    	      }								\
    	      _a[] = n/d;						\
    	    }								\
    	    boundary_level ({_da}, l);					\
    	  }								\
    	}								\
    	foreach()							\
    	  foreach_blockf (_a)						\
    	    _a[] += _da[];						\
          }									\
          {									\
    	double maxres = 0.;						\
    	foreach (reduction(max:maxres)) {				\
    	  _res[] = _rhs[] - (_func);					\
    	  if (fabs (_res[]) > maxres)					\
    	    maxres = fabs (_res[]);					\
    	}								\
    	solve_stats.resa = maxres;					\
          }									\
          if (solve_stats.resa > p.tolerance) {				\
    	if (resb/solve_stats.resa < 1.2 && solve_stats.nrelax < 100)	\
    	  solve_stats.nrelax++;						\
    	else if (resb/solve_stats.resa > 10 && solve_stats.nrelax > 2)	\
    	  solve_stats.nrelax--;						\
          }									\
          resb = solve_stats.resa;						\
        }									\
        solve_stats.minlevel = p.minlevel;					\
        if (solve_stats.resa > p.tolerance)					\
          fprintf (ferr,							\
    	       "src/solve.h:120: warning: convergence for %s not reached " \
    	       "after %d iterations\n"					\
    	       "  res: %g nrelax: %d\n",,			\
    	       solve_stats.i, solve_stats.resa, solve_stats.nrelax),	\
    	fflush (ferr);							\
      } while (0)

