Momentum-conserving advection of velocity
This file implements momentum-conserving VOF advection of the velocity components for the two-phase Navier–Stokes solver.
On trees, we first define refinement and restriction functions which guarantee conservation of each component of the total momentum. Note that these functions do not guarantee conservation of momentum for each phase.
#if TREE
static void momentum_refine (Point point, scalar u) {
refine_bilinear (point, u);
double rhou = 0.;
rhou += cm[]*rho(f[])*u[];
double du = u[] - rhou/((1 << dimension)*(cm[] + SEPS)*rho(f[]));
u[] += du;
static void momentum_restriction (Point point, scalar u)
double rhou = 0.;
rhou += cm[]*rho(f[])*u[];
u[] = rhou/((1 << dimension)*(cm[] + SEPS)*rho(f[]));
#endif // TREE
We switch-off the default advection scheme of the centered solver.
On trees, the refinement and restriction functions above rely on the volume fraction field f being refined/restricted before the components of velocity. To ensure this, we move f to the front of the field list (all).
int i = 0;
while (all[i].i != f.i) i++;
while (i > 0 && all[i].i)
all[i] = all[i-1], i--;
all[i] = f;
We then set the refinement and restriction functions for the components of the velocity field. The boundary conditions on \mathbf{u} now depend on those on f.
foreach_dimension() {
u.x.refine = u.x.prolongation = momentum_refine;
u.x.restriction = momentum_restriction;
u.x.depends = list_add (u.x.depends, f);
We need to overload the stability event so that the CFL is taken into account (because we set stokes to true).
event stability (i++)
dtmax = timestep (uf, dtmax);
We will transport the two components of the momentum, q_1=f \rho_1 \mathbf{u} and q_2=(1 - f) \rho_2 \mathbf{u}. We will need to impose boundary conditions which match this definition. This is done using the functions below.
static double boundary_q1_x (Point neighbor, Point point, scalar q1, bool * data)
return clamp(f[],0.,1.)*rho1*u.x[];
static double boundary_q2_x (Point neighbor, Point point, scalar q2, bool * data)
return (1. - clamp(f[],0.,1.))*rho2*u.x[];
Similarly, on trees we need prolongation functions which also follow this definition.
#if TREE
static void prolongation_q1_x (Point point, scalar q1) {
q1[] = clamp(f[],0.,1.)*rho1*u.x[];
static void prolongation_q2_x (Point point, scalar q2) {
q2[] = (1. - clamp(f[],0.,1.))*rho2*u.x[];
We overload the vof() event to transport consistently the volume fraction and the momentum of each phase.
We allocate two temporary vector fields to store the two components of the momentum and set the boundary conditions and prolongation functions. The boundary conditions on q_1 and q_2 depend on the boundary conditions on f.
vector q1[], q2[];
for (scalar s in {q1,q2}) {
s.depends = list_add (s.depends, f);
s.v.x.i = -1; // not a vector
for (int i = 0; i < nboundary; i++)
foreach_dimension() {
q1.x.boundary[i] = boundary_q1_x;
q2.x.boundary[i] = boundary_q2_x;
#if TREE
foreach_dimension() {
q1.x.prolongation = prolongation_q1_x;
q2.x.prolongation = prolongation_q2_x;
We split the total momentum q into its two components q1 and q2 associated with f and 1 - f respectively.
foreach_dimension() {
double fc = clamp(f[],0,1);
q1.x[] = fc*rho1*u.x[];
q2.x[] = (1. - fc)*rho2*u.x[];
Momentum q2 is associated with 1 - f, so we set the inverse attribute to true. We use the same slope-limiting as for the velocity field.
foreach_dimension() {
q2.x.inverse = true;
q1.x.gradient = q2.x.gradient = u.x.gradient;
We associate the transport of q1 and q2 with f and transport all fields consistently using the VOF scheme.
scalar * tracers = f.tracers;
f.tracers = list_concat (tracers, (scalar *){q1, q2});
vof_advection ({f}, i);
free (f.tracers);
f.tracers = tracers;
We recover the advected velocity field using the total momentum and the density
u.x[] = (q1.x[] + q2.x[])/rho(f[]);
We set the list of interfaces to NULL so that the default vof() event does nothing (otherwise we would transport f twice).
interfaces1 = interfaces, interfaces = NULL;
We set the list of interfaces back to its default value.
event tracer_advection (i++) {
interfaces = interfaces1;