
    Resting Potential Energy

    See Ilicak et al., 2012, appendix A and Petersen et al., 2015, section 2.3. This should obviously be much better documented than this.

    Note that other more computationally-efficient options exist, based for example on sampling of histograms of density.


    Mark R. Petersen, Douglas W. Jacobsen, Todd D. Ringler, Matthew W. Hecht, and Mathew E. Maltrud. Evaluation of the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian vertical coordinate method in the MPAS-ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 86:93–113, 2015. [ DOI | http ]


    Mehmet Ilicak, Alistair J. Adcroft, Stephen M. Griffies, and Robert W. Hallberg. Spurious dianeutral mixing and the role of momentum closure. Ocean Modelling, 45-46:37–58, 2012. [ DOI | http ]

    #include "utils.h"
    #if dimension == 2
    # include "fractions.h"
    struct _Zarea {
      scalar zb;  // compulsory
      double * A, * V; // compulsory
      int n;      // compulsory
      double max; // optional (default 0.)
      double min; // optional (default zb.min)
    typedef struct _Zarea Zarea;
    #define A(i) (a->A[i])
    double area_integral (Zarea * a, double z1, double z2, double * Az)
      assert (z2 >= z1);
      double dz = (a->max - a->min)/(a->n - 1);
      int i2 = (z2 - a->min)/(a->max - a->min)*(a->n - 1);
      double f1, f2, z;
      if (i2 < 0)
        z = z2 = 0.;
      else if (i2 < a->n - 1) {
        f1 = A(i2), z = a->min + dz*i2;
        f2 = A(i2) + (z2 - z)/dz*(A(i2 + 1) - f1);
      else {
        z = a->max, f1 = f2 = A(a->n - 1);
        i2 = a->n - 1;
      double v2, zv2;
      if (z < z2) {
        v2 = (z2 - z)*(f2 + f1)/2.;
        zv2 = ((sq(z2) - sq(z))/2.*(f1*z2 - f2*z) +
    	   (cube(z2) - cube(z))/3.*(f2 - f1))/(z2 - z);
        v2 = 0., zv2 = 0.;
      int i1;
      double v1, zv1;
      if (z1 <= a->min)
        v1 = 0., zv1 = 0., i1 = -1;
      else {
        i1 = (z1 - a->min)/(a->max - a->min)*(a->n - 1);
        double f1, f2, z;
        if (i1 >= a->n - 1) {
          f1 = f2 = A(a->n - 1);
          z = a->max;
        else {
          f1 = A(i1) + (z1 - a->min - i1*dz)/dz*(A(i1 + 1) - A(i1));
          if (i2 > i1)
    	f2 = A(i1 + 1), z = a->min + dz*(i1 + 1);
    	f2 = A(i1), z = a->min + dz*i1;
        if (z != z1) {
          v1 = (z - z1)*(f2 + f1)/2.;
          zv1 = ((sq(z) - sq(z1))/2.*(f1*z - f2*z1) +
    	     (cube(z) - cube(z1))/3.*(f2 - f1))/(z - z1);
          v1 = 0., zv1 = 0.;
      double V = v1 + v2;
      *Az = zv1 + zv2;
      for (int i = i1 + 1; i < i2; i++) {
        z = a->min + i*dz, z2 = z + dz;
        f1 = A(i), f2 = A(i+1);
        V += (z2 - z)*(f2 + f1)/2.;
        *Az += ((sq(z2) - sq(z))/2.*(f1*z2 - f2*z) +
    	    (cube(z2) - cube(z))/3.*(f2 - f1))/(z2 - z);
      return V;
    double area_z2 (Zarea * a, double z1, double dv, double * Az)
      double zm = z1, z2 = z1 + 10.*(a->max - a->min);
      double vol = area_integral (a, z1, z2, Az);
      assert (vol > dv);
      while (fabs (z2 - zm) > dry) {
        double z = (zm + z2)/2.;
        vol = area_integral (a, z1, z, Az);
        if (vol > dv) z2 = z;
        else zm = z;
        //    fprintf (stderr, "^^^ dv = %g: zm: %g z2: %g vol: %g\n", dv, zm, z2, vol);
      //  assert (fabs(dv - vol) < 1e-6*dv);
      return (zm + z2)/2.;
    Zarea zarea (scalar zb, double * A, double * V, int n,
    	     double max = 0., double min = 0.)
      if (min == 0.)
        min = statsf (zb).min;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double val = min + i*(max - min)/(n - 1);
    #if dimension == 2    
        scalar f[];
        fractions (zb, f, val = val);
        stats sf = statsf(f);
        A[i] = sf.volume - sf.sum;
        double area = 0.;
        foreach(reduction(+:area)) {
          double a = (zb[] + zb[-1])/2. - val, b = (zb[] + zb[1])/2. - val;
          if (a*b < 0.) {
    	double x = a/(a - b);
    	area += dv()*(a < 0. ? x : 1. - x);
          else if (a < 0.)
    	area += dv();
        A[i] = area;
      return (Zarea){ zb, A, V, n, max, min };
    Zarea zvolume (scalar zb, double * A, double * V, int n,
    	       double max = 0., double min = 0.)
      Zarea s = zarea (zb, A, V, n, max, min);
      double volume = 0.;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double dz = (s.max - s.min)/(n - 1);
        volume += dz*A[i];
        V[i] = volume;
      return s;
    double volumez (Zarea s, double volume)
      if (volume <= 0.) return s.min;
      if (volume >= s.V[s.n-1]) return s.max;
      int a = 0, b = s.n - 1;
      while (b > a + 1) {
        int i = (a + b)/2;
        if (s.V[i] > volume) b = i;
        else a = i;
      double c = (s.V[a] - volume)/(s.V[a] - s.V[b]);
      double dz = (s.max - s.min)/(s.n - 1);
      return (s.min + a*dz)*(1. - c) + (s.min + b*dz)*c;
    double zareaval (Zarea s, double z)
      double dz = (s.max - s.min)/(s.n - 1);
      int j = (z - s.min)/dz;
      assert (j >= 0 && j < s.n - 1);
    #if 0  
      printf ("A %d %g %g %g\n", j, s.A[j], s.A[j+1],
    	  s.A[j] + (z - s.min)/dz*(s.A[j+1] - s.A[j]));
      return s.A[j] + (z - s.min)/dz*(s.A[j+1] - s.A[j]);
    double barycenter (Zarea s, double z1, double z2)
      if (z1 == z2)
        return z1;
      assert (z1 >= s.min && z1 < z2 && z2 <= s.max);
      int n = 1;
      double dz = (z2 - z1)/n, sz = 0., sa = 0., z = z1 + dz/2.;
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        double a = zareaval (s, z);
        sa += a, sz += z*a, z += dz;
      //  printf ("# %g %g %g\n", z1, z2, sz/sa);
      return sz/sa;
    typedef struct {
      double rho, dv, z;
    } Parcel;
    int heavier_than (const void * a, const void * b)
      Parcel * p1 = (Parcel *)a, * p2 = (Parcel *)b;
      return p1->rho > p2->rho ? -1 : 1;
    double energy (double * PE = NULL, double * KE = NULL)
      double vPE = 0., vKE = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:vPE) reduction(+:vKE)) {
        double z = zb[];
        foreach_layer() {
          z += h[]/2;
          double mass = h[]*dv()*(1. + drho(T[]));
          vPE += mass*z;
    #if NH
          vKE += mass*sq(w[])/2.;
    	vKE += mass*sq(u.x[])/2.;
          z += h[]/2;
      vPE *= G;
      if (PE) *PE = vPE;
      if (KE) *KE = vKE;
      return vPE + vKE;
    // Parallel sort
    size_t psort (void ** base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
    	      int (* compar)(const void *, const void *))
    #if _MPI // fixme: sorting is not done in parallel
      // Number of MPI processes and current rank
      int nproc, rank;
      MPI_Comm_size (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
      MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
      int counts[nproc];
      // Each process tells the root how many elements it holds
      nmemb *= size;
      MPI_Gather (&nmemb, 1, MPI_INT, counts, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      // Displacements in the receive buffer for MPI_GATHERV
      int disps[nproc];
      // Displacement for the first chunk of data - 0
      for (int i = 0; i < nproc; i++)
        disps[i] = i > 0 ? (disps[i - 1] + counts[i - 1]) : 0;
      if (rank == 0) {
        size_t nmemb1 = disps[nproc-1] + counts[nproc-1];
        void * alldata = malloc (nmemb1);
        MPI_Gatherv (*base, nmemb, MPI_BYTE,
    		 alldata, counts, disps, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        free (*base);
        *base = alldata;
        nmemb = nmemb1/size;
        qsort (*base, nmemb, size, compar);
        MPI_Gatherv (*base, nmemb, MPI_BYTE,
    		 NULL, counts, disps, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      qsort (*base, nmemb, size, compar);
      return nmemb;
    // Resting Potential Energy: see e.g. Ilicak et al, 2012, Appendix A
    double RPE (int n = 100)
      double A[n], V[n];
      Zarea vol = zarea (zb, A, V, n);
    #if 0
      for (int i = 0; i < vol.n; i++) {
        double dz = (vol.max - vol.min)/(vol.n - 1);
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", vol.min + i*dz, V[i], - statsf (zb).sum);
      for (double volume = 0.; volume <= V[vol.n-1]; volume += V[vol.n-1]/35.)
        printf ("%g %g\n", volumez (vol, volume), volume);
      exit (0);
      long nb = 0;
      foreach_leaf() nb++;
      nb *= nl;
      Parcel * p = malloc (sizeof(Parcel)*nb);
      long i = 0;
        foreach_layer() {
          assert (i < nb);
          p[i++] = (Parcel){ 1. + drho(T[]), h[]*dv() };
      nb = psort ((void **) &p, nb, sizeof (Parcel), heavier_than);
      double RPE = HUGE;
      if (pid() == 0) {
        RPE = 0.;
        double volume = 0.;
        double z = vol.min;
        for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++)
          if (p[i].dv > 0.) {
    	volume += p[i].dv;
    #if 1
    	double Az, zt = area_z2 (&vol, z, p[i].dv, &Az);
    	p[i].z = Az/p[i].dv;
    	RPE += p[i].rho*Az; // see e.g. (1) in Ilicak et al, 2012
    	double zt = volumez (vol, volume);
    	p[i].z = barycenter (vol, z, zt);
    	//	fprintf (stderr, "&& %g %g %g %g\n", zt, zt1, p[i].z, Az/p[i].dv);
    	p[i].z = Az/p[i].dv;
    	RPE += p[i].rho*p[i].z*p[i].dv; // see e.g. (1) in Ilicak et al, 2012
    	//	fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g %g\n", p[i].rho, p[i].dv, p[i].z, zt);
    	z = zt;	
      //  fprintf (stdout, "****\n");
      mpi_all_reduce (RPE, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN);
      free (p);
      return RPE*G;

