
    Multilayer solver with surface tension

    This file adds surface tension to the multilayer solver i.e. the Laplace pressure applied on the free surface as \displaystyle (\mathbf{T_{liquid}} - \mathbf{T_{gas}}) \cdot \mathbf{n} = - \rho \sigma \kappa\mathbf{n} with T, the stress tensors respectively in the gas and in the liquid, \rho \sigma the surface tension coefficient, and \kappa the curvature of the free-surface.

    Note that this file is also compatible with the implicit free-surface extension and with the non-hydrostatic extension. In both cases the Laplace pressure term is treated implicitly and does not restrict the timestep.

    The default surface tension coefficient \sigma is constant and equal to unity.

    (const) scalar sigma[] = 1.;

    Laplace pressure

    The Laplace pressure corresponds to a barotropic pressure \phi(x) = - \rho \sigma \kappa that is added to the hydrostatic equations (term in blue). \displaystyle \begin{aligned} \partial_t h_k + \mathbf{{\nabla}} \cdot \left( h \mathbf{u} \right)_k & = 0,\\ \partial_t \left( h \mathbf{u} \right)_k + \mathbf{{\nabla}} \cdot \left( h \mathbf{u} \mathbf{u} \right)_k & = - gh_k \mathbf{{\nabla}} (\eta) \color{blue} + h_k \mathbf{{\nabla}} (\sigma \kappa) \end{aligned}


    We will need auxilliary fields containing the “non-linear surface tension coefficients”, which are \displaystyle \sigma_n = \frac{\sigma}{n} in one dimension and \displaystyle \begin{aligned} \sigma_x & = \sigma \frac{1 + (\partial_y\eta)^2}{n} \\ \sigma_y & = \sigma \frac{1 + (\partial_x\eta)^2}{n} \\ \sigma_n & = - 2 \sigma \frac{\partial_x\eta \partial_y\eta}{n} \end{aligned} in two dimensions, with \displaystyle n = (1 + |\mathbf{\nabla}\eta|^2)^{3/2}

    scalar sigma_n;
    #if dimension > 1
    vector sigma_d;

    We overload the default definition of the barotropic acceleration in hydro.h which becomes \displaystyle \mathbf{a}_\text{baro} = - g \mathbf{{\nabla}} (\eta) \color{blue} + \mathbf{{\nabla}} (\sigma \kappa) where \sigma \kappa is computed as \displaystyle \sigma \kappa = \sigma_n \frac{\partial^2\eta}{\partial x^2} in two dimensions and \displaystyle \sigma \kappa = \sigma_x \frac{\partial^2\eta}{\partial x^2} + \sigma_y \frac{\partial^2\eta}{\partial y^2} + \sigma_n \frac{\partial^2\eta}{\partial x y} in three dimensions.

    In 3D, the weighing with the 0.2 coefficient is necessary to avoid odd-even decoupling.

    #if dimension == 1
    # define sigma_kappa(eta, i)					\
      (sigma_n[i]*(eta[i+1] + eta[i-1] - 2.*eta[i])/sq(Delta))
    #else // dimension == 2
    # define sigma_kappa(eta, i)						\
      ((sigma_d.x[i]*(0.2*(eta[i+1,1] + eta[i-1,1] - 2.*eta[i,1] +		\
    		       eta[i+1,-1] + eta[i-1,-1] - 2.*eta[i,-1]) +	\
    		  eta[i+1] + eta[i-1] - 2.*eta[i])/(1. + 2.*0.2) +	\
        sigma_d.y[i]*(0.2*(eta[i+1,1] + eta[i+1,-1] - 2.*eta[i+1] +		\
    		       eta[i-1,1] + eta[i-1,-1] - 2.*eta[i-1]) +	\
    		  eta[i,1] + eta[i,-1] - 2.*eta[i])/(1. + 2.*0.2) +	\
        sigma_n[i]*(eta[i+1,1] + eta[i-1,-1] -				\
    		eta[i+1,-1] - eta[i-1,1]))/sq(Delta))
    #endif // dimension == 2
    #define p_baro(eta,i) (- G*eta[i] +	sigma_kappa(eta, i))
    #define a_baro(eta, i)						\
      (gmetric(i)*(p_baro (eta, i) - p_baro (eta, i - 1))/Delta)
    #include "layered/hydro.h"

    The non-linear surface tension coefficient(s) are defined using the surface elevation at the beginning of the timestep.

    event face_fields (i++)
      sigma_n = new scalar;
    #if dimension > 1
      scalar dx = new scalar, dy = new scalar;
      sigma_d.x = dx, sigma_d.y = dy;
      foreach() {
        double n = 1.;
        coord dh;
        foreach_dimension() {
          dh.x = (eta[1] - eta[-1])/(2.*Delta);
          n += sq(dh.x);
        n = pow(n, 3./2.);
    #if dimension == 1
        sigma_n[] = sigma[]/n;
        sigma_n[] = - sigma[]*dh.x*dh.y/(2.*n);
          sigma_d.x[] = sigma[]*(1. + sq(dh.y))/n;
    #if dimension == 1
      boundary ({sigma_n});
      restriction ({sigma_n});
      boundary ({sigma_n, sigma_d});
      restriction ({sigma_n, sigma_d});

    In the case of a time-explicit integration (as controlled by CFL_H), we need to restrict the timestep based on the celerity of capillary waves (and not only gravity waves as done by the default solver). To do so, we imitate the code in hydro.h which sets dtmax, but take into account the celerity of the shortest capillary waves (of wavelength 2\Delta).

      foreach_face (reduction (min:dtmax)) {
        double H = 0., um = 0.;
        foreach_layer() {
          double hl = h[-1] > dry ? h[-1] : 0.;
          double hr = h[] > dry ? h[] : 0.;
          double uf = hl > 0. || hr > 0. ? (hl*u.x[-1] + hr*u.x[])/(hl + hr) : 0.;
          if (fabs(uf) > um)
    	um = fabs(uf);
          H += (h[] + h[-1])/2.;
        if (H > dry) {
          double c = um/CFL + sqrt((G + max(sigma[], sigma[-1])*sq(pi/Delta))*
    			       (hydrostatic ? H : Delta*tanh(H/Delta)))/CFL_H;
          double dt = min(cm[], cm[-1])*Delta/(c*fm.x[]);
          if (dt < dtmax)
    	dtmax = dt;

    At the end of the timestep we delete the auxilliary fields.

    event pressure (i++) {
      delete ({sigma_n});
    #if dimension > 1
      delete ((scalar *){sigma_d});

