
    Diapycnal “entrainment” and “detrainment”

    This implements the entrainment/detrainment between isopycnal layers briefly described in Hurlburt & Hogan, 2000, section 2, equations 1), 2) and 3).

    omr is the average entrainment velocity between layers (\tilde{\omega}_k in H&H, 2000) and Cm is the coefficient of additional interfacial friction associated with entrainment (C_M in H&H, 2000). They are parameters provided by the user.

    extern double omr, Cm;

    The maximum and minimum layer thicknesses (h_k^+ and h_k^- respectively in H&H, 2000) are provided by the user and used to define the weighing factors appearing in the definition of the “diapycnal mixing velocities” \omega_k^+ and \omega_k^- in H&H, 2000.

    extern double * hmin, * hmax;
    #define wmin(h,hmin) (h >= hmin ? 0. : sq((hmin - h)/hmin))
    #define wmax(h,hmax) (h <= hmax ? 0. : sq((h - hmax)/hmax))

    These come from the multilayer solver.

    extern scalar * hl;
    extern double dt, dry;

    This will store the initial volume of the isopycnal layers, which will be conserved by entrainment and detrainment.

    static double * vhi = NULL;
    event viscous_term (i++)

    If the average entrainment velocity is negative or null, we do nothing.

      if (omr <= 0.)
        return 0;

    We compute and store the initial volume of each layer.

      if (vhi == NULL) {
        vhi = malloc (sizeof(double)*nl);
          vhi[_layer] = statsf(h).sum;

    We compute the volumed-averaged entrainment/detrainment for each layer (bottom layer excepted).

      double oma[nl], wa[nl];
      for (int l = 0; l < nl; l++)
        oma[l] = wa[l] = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:oma[:nl]) reduction(+:wa[:nl]))
        for (int l = nl - 1; l >= 1; l--) {
          double om = omr*(wmin((h[0,0,l]), hmin[l]) - wmax((h[0,0,l]), hmax[l]));
          if (h[0,0,l] + dt*om > dry && h[0,0,l-1] - dt*om > dry)
    	oma[l] += dv()*om, wa[l] += dv();

    The local entrainment/detrainment is then applied as the sum of a global contribution and a local contribution which depends on the local thickness.

      foreach() {
        double hn[nl];
        coord un[nl];
        foreach_layer() {
          hn[point.l] = h[];
    	un[point.l].x = h[]*u.x[];
        for (int l = nl - 1; l >= 1; l--) {
          double om = omr*(wmin((h[0,0,l]), hmin[l]) - wmax((h[0,0,l]), hmax[l]));
          if (h[0,0,l] + dt*om > dry && h[0,0,l-1] - dt*om > dry) {
    	om -= oma[l]/wa[l];
    	hn[l] += dt*om;
    	hn[l - 1] -= dt*om;

    These are the entrainment and detrainment terms for the velocity components in eqs. 1) and 2) of H&H, 2000.

    	int lum = om >= 0 ? l - 1 : l;
    	foreach_dimension() {
    	  double flux = dt*om*(u.x[0,0,lum]*(1. + Cm) - Cm*u.x[0,0,l]);
    	  un[l].x     += flux;
    	  un[l - 1].x -= flux;

    We then update h and u.

        foreach_layer() {
          h[] = hn[point.l];
    	u.x[] = h[] > dry ? un[point.l].x/h[] : 0.;

    We then enforce the conservation of the volume of each layer using a global average flux.

      double eh[nl];
        eh[_layer] = vhi[_layer]/statsf(h).sum;
      foreach() {
        double hnew[nl];
        coord hu[nl];
        foreach_layer() {
          hnew[point.l] = h[]*eh[point.l];
    	hu[point.l].x = h[]*u.x[];
        for (int l = nl - 1; l >= 1; l--) {
          double dh = hnew[l] - h[0,0,l];
          if ((dh < 0. && h[0,0,l] + dh > dry && h[0,0,l-1] > dry) ||
    	  (dh > 0. && h[0,0,l-1] - dh > dry)) {
    	h[0,0,l] += dh;
    	h[0,0,l-1] -= dh;
    	int ul = dh > 0. ? l - 1 : l;
    	foreach_dimension() {
    	  hu[l].x += dh*u.x[0,0,ul];
    	  hu[l - 1].x -= dh*u.x[0,0,ul];
    #if 0 // fixme: should be included??
    	u.x[] = h[] > dry ? hu[point.l].x/h[] : 0.;

    We free the allocated fields to avoid memory leaks.

    event cleanup (t = end)
      if (vhi)
        free (vhi), vhi = NULL;



    Harley E Hurlburt and Patrick J Hogan. Impact of 1/8 to 1/64 resolution on Gulf Stream model–data comparisons in basin-scale subtropical Atlantic Ocean models. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 32(3-4):283–329, 2000. [ DOI | .pdf ]

