Boundary fluxes for the Gulf-Stream simulation
This implements the “ports” described in Hurlburt & Hogan, 2000, section 3, page 289:
“The nonlinear simulations also include effects of the global thermohaline circulation via ports in the northern and southern model boundaries, including a southward DWBC and a northward upper ocean return flow.”
[hurlburt2000] |
Harley E Hurlburt and Patrick J Hogan. Impact of 1/8 to 1/64 resolution on Gulf Stream model–data comparisons in basin-scale subtropical Atlantic Ocean models. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 32(3-4):283–329, 2000. [ DOI | .pdf ] |
These functions are non-zero at the locations (lon/lat) of the southern and northern ports. These locations are not precisely specified in H&H, 2000 (see Note b of Table 2 in H&H, 2000).
#define northern_flux() (x > -50 && x < - 40 && y > 50.5 && val(zbs,0,0,0) < -4000)
#define southern_flux() (x > -60 && x < - 50 && y < 9.5 && val(zbs,0,0,0) < - 4000)
event viscous_term (i++)
In order to distribute the fluxes within each layer, we first compute the volume of the northern and southern ports, for each layer.
double sht[nl], shb[nl];
for (int l = 0; l < nl; l++)
sht[l] = shb[l] = 0.;
foreach(reduction(+:sht[:nl]) reduction(+:shb[:nl]))
foreach_layer() {
sht[point.l] += northern_flux()*fmax(h[] - hmin[point.l]/10., 0.)*dv();
shb[point.l] += southern_flux()*fmax(h[] - hmin[point.l]/10., 0.)*dv();
The fluxes (in m3/s i.e. Sverdrups/106) are given in Table 2 of H&H, 2000.
See also the 2nd paragraph page 295 which discusses in more detail the chosen fluxes and their control of the northward, southward (Deep Western Boundary Current) and upward currents.
static const double northern[] =
{ 0., - 0.33e6, - 2.33e6, - 4.84e6, - 6.5e6 };
static const double southern[] =
{ 0., 0.33e6, 2.33e6, 4.84e6, 6.5e6 };
static const double factor = 0.9;
static const double northern[] =
{ + 14e6, - 0.33e6, - 2e6*factor - 0.33e6, - 4.5e6*factor - 0.34e6, - 6.5e6*factor };
static const double southern[] =
{ - 13e6, 0., 2e6*factor, 4.5e6*factor, 6.5e6*factor };
The fluxes are imposed using a thickness-weighted sum over the northern and southern ports.