
    Drawing functions for Basilisk View

    #include "fractions.h"
    #include "gl/font.h"

    clear(): removes all objects previously drawn

    void clear()
      bview * view = get_view();
      if (view->active)
        view->active = false;

    view(): sets up viewing parameters

    • tx, ty: shifts the camera center point.
    • fov: changes the field-of-view.
    • quat[]: the quaternion defining the camera angles.
    • sx, sy, sz: stretch factors for each axis.
    • width, height, samples: the width and height (in pixels) of the image to render (default is 800 x 800). The image can optionally be generated by first rendering an image with samples times more pixels in each direction followed by subsampling. This provides a form of antialiasing. Default is four samples.
    • bg[]: an array of red, green, blue values between 0 and 1 which defines the background color.
    • theta, phi, psi: Euler-like angles (in radians), used (instead of quat[]) to define the camera angle.
    • relative: whether the theta and phi angles are absolute or relative to the current position (i.e. increments of the current angles).
    • tz, near, far: an alternative way of specifying the camera, compatible with the camera parameters in interactive Basilisk View.
    • camera: predefined camera angles: “left”, “right”, “top”, “bottom”, “front”, “back” and “iso”.
    • map: an optional coordinate mapping function.
    • cache: the maximum number of cached compiled expressions.
    void view (float tx = 0., float ty = 0.,
    	   float fov = 0.,
    	   float quat[4] = {0},
    	   float sx = 1., float sy = 1., float sz = 1.,
    	   unsigned width = 800, unsigned height = 800, unsigned samples = 4,
    	   float bg[3] = {0},
    	   float theta = 0., float phi = 0., float psi = 0.,
    	   bool relative = false,
    	   float tz = 0., float near = 0., float far = 0.,
    	   float res = 0.,
    	   char * camera = NULL,
    	   MapFunc map = NULL,
    	   int cache = 0,
    	   float p1x = 0., float p1y = 0., float p2x = 0., float p2y = 0.,
    	   bview * view1 = NULL)
      bview * v = view1 ? view1 : get_view();
      if (fov) {
        if (relative)
          v->fov += (0.1 + 3.*v->fov)*fov;
          v->fov = fov;
        v->fov = clamp(v->fov,0.01,100.);
      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (quat[i]) {
          for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
    	v->quat[j] = quat[j];
      v->tx = relative ? v->tx + tx*0.02*(0.01 + 3.*v->fov) : tx;
      v->ty = relative ? v->ty + ty*0.02*(0.01 + 3.*v->fov) : ty;
      v->sx = sx;
      v->sy = sy;
      v->sz = sz;
      if (bg[0] || bg[1] || bg[2])
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          v->bg[i] = bg[i];
      if (camera) {
        v->gfsview = false;
        if (strlen(camera) >= 4 &&
    	!strcmp (&camera[strlen(camera) - 4], ".gfv")) {
          FILE * fp = fopen (camera, "r");
          if (!fp) {
    	perror (camera);
    	exit (1);
          char s[81];
          float q[4], fov;
          int nq = 0, nf = 0;
          while (fgets (s, 81, fp) && (!nq || !nf)) {
    	if (!nq)
    	  nq = sscanf (s, "  q0 = %f q1 = %f q2 = %f q3 = %f",
    		       &q[0], &q[1], &q[2], &q[3]);
    	if (!nf)
    	  nf = sscanf (s, "  fov = %f", &fov);
          if (nq != 4 || nf != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "%s: not a valid gfv file\n", camera);
    	exit (1);
          for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
    	v->quat[j] = q[j];
          v->fov = fov;
          v->gfsview = true;
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "left"))
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,1,0}, - pi/2., v->quat);
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "right"))
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,1,0}, pi/2., v->quat);
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "top"))
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){1,0,0}, - pi/2., v->quat);
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "bottom"))
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){1,0,0}, pi/2., v->quat);
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "front"))
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,0,1}, 0., v->quat);
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "back"))
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,1,0}, pi, v->quat);
        else if (!strcmp (camera, "iso")) {
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,1,0}, pi/4., v->quat);
          float q[4];
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){1,0,0}, - pi/4., q);
          gl_add_quats(q, v->quat, v->quat);
        else {
          fprintf (stderr, "view(): unknown camera '%s'\n", camera);
          exit (1);
      else if (theta || phi || psi) {
        v->gfsview = false;
        float q[4];
        gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){1,0,0}, - phi, q);
        if (relative) {
          float q1[4];
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,1,0}, theta, q1);
          gl_add_quats(q, q1, q1);
          float q2[4];
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,0,1}, psi, q2);
          gl_add_quats(q1, q2, q2);
          gl_add_quats(q2, v->quat, v->quat);
        else {
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,1,0}, theta, v->quat);
          gl_add_quats(q, v->quat, v->quat);
          gl_axis_to_quat ((float[]){0,0,1}, psi, q);
          gl_add_quats(q, v->quat, v->quat);
      if (map)
        v->map = map;
      if (p1x || p1y || p2x || p2y) { // trackball
        float q[4];
        gl_trackball(q, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y);
        gl_add_quats (q, v->quat, v->quat);
      if (far > near) {
        v->tz = tz;
        v->far = far;
        v->near = near;
      if (res)
        v->res = res;
      if ((width && width != v->width) ||
          (height && height != v->height) ||
          (samples && samples != v->samples)) {
        v->width = v->width/v->samples;
        v->height = v->height/v->samples;
        if (width) v->width = width;
        if (height) v->height = height;
        if (samples) v->samples = samples;
        v->width *= v->samples;
        v->height *= v->samples;
        framebuffer_destroy (v->fb);
        /* OpenGL somehow generates floating-point exceptions... turn them off */
        disable_fpe (FE_DIVBYZERO|FE_INVALID);
        v->fb = framebuffer_new (v->width, v->height);
        enable_fpe (FE_DIVBYZERO|FE_INVALID);    
      if (cache > 0) {
        v->cache = calloc (1, sizeof (cexpr));
        v->maxlen = cache;

    translate(): translates the origin.

    The block following this command will be drawn in a translated coordinate system.

    void begin_translate (float x = 0, float y = 0., float z = 0.)
      bview * view = draw();
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      glTranslatef (x, y, z);
      gl_get_frustum (&view->frustum);
    void end_translate()
      bview * view = draw();
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      gl_get_frustum (&view->frustum);

    mirror(): symmetry relative to a plane.

    The block following this command will be drawn in a coordinate system symmetric relative to the given plane. The plane is given by n and \alpha as explained in squares().

    void begin_mirror (coord n = {0}, double alpha = 0.)
      bview * view = draw();
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      normalize (&n);
      GLfloat s[16], t[16];
      s[0] = 1. - 2.*n.x*n.x;
      s[1] = - 2.*n.x*n.y;  s[2] = - 2.*n.x*n.z;
      s[3] = 0.;
      s[4] = s[1];
      s[5] = 1. - 2.*n.y*n.y; s[6] = - 2.*n.y*n.z;
      s[7] = 0.;
      s[8] = s[2];   s[9] = s[6];  s[10] = 1. - 2.*n.z*n.z; 
      s[11] = 0.;
      s[12] = 0.;    s[13] = 0.;   s[14] = 0.;                    
      s[15] = 1.;
      t[0] = 1.;  t[1] = 0.;   t[2] = 0.;  t[3] = 0.;
      t[4] = 0.;  t[5] = 1.;   t[6] = 0.;  t[7] = 0.;
      t[8] = 0.;  t[9] = 0.;   t[10] = 1.; t[11] = 0.;
      t[12] = - 2.*n.x*alpha; 
      t[13] = - 2.*n.y*alpha;  
      t[14] = - 2.*n.z*alpha; 
      t[15] = 1.;
      matrix_multiply (s, t);
      glMultMatrixf (s);
      gl_get_frustum (&view->frustum);
      view->reversed = !view->reversed;
    void end_mirror() {
      bview * view = draw();
      view->reversed = !view->reversed;

    Utility functions

    The tree structure is used to traverse only the cells which are within the field of view of the camera.

    static void mapped_position (bview * view, coord * p, double * r)
      double x = p->x, y = p->y, z = p->z, rm = 0.;
      view->map (p);
      for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2)
        for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2)
          for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k += 2) {
    	coord q = {x + i**r, y + j**r, z + k**r};
    	view->map (&q);
    	double pq = sq(p->x - q.x) + sq(p->y - q.y) + sq(p->z - q.z);
    	if (pq > rm)
    	  rm = pq;
      *r = sqrt (rm);
    @def foreach_visible(view)
    foreach_cell() {
    #if dimension == 2
      double _r = Delta*0.71;
    #else // dimension == 3
      double _r = Delta*0.87;
      coord _p = {x, y, z};
      if ((view)->map)
        mapped_position (view, &_p, &_r);
      if (VertexBuffer.visible &&
          !sphere_in_frustum (_p.x, _p.y, _p.z, _r, &(view)->frustum))
      if (is_leaf(cell) ||
          (VertexBuffer.visible &&
           sphere_diameter (_p.x, _p.y, _p.z, _r/L0, &(view)->frustum)
           < (view)->res)) {
        if (is_active(cell) && is_local(cell)) {
    @def end_foreach_visible()

    A similar technique can be used to traverse the cells which are both visible and intersected by a plane defined by \displaystyle n_x x + n_y y + n_z z = \alpha

    #if dimension == 3
    static void glnormal3d (bview * view, double x, double y, double z) {
      // fixme: mapping? (see glvertex3d)
      if (view->gfsview || view->reversed)
        glNormal3d (- x, - y, - z);
        glNormal3d (x, y, z);
    @def foreach_visible_plane(view, n1, alpha1)
    coord _n = {(n1).x, (n1).y, (n1).z};
    double _alpha = 0.9999999*(alpha1);
      double norm = sqrt(sq(_n.x) + sq(_n.y) + sq(_n.z));
      if (!norm)
        _n.z = 1.;
        _n.x /= norm, _n.y /= norm, _n.z /= norm, _alpha /= norm;
    glnormal3d (view, _n.x, _n.y, _n.z); // do not use normal inversion
    foreach_cell() {
      // fixme: coordinate mapping
      double _r = Delta*0.87, alpha = (_alpha - _n.x*x - _n.y*y - _n.z*z)/Delta;
      if (fabs(alpha) > 0.87 ||
          (VertexBuffer.visible &&
           !sphere_in_frustum (x, y, z, _r, &(view)->frustum)))
      if (is_leaf(cell) ||
          (VertexBuffer.visible &&
           sphere_diameter (x, y, z, _r/L0, &(view)->frustum) < (view)->res)) {
        if (is_active(cell) && is_local(cell)) {
    @def end_foreach_visible_plane()
    #endif // dimension == 3
    static bool _reversed = false;
    static void begin_draw_lines (bview * view, float color[3], float lw)
      glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
      glTranslatef (0., 0., view->lc*view->fov/24.);
      glColor3f (color[0], color[1], color[2]);
      glLineWidth (view->samples*(lw > 0. ? lw : 1.));
      _reversed = view->reversed;
      view->reversed = false;
    static void end_draw_lines()
      glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
      bview * view = draw();
      view->reversed = _reversed;
    static inline double interp (Point point, coord p, scalar col) {
      return interpolate_linear (point, col,
    			     x + p.x*Delta, y + p.y*Delta, z + p.z*Delta);
    static double evaluate_expression (Point point, Node * n)
      assert (n);
      switch (n->type) {
      case '1': return n->d.value;
      case '+': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) +
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '-': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) -
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '*': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) *
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '/': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) /
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '^': return pow (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]),
    			evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '>': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) >
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '<': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) <
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case 'L': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) <=
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case 'G': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) >=
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '=': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) ==
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case 'i': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) !=
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case 'O': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) ||
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case 'A': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) &&
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]));
      case '?': return (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]) ?
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[1]) :
    		    evaluate_expression(point, n->e[2]));
      case 'm': return - evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]);
      case 'f': return n->d.func (evaluate_expression (point, n->e[0]));
      case 'v': {
        scalar s = {n->s};
        int k[3] = {0,0,0};
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          if (n->e[i])
    	k[i] = evaluate_expression (point, n->e[i]);
        return s[k[0],k[1],k[2]];
      case 'D': return Delta;
      case 'x': return x;
      case 'y': return y;
      case 'z': return z;
        fprintf (stderr, "unknown operation type '%c'\n", n->type);
        assert (false);
      return undefined;
    static bool assemble_node (Node * n)
      if (n->type == 'v') {
        char * id = n->;
        scalar s = lookup_field (id);
        if (s.i >= 0)
          n->s = s.i;
        else {
          n->s = -1;
          if (!strcmp (id, "Delta"))
    	reset_node_type (n, 'D');
          else if (!strcmp (id, "x"))
    	reset_node_type (n, 'x');
          else if (!strcmp (id, "y"))
    	reset_node_type (n, 'y');
          else if (!strcmp (id, "z"))
    	reset_node_type (n, 'z');
          else {
    	typedef struct { char * name; double val; } Constant;
    	static Constant constants[] = {
    	  {"pi",     pi },
    	  {"nodata", nodata },
    	  {"HUGE",   HUGE },
    	  { NULL },
    	Constant * p = constants;
    	while (p->name) {
    	  if (!strcmp (p->name, id)) {
    	    reset_node_type (n, '1');
    	    n->d.value = p->val;
    	if (n->type == 'v') {
    	  fprintf (stderr, "unknown identifier '%s'\n", id);
    	  return false;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        if (n->e[i] && !assemble_node (n->e[i]))
          return false;
      return true;
    static scalar compile_expression (char * expr, bool * isexpr)
      *isexpr = false;
      if (!expr)
        return (scalar){-1};
      bview * view = get_view();
      scalar s;
      if (view->cache && (s = get_cexpr (view->cache, expr)).i >= 0)
        return s;
      Node * node = parse_node (expr);
      if (node == NULL) {
        fprintf (stderr, "'%s': syntax error\n", expr);
        return (scalar){-1};
      if (!assemble_node (node)) {
        free_node (node);
        return (scalar){-1};
      if (node->type == 'v' && node->e[0] == NULL) {
        scalar s = {node->s};
        if (s.block > 0) {
          free_node (node);
          return s;
      s = new scalar;
      free (; = strdup (expr);
        s[] = evaluate_expression (point, node);
      restriction ({s});
      free_node (node);
      if (view->cache)
        view->cache = add_cexpr (view->cache, view->maxlen, expr, s);
        *isexpr = true;
      return s;
    #define colorize_args()							\
      scalar col = {-1};							\
      if (color && strcmp (color, "level")) {				\
        col = compile_expression (color, &expr);				\
        if (col.i < 0)							\
          return false;							\
      }									\
      double cmap[NCMAP][3];						\
      if (color) {								\
        if (min == 0 && max == 0) {						\
          if (col.i < 0) /* level */					\
    	min = 0, max = depth();						\
          else {								\
    	stats s = statsf (col);						\
    	double avg = s.sum/s.volume;					\
    	if (spread < 0.)						\
    	  min = s.min, max = s.max;					\
    	else {								\
    	  if (!spread) spread = 5.;					\
    	  min = avg - spread*s.stddev; max = avg + spread*s.stddev;	\
    	}								\
          }									\
        }									\
        if (!map)								\
          map = jet;							\
        (* map) (cmap);							\
      }									\
      if ((dimension > 2 || linear) &&					\
          !fc[0] && !fc[1] && !fc[2])					\
        fc[0] = fc[1] = fc[2] = 1.;						\
      if (cbar)								\
        colorbar (map, size, pos, label, lscale, min, max,			\
    	      horizontal, border, mid,					\
    	      lc, lw, fsize, format, levels);
    #define color_facet()							\
      if (color && (!linear || col.i < 0)) {				\
        Color b = colormap_color (cmap, col.i < 0 ?				\
    			      (double) level : val(col,0,0,0),		\
    			      min, max);				\
        glColor3f (b.r/255., b.g/255., b.b/255.);				\
    #define color_vertex(val)						\
      if (color && linear && col.i >= 0) {					\
        if (VertexBuffer.color) {						\
          Color b = colormap_color (cmap, val, min, max);			\
          glColor3f (b.r/255., b.g/255., b.b/255.);				\
        }									\
        else {								\
          double _v = val;							\
          if (max > min)							\
    	glTexCoord1d (clamp(((_v) - min)/(max - min), 0., 1.));		\
          else								\
    	glTexCoord1d (0.);						\
        }									\
    static void begin_colorized (float fc[3], bool constant_color,
    			     double cmap[NCMAP][3], bool use_texture)
      // do not use textures for vector graphics
      if (use_texture) {
        GLfloat texture[3*256];
        for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
          Color j = colormap_color (cmap, i/255., 0, 1);
          texture[3*i] = j.r/255.;
          texture[3*i + 1] = j.g/255.;
          texture[3*i + 2] = j.b/255.;
        glTexImage1D (GL_TEXTURE_1D, 0, GL_RGB, 256,0, GL_RGB, GL_FLOAT, texture);
        glEnable (GL_TEXTURE_1D);
      if (constant_color)
        glColor3f (fc[0], fc[1], fc[2]);
    static void end_colorized() {
      glDisable (GL_TEXTURE_1D);
    #define colorize() colorized (fc, !VertexBuffer.color || !color,	\
    			      cmap, !VertexBuffer.color &&		\
    			      color && linear && col.i >= 0)

    colorbar(): draws a colorbar.

    • map: the colormap.
    • size: the size.
    • pos: the relative screen position (default is lower-left corner).
    • label: a label.
    • lscale: the label scale factor.
    • min, max: the range.
    • horizontal: true for anb horizontal colorbar.
    • border: adds a border.
    • mid: adds a mid-value label.
    • lc: the line color.
    • lw: the line width.
    • fsize: another size.
    • format: how to format numbers.
    • levels: the number of subdivisions.

    Note that this cannot be used with jview (yet) because it mixes surface and line rendering.

    bool colorbar (Colormap map = jet, float size = 15, float pos[2] = {-.95, -.95},
    	       char * label = "", double lscale = 1, double min = -HUGE,
    	       double max = HUGE, bool horizontal = false, bool border = false,
    	       bool mid = false, float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 3, float fsize = 50,
    	       char * format = "%g", int levels = 50)
      bview * view = draw();
      glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
      glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      float fheight = gl_StrokeHeight();
      if (!size)
        size = 15;
      float width  = 2./size;
      if (levels < 1) levels = 1;
      float h = 0, height = 4*width, dh = height/levels;
      glTranslatef (pos[0], pos[1], 0);
      // The colorbar itself
      double cmap [NCMAP][3];
      (* map) (cmap);
      for (int i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
        Color c = colormap_color (cmap, (float)i/(levels - 1), 0, 1);
        glColor3f (c.r/255., c.g/255., c.b/255.);
        if (horizontal) {
          glVertex2d (h + dh, 0);
          glVertex2d (h + dh, width);
          glVertex2d (h, width);
          glVertex2d (h, 0);
        } else {
          glVertex2d (0, h + dh);
          glVertex2d (width, h + dh);
          glVertex2d (width, h);
          glVertex2d (0, h);
        h += dh;
      glLineWidth (view->samples*(lw > 0. ? lw : 1.));
      glColor3f (lc[0], lc[1], lc[2]);
      // A border around the color scale
      if (border) {
        glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
        glVertex2f (0, 0);
        if (horizontal) {
          glVertex2f (0, width);
          glVertex2f (height, width);
          glVertex2f (height, 0);
        } else {
          glVertex2f (width, 0);
          glVertex2f (width, height);
          glVertex2f (0, height);
      // Min and max values when specified
      float fwidth = gl_StrokeWidth ('1');
      if (!fsize)
        fsize = 20;
      float hscale = 2./(fsize*fwidth), vscale = hscale*view->width/view->height;
      char str[99];
      glColor3f (lc[0], lc[1], lc[2]);
      if (horizontal) 
        glTranslatef (0, -(fheight/(view->height)), 0);
        glTranslatef (width, -(fheight/(3*view->height)), 0);
      glScalef (hscale, vscale, 1.);
      sprintf (str, format, min);
      if (min > -HUGE) {
        if (horizontal) 
          glTranslatef (-fwidth*(strlen(str) - 1)/2, 0, 0);
        glScalef (lscale, lscale, 1.);
        gl_StrokeString (str);
      if (horizontal)
        glTranslatef (height/hscale,0, 0);
        glTranslatef (0, height/vscale, 0);
      sprintf (str, format, max);
      if (max < HUGE) {
        if (horizontal)
          glTranslatef (-fwidth*(strlen(str) - 1)/2, 0, 0);
        glScalef (lscale, lscale, 1.);
        gl_StrokeString (str);
      // Add central value
      if (mid) {
        sprintf (str, format, (min + max)/2);
        if (horizontal)
          glTranslatef (-height/(2*hscale) - fwidth*(strlen(str) - 1)/2,0, 0);
          glTranslatef (0, -height/(2*vscale), 0);
        glScalef (lscale, lscale, 1.);
        gl_StrokeString (str);
      // Add label
      if (horizontal)
        glTranslatef (-height/(2*hscale) - lscale*fwidth*(strlen(label) - 1)/2, width/vscale, 0);
        glTranslatef (-width/hscale, 0, 0);
      glScalef (lscale, lscale, 1.);
      glTranslatef (0, fheight, 0);
      gl_StrokeString (label);
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
      return true;

    Parameters for an (optional) colorbar.

    #define COLORBAR_PARAMS					\
        bool cbar = false,					\
        float size = 15, float pos[2] = {-.95, -.95},	\
        char * label = "", double lscale = 1,		\
        bool horizontal = false, bool border = false,	\
        bool mid = false, float fsize = 50,  		\
        char * format = "%g", int levels = 50

    The somewhat complicated function below checks whether an interface fragment is present within a given cell. The interface is defined by the volume fraction field c. cmin is the threshold below which a fragment is considered too small.

    static bool cfilter (Point point, scalar c, double cmin)
      double cmin1 = 4.*cmin;
      if (c[] <= cmin) {
          if (c[1] >= 1. - cmin1 || c[-1] >= 1. - cmin1)
    	return true;
        return false;
      if (c[] >= 1. - cmin) {
          if (c[1] <= cmin1 || c[-1] <= cmin1)
    	return true;
        return false;
      int n = 0;
      double min = HUGE, max = - HUGE;
      foreach_neighbor(1) {
        if (c[] > cmin && c[] < 1. - cmin && ++n >= (1 << dimension))
          return true;
        if (c[] > max) max = c[];
        if (c[] < min) min = c[];
      return max - min > 0.5;
    static void glvertex3d (bview * view, double x, double y, double z) {
      if (view->map) {
        coord p = {x, y, z};
        view->map (&p);
        glVertex3d (p.x, p.y, p.z);
        glVertex3d (x, y, z);
    #if dimension <= 2
    static void glvertex2d (bview * view, double x, double y) {
      if (view->map) {
        coord p = {x, y, 0.};
        view->map (&p);
        glVertex2d (p.x, p.y);
        glVertex2d (x, y);
    static void glvertex_normal3d (bview * view, Point point, vector n,
    			       double xp, double yp, double zp)
      coord v = {(xp - x)/Delta, (yp - y)/Delta}, np;
        np.x = - interp (point, v, n.x);
      glNormal3d (np.x, np.y, 1.);
      glvertex3d (view, xp, yp, zp);
    #endif // dimension <= 2

    draw_vof(): displays VOF-reconstructed interfaces

    • c: the name (as a string) of the Volume-Of-Fluid field.
    • s: the (optional) name of the face fraction field.
    • edges: whether to display the edges or the facets.
    • larger: makes each cell larger by this factor. This helps close the gaps in the VOF interface representation. Default is 1.1 in 3D and when edges are not displayed, otherwise it is 1.
    • filled: in 2D, whether to fill the inside (1) or outside (-1).
    • color: use this field to color each interface fragment.
    • min, max: the minimum and maximum values to use for color mapping.
    • spread: the “spread factor” to use if min and max are not defined. The maximum and minimum values will be taken as the average plus or minus spread times the standard deviation. Default is 5. If negative, the minimum and maximum values of the field are used.
    • linear: if true the color will be linearly interpolated for each vertex of the facet.
    • map: the colormap to use. Default is jet.
    • fc[]: an array of red, green, blue values between 0 and 1 which defines the facet color.
    • lc[]: an array of red, green, blue values between 0 and 1 which defines the line color.
    • lw: the line width.
    bool draw_vof (char * c, char * s = NULL, bool edges = false,
    	       double larger = 0., int filled = 0,
    	       char * color = NULL,
    	       double min = 0, double max = 0, double spread = 0,
    	       bool linear = false,
    	       Colormap map = jet,
    	       float fc[3] = {0}, float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1.,
    	       bool expr = false,
      scalar d = lookup_field (c);
      if (d.i < 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "draw_vof(): no field named '%s'\n", c);
        return false;
      face vector fs = lookup_vector (s);
      double cmin = 1e-3; // do not reconstruct fragments smaller than this
    #if TREE
      // make sure we prolongate properly
      void (* prolongation) (Point, scalar) = d.prolongation;
      if (prolongation != fraction_refine) {
        d.prolongation = fraction_refine;
        d.dirty = true;
    #endif // TREE
      bview * view = draw();
    #if dimension == 2
      if (filled) {
        glColor3f (fc[0], fc[1], fc[2]);
        glNormal3d (0, 0, view->reversed ? -1 : 1);
        foreach_visible (view) {
          if ((filled > 0 && d[] >= 1.) || (filled < 0 && d[] <= 0.)) {
    	glBegin (GL_QUADS);
    	glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
          else if (d[] > 0. && d[] < 1.) {
    	coord n = facet_normal (point, d, fs), r = {1.,1.};
    	if (filled < 0)
    	    n.x = - n.x;
    	double alpha = plane_alpha (filled < 0. ? 1. - d[] : d[], n);
    	alpha += (n.x + n.y)/2.;
    	  if (n.x < 0.) alpha -= n.x, n.x = - n.x, r.x = - 1.;
    	coord v[5];
    	int nv = 0;
    	if (alpha >= 0. && alpha <= n.x) {
    	  v[nv].x = alpha/n.x, v[nv++].y = 0.;
    	  if (alpha <= n.y)
    	    v[nv].x = 0., v[nv++].y = alpha/n.y;
    	  else if (alpha >= n.y && alpha - n.y <= n.x) {
    	    v[nv].x = (alpha - n.y)/n.x, v[nv++].y = 1.;
    	    v[nv].x = 0., v[nv++].y = 1.;
    	  v[nv].x = 0., v[nv++].y = 0.;
    	else if (alpha >= n.x && alpha - n.x <= n.y) {
    	  v[nv].x = 1., v[nv++].y = (alpha - n.x)/n.y;
    	  if (alpha >= n.y && alpha - n.y <= n.x) {
    	    v[nv].x = (alpha - n.y)/n.x, v[nv++].y = 1.;
    	    v[nv].x = 0., v[nv++].y = 1.;
    	  else if (alpha <= n.y)
    	    v[nv].x = 0., v[nv++].y = alpha/n.y;
    	  v[nv].x = 0., v[nv++].y = 0.;
    	  v[nv].x = 1., v[nv++].y = 0.;
    	glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
    	if (r.x*r.y < 0.)
    	  for (int i = nv - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    	    glvertex2d (view, x + r.x*(v[i].x - 0.5)*Delta,
    			y + r.y*(v[i].y - 0.5)*Delta);
    	  for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
    	    glvertex2d (view, x + r.x*(v[i].x - 0.5)*Delta,
    			y + r.y*(v[i].y - 0.5)*Delta);
    	glEnd ();
      else // !filled
        draw_lines (view, lc, lw) {
          glBegin (GL_LINES);
          foreach_visible (view)
    	if (cfilter (point, d, cmin)) {
    	  coord n = facet_normal (point, d, fs);
    	  double alpha = plane_alpha (d[], n);
    	  coord segment[2];
    	  if (facets (n, alpha, segment) == 2) {
    	    glvertex2d (view, x + segment[0].x*Delta, y + segment[0].y*Delta);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x + segment[1].x*Delta, y + segment[1].y*Delta);
          glEnd ();
    #else // dimension == 3
      if (!larger)
        larger = edges || (color && !linear) ? 1. : 1.1;
      if (edges)
        draw_lines (view, lc, lw) {
          foreach_visible (view)
    	if (cfilter (point, d, cmin)) {
    	  coord n = facet_normal (point, d, fs);
    	  double alpha = plane_alpha (d[], n);
    	  coord v[12];
    	  int m = facets (n, alpha, v, larger);
    	  if (m > 2) {
    	    glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
    	    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    	      glvertex3d (view,
    			  x + v[i].x*Delta, y + v[i].y*Delta, z + v[i].z*Delta);
    	    glEnd ();
      else // !edges
        colorize() {
          foreach_visible (view)
    	if (cfilter (point, d, cmin)) {
    	  coord n = facet_normal (point, d, fs);
    	  double alpha = plane_alpha (d[], n);
    	  coord v[12];
    	  int m = facets (n, alpha, v, larger);
    	  if (m > 2) {
    	    glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
    	    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    	      if (linear) {
    		color_vertex (interp (point, v[i], col));
    	      else {
    	      glnormal3d (view, n.x, n.y, n.z);
    	      glvertex3d (view,
    			  x + v[i].x*Delta, y + v[i].y*Delta, z + v[i].z*Delta);
    	    glEnd ();
    #endif // dimension == 3
    #if TREE
      // revert prolongation
      if (prolongation != fraction_refine) {
        d.prolongation = prolongation;
        d.dirty = true;
    #endif // TREE
      if (expr) delete({col});
      return true;

    isoline(): displays isolines

    Draws a single isoline at val of field phi, or n isolines between min and max (included).

    Extra parameters are the same as for draw_vof().

    bool isoline (char * phi,
    	      double val = 0.,
    	      int n = 1,
    	      bool edges = false,
    	      double larger = 0., int filled = 0,
    	      char * color = NULL,
    	      double min = 0, double max = 0, double spread = 0,
    	      bool linear = false,
    	      Colormap map = jet,
    	      float fc[3] = {0}, float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1.,
    	      bool expr = false,
    #if dimension == 2
      if (!color) color = phi;
      scalar fphi = col, fiso[];
      if (!is_vertex_scalar (col)) {
        fphi = new vertex scalar;
          fphi[] = (col[] + col[-1] + col[0,-1] + col[-1,-1])/4.;
      face vector siso[];
      if (n < 2) {
        fractions (fphi, fiso, siso, val);
        draw_vof ("fiso", "siso", edges, larger, filled, color, min, max, spread,
    	      linear, map, fc, lc, lw, expr);
      else if (max > min) {
        double dv = (max - min)/(n - 1);
        for (val = min; val <= max; val += dv) {
          fractions (fphi, fiso, siso, val);
          draw_vof ("fiso", "siso", edges, larger, filled, color, min, max, spread,
    		linear, map, fc, lc, lw, expr);      
      if (!is_vertex_scalar (col))
        delete ({fphi});
      if (expr) delete ({col});
    #else // dimension == 3
      assert (false);
    #endif // dimension == 3
      return true;

    cells(): displays grid cells

    In 3D the intersections of the cells with a plane are displayed. The default plane is z=0. This can be changed by setting n and alpha which define the plane \displaystyle n_x x + n_y y + n_z z = \alpha

    bool cells (coord n = {0,0,1}, double alpha = 0.,
    	    float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1.)
      bview * view = draw();
      draw_lines (view, lc, lw) {
    #if dimension == 2
        foreach_visible (view) {
          glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
          glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
          glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
          glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
          glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
    #else // dimension == 3
        foreach_visible_plane (view, n, alpha) {
          coord v[12];
          int m = facets (n, alpha, v, 1.);
          if (m > 2) {
    	glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
    	for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    	  glvertex3d (view, x + v[i].x*Delta, y + v[i].y*Delta, z + v[i].z*Delta);
    	glEnd ();
    #endif // dimension == 3
      return true;

    vectors(): displays vector fields

    The vectors are scaled using the scale factor.

    bool vectors (char * u, double scale = 1, float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1.)
    #if dimension == 2
      vector fu;
      struct { char x, y, z; } index = {'x', 'y', 'z'};
      foreach_dimension() {
        char name[80];
        sprintf (name, "%s.%c", u, index.x);
        fu.x = lookup_field (name);
        if (fu.x.i < 0) {
          fprintf (stderr, "vectors(): no field named '%s'\n", name);
          return false;
      bview * view = draw();
      float res = view->res;
      if (view->res < 15*view->samples)
        view->res = 15*view->samples;
      draw_lines (view, lc, lw) {
        double fscale = (scale ? scale : 1.)*view->res/view->samples;
        glBegin (GL_LINES);
        foreach_visible (view)
          if (fu.x[] != nodata) {
    	coord f = { fscale*fu.x[], fscale*fu.y[] };
    	glvertex2d (view, x + f.x - (f.x - f.y/2.)/5.,
    		    y + f.y - (f.x/2. + f.y)/5.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + f.x, y + f.y);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + f.x, y + f.y);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + f.x - (f.x + f.y/2.)/5.,
    		    y + f.y + (f.x/2. - f.y)/5.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x, y);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + f.x, y + f.y);	
      view->res = res;
    #else // dimension == 3
      fprintf (stderr, "vectors() is not implemented in 3D yet\n");
    #endif // dimension == 3
      return true;

    squares(): displays colormapped fields

    The field name is given by color. The min, max, spread, map etc. arguments work as described in draw_vof().

    In 2D, if z is specified, and linear is the true, the corresponding expression is used as z-coordinate.

    In 3D the intersections of the field with a plane are displayed. The default plane is z=0. This can be changed by setting n and alpha which define the plane \displaystyle n_x x + n_y y + n_z z = \alpha

    bool squares (char * color,
    	      char * z = NULL,
    	      double min = 0, double max = 0, double spread = 0,
    	      bool linear = false,
    	      Colormap map = jet,
    	      float fc[3] = {0}, float lc[3] = {0},
    	      bool expr = false,
    	      coord n = {0,0,1},
    	      double alpha = 0,
    	      float lw = 1,
    #if dimension == 2
      scalar Z = {-1};
      vector fn;
      bool zexpr = false;
      if (z) {
        Z = compile_expression (z, &zexpr);
        if (Z.i < 0)
          return false;
        fn = new vector;
            fn.x[] = (Z[1] - Z[-1])/(2.*Delta_x);
      scalar f = col;
      bview * view = draw();
      glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);
      if (linear) {
        colorize() {
    #if dimension == 2
          if (Z.i < 0) {
    	glNormal3d (0, 0, view->reversed ? -1 : 1);
    	foreach_visible (view)
    	  if (f[] != nodata) {
    	    glBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
    	    color_vertex ((4.*f[] +
    			   2.*(f[1] + f[-1] + f[0,1] + f[0,-1]) +
    			   f[-1,-1] + f[1,1] + f[-1,1] + f[1,-1])/16.);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x, y);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[-1] + f[-1,-1] + f[0,-1])/4.);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[1] + f[1,-1] + f[0,-1])/4.);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[1] + f[1,1] + f[0,1])/4.);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[-1] + f[-1,1] + f[0,1])/4.);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[-1] + f[-1,-1] + f[0,-1])/4.);
    	    glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
          else // Z.i > 0
    	foreach_leaf() // fixme: foreach_visible() would be better
    	  if (f[] != nodata) {
    	    glBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
    	    color_vertex ((4.*f[] +
    			   2.*(f[1] + f[-1] + f[0,1] + f[0,-1]) +
    			   f[-1,-1] + f[1,1] + f[-1,1] + f[1,-1])/16.);
    	    glvertex_normal3d (view, point, fn, x, y, Z[]);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[-1] + f[-1,-1] + f[0,-1])/4.);
    	    glvertex_normal3d (view, point, fn, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.,
    			       (Z[] + Z[-1] + Z[-1,-1] + Z[0,-1])/4.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[1] + f[1,-1] + f[0,-1])/4.);
    	    glvertex_normal3d (view, point, fn, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.,
    			       (Z[] + Z[1] + Z[1,-1] + Z[0,-1])/4.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[1] + f[1,1] + f[0,1])/4.);
    	    glvertex_normal3d (view, point, fn, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.,
    			       (Z[] + Z[1] + Z[1,1] + Z[0,1])/4.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[-1] + f[-1,1] + f[0,1])/4.);
    	    glvertex_normal3d (view, point, fn, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.,
    			       (Z[] + Z[-1] + Z[-1,1] + Z[0,1])/4.);
    	    color_vertex ((f[] + f[-1] + f[-1,-1] + f[0,-1])/4.);
    	    glvertex_normal3d (view, point, fn, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.,
    			       (Z[] + Z[-1] + Z[-1,-1] + Z[0,-1])/4.);
    #else // dimension == 3
          foreach_visible_plane (view, n, alpha)
    	if (f[] != nodata) {
    	  coord v[12];
    	  int m = facets (n, alpha, v, 1.);
    	  if (m > 2) {
    	    coord c = {0,0,0};
    	    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    		c.x += v[i].x/m;
    	    glBegin (GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);
    	    color_vertex (interp (point, c, f));
    	    glvertex3d (view, x + c.x*Delta, y + c.y*Delta, z + c.z*Delta);
    	    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    	      color_vertex (interp (point, v[i], f));
    	      glvertex3d (view,
    			  x + v[i].x*Delta, y + v[i].y*Delta, z + v[i].z*Delta);
    	    color_vertex (interp (point, v[0], f));
    	    glvertex3d (view,
    			x + v[0].x*Delta, y + v[0].y*Delta, z + v[0].z*Delta);
    	    glEnd ();
    #endif // dimension == 3
      else { // !linear
    #if dimension == 2
        glNormal3d (0, 0, view->reversed ? -1 : 1);
        glBegin (GL_QUADS);
        foreach_visible (view)
          if (f[] != nodata) {
    	glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
    	glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
    #else // dimension == 3
        foreach_visible_plane (view, n, alpha)
          if (f[] != nodata) {
    	coord v[12];
    	int m = facets (n, alpha, v, 1.);
    	if (m > 2) {
    	  glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
    	  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    	    glvertex3d (view,
    			x + v[i].x*Delta, y + v[i].y*Delta, z + v[i].z*Delta);
    	  glEnd ();
    #endif // dimension == 3
      if (expr) delete ({col});
    #if dimension == 2
      if (zexpr) delete ({Z});
      if (z) delete ((scalar *){fn});
      return true;

    box(): displays box boundaries and axis coordinates

    • notics: do not draw tick marks (default is false).
    • lc[]: an array of red, green, blue values between 0 and 1 which defines the line color.
    • lw: the line width.
    bool box (bool notics = false, float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1.)
      bview * view = draw();
      draw_lines (view, lc, lw) {
        float height = 0.5*gl_StrokeHeight();
        float width = gl_StrokeWidth ('1'), scale = L0/(60.*width), length;
        float Z1 = dimension == 2 ? 0. : Z0;
        char label[80];
        glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
        if (!notics) {
          int nt = 8;
          for (int i = 0; i <= nt; i++) {
    	glTranslatef (X0 + i*L0/nt - height/2.*scale, Y0 - width/3.*scale, Z1);
    	glRotatef (-90, 0, 0, 1);
    	glScalef (scale, scale, 1.);
    	sprintf (label, "%g", X0 + i*L0/nt);
    	gl_StrokeString (label);
    	sprintf (label, "%g", Y0 + i*L0/nt);
    	length = gl_StrokeLength (label);
    	glTranslatef (X0 - (length + width/3.)*scale,
    		      Y0 + i*L0/nt - height/2.*scale, Z1);
    	glScalef (scale, scale, 1.);
    	gl_StrokeString (label);
    #if dimension > 2
    	sprintf (label, "%g", Z0 + i*L0/nt);
    	length = gl_StrokeLength (label);
    	glTranslatef (X0 - (length + width/3.)*scale,
    		      Y0, Z0 + i*L0/nt + height/2.*scale);
    	glRotatef (-90, 1, 0, 0);
    	glScalef (scale, scale, 1.);
    	gl_StrokeString (label);
          sprintf (label, "%g", X0 + L0/2.);
          length = gl_StrokeLength (label);
          glTranslatef (X0 + L0/2 - height*scale, Y0 - (length + 4.*width)*scale, Z1);
          glScalef (2.*scale, 2.*scale, 1.);
          gl_StrokeString ("X");
          sprintf (label, "%g", Y0 + L0/2.);
          length = gl_StrokeLength (label);
          glTranslatef (X0 - (length + 4.*width)*scale,
    		    Y0 + L0/2. - height*scale, Z1);
          glScalef (2.*scale, 2.*scale, 1.);
          gl_StrokeString ("Y");
    #if dimension > 2
          sprintf (label, "%g", Z0 + L0/2.);
          length = gl_StrokeLength (label);
          glTranslatef (X0 - (length + 4.*width)*scale,
    		    Y0, Z0 + L0/2. + height*scale);
          glRotatef (-90, 1, 0, 0);
          glScalef (2.*scale, 2.*scale, 1.);
          gl_StrokeString ("Z");
    #if dimension == 2
        foreach_level (0) {
          glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
          glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
          glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2.);
          glvertex2d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
          glvertex2d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2.);
          glEnd ();
    #else // dimension != 2
        foreach_level (0) {
          for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) {
    	glBegin (GL_LINE_LOOP);
    	glvertex3d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2., z + i*Delta/2.);
    	glvertex3d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y - Delta_y/2., z + i*Delta/2.);
    	glvertex3d (view, x + Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2., z + i*Delta/2.);
    	glvertex3d (view, x - Delta_x/2., y + Delta_y/2., z + i*Delta/2.);
    	glEnd ();
    	glBegin (GL_LINES);
    	for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) {
    	  glvertex3d (view, x + i*Delta/2., y + j*Delta/2., z - Delta/2.);
    	  glvertex3d (view, x + i*Delta/2., y + j*Delta/2., z + Delta/2.);
    	glEnd ();
    #endif // dimension != 2
      return true;

    isosurface(): displays an isosurface of a field

    • f: the name (as a string) of the field.
    • v: the value of the isosurface.
    • edges: whether to draw the edges of isosurface facets.
    • color: use this field to color each interface fragment.

    The min, max, spread, map etc. arguments work as described in draw_vof().

    bool isosurface (char * f,
    		 double v,
    		 char * color = NULL,
    		 double min = 0, double max = 0, double spread = 0,
    		 bool linear = false,
    		 Colormap map = jet,
    		 float fc[3] = {0}, float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1,
    		 bool expr = false,
    #if dimension > 2
      if (!f)
        return false;
      scalar ff = {-1};
      bool fexpr;
      if (strcmp (f, "level")) {
        ff = compile_expression (f, &fexpr);
        if (ff.i < 0)
          return false;
      vertex scalar fv[];
        fv[] = (ff[] + ff[-1] + ff[0,-1] + ff[-1,-1] +
    	    ff[0,0,-1] + ff[-1,0,-1] + ff[0,-1,-1] + ff[-1,-1,-1])/8.;
      vector n[];
          n.x[] = center_gradient(ff);
      bview * view = draw();
      glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH);
      colorize() {
        foreach_visible (view) {
          double val[8] = {
    	fv[0,0,0], fv[1,0,0], fv[1,0,1], fv[0,0,1],
    	fv[0,1,0], fv[1,1,0], fv[1,1,1], fv[0,1,1]
          double t[5][3][3];
          int nt = polygonize (val, v, t);
          for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
    	glBegin (GL_POLYGON);
    	for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    	  coord v = {t[i][j][0], t[i][j][1], t[i][j][2]}, np;
    	    np.x = interp (point, v, n.x);
    	  glnormal3d (view, np.x, np.y, np.z);
    	  if (linear) {
    	    color_vertex (interp (point, v, col));
    	  else {
    	  glvertex3d (view, x + v.x*Delta_x, y + v.y*Delta_y, z + v.z*Delta_z);
    	glEnd ();
      if (expr) delete ({col});
      if (fexpr) delete ({ff});
    #endif // dimension > 2
      return true;

    travelling(): moves the camera to a different viewpoint

    • start: starting time of the camera motion.
    • end: time at which the viewpoint should be reached.
    • tx, ty, quat, fov: definition of the target viewpoint.
    #define interpo(pv, v)							\
      (!pv ? v : ((t - start)*(pv) + (end - t)*(v))/(end - start))
    void travelling (double start = 0, double end = 0,
    		 float tx = 0, float ty = 0, float quat[4] = {0}, float fov = 0)
      static float stx, sty, squat[4], sfov;
      static double told = -1.;
      if (told < start && t >= start) {
        bview * view = get_view();
        stx = view->tx, sty = view->ty, sfov = view->fov;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
          squat[i] = view->quat[i];
      if (t >= start && t <= end)
        view (tx = interpo (tx, stx), ty = interpo (ty, sty),
    	  fov = interpo (fov, sfov),
    	  quat = {interpo(quat[0], squat[0]), interpo(quat[1], squat[1]),
    	          interpo(quat[2], squat[2]), interpo(quat[3], squat[3])});
      if (told < end && t >= end) {
        bview * view = get_view();
        stx = view->tx, sty = view->ty, sfov = view->fov;
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
          squat[i] = view->quat[i];
      told = t;  
    #undef interpo

    draw_string(): draws strings on a separate layer (for annotations)

    • str: string to display.
    • pos: position: “0” bottom left, “1” top left, “2” top right and “3” bottom right (default 0).
    • size: the size of the text, given as the number of characters which can fit within the width of the screen. Default is 40.
    • lc[]: an array of red, green, blue values between 0 and 1 which defines the text color.
    • lw: the line width.
    bool draw_string (char * str,
    		  int pos = 0,
    		  float size = 40,
    		  float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1)
      bview * view = draw();
      glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      glColor3f (lc[0], lc[1], lc[2]);
      glLineWidth (view->samples*(lw > 0. ? lw : 1.));
      float width  = gl_StrokeWidth ('1'), height = gl_StrokeHeight();
      if (!size)
        size = 40;
      float hscale = 2./(size*width), vscale = hscale*view->width/view->height;
      float vmargin = width/2.*vscale;
      if (pos == 0)
        glTranslatef (-1., -1. + vmargin, 0.);
      else if (pos == 1)
        glTranslatef (-1., 1. - height*vscale, 0.);
      else if (pos == 2)
        glTranslatef (1. - strlen(str)*width*hscale, 1. - height*vscale, 0.);
        glTranslatef (1. - strlen(str)*width*hscale, -1. + vmargin, 0.);    
      glScalef (hscale, vscale, 1.);
      gl_StrokeString (str); 
      glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
      glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
      return true;

    labels(): displays label fields

    bool labels (char * f,
    	     float lc[3] = {0}, float lw = 1)
    #if dimension == 2
      bool expr = false;
      scalar ff = compile_expression (f, &expr);
      if (ff.i < 0)
        return false;
      bview * view = draw();
      float width  = gl_StrokeWidth ('1'), height = gl_StrokeHeight();
      float res = view->res;
      if (view->res < 150*view->samples)
        view->res = 150*view->samples;
      draw_lines (view, lc, lw) {
        glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
        foreach_visible (view)
          if (ff[] != nodata) {
    	char s[80];
    	sprintf (s, "%g", ff[]);
    	float scale = 0.8*Delta_x/(strlen(s)*width);
    	glTranslatef (x - 0.4*Delta_x, y - scale*height/3., 0.);
    	glScalef (scale, scale, 1.);
    	gl_StrokeString (s);
      view->res = res;
      if (expr) delete ({ff});
      return true;
    #else // dimension == 3
      fprintf (stderr, "labels() is not implemented in 3D yet\n");
      return false;
    #endif // dimension == 3

    Interface export

    This is used by bview to automatically generate the user interface.

    #include "draw_json.h"
    struct {
      int (* json) (char * s, int len);
    } bview_interface[] = {
      { _draw_vof_json },
      { _squares_json },
      { _cells_json },
      { _box_json },
    #if dimension == 2
      { _isoline_json },
      { _labels_json },
      { _vectors_json },
    #else // dimension == 3
      { _isosurface_json },
      { NULL }