
    Computation of a distance field from a discretised curve or surface

    The goal is to compute the (signed) minimal distance from a set of oriented segments (2d) or triangles (3D) to any point on the grid. This signed distance function is also dynamically updated when the mesh is refined or coarsened.

    The scheme is robust and will give results even for inconsistent surface representations (i.e. surfaces with holes, manifold egdes, incompatible orientations etc…). Faces do not need to be properly connected i.e. the scheme works also for “triangle soups”.

    We need a few utility function such as computation of the minimal distance between a point and a segment or a point and a triangle.

    #include <stdint.h>
    #include "PointTriangle.h"

    The 3D triangulated surfaces are defined using the (binary) STL format which can be exported from most CAD modelling programs. The input_stl() function reads such a file a returns an array of triplets of vertex coordinates defining the triangles.

    coord * input_stl (FILE * fp)
      Array * a = array_new();
      char tag[6];
      if (fgets (tag, 6, fp) != tag) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_stl(): error reading tag\n");
      rewind (fp);
      if (!strcmp (tag, "solid")) { /* ASCII file */
        fprintf (stderr, "input_stl(): ASCII STL not implemented yet "
    	     "(use binary instead)\n");
      else { /* binary file */
        uint32_t nf;
        char header[80];
        unsigned i;
        if (fread (header, sizeof (char), 80, fp) != 80) {
          fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    	       "stdin: incomplete header\n");
          exit (1);
        if (fread (&nf, sizeof (uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) {
          fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    	       "stdin: missing number of facets\n");
          exit (1);
        i = nf;
        while (i > 0) {
          float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
          dimensional ((x == Delta, y == Delta, z == Delta));
          unsigned j;
          uint16_t attbytecount;
          if (fread (&x, sizeof (float), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    	       "stdin: missing normal x-coordinate\n");
    	exit (1);
          if (fread (&y, sizeof (float), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    	       "stdin: missing normal y-coordinate\n");
    	exit (1);
          if (fread (&z, sizeof (float), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    	       "stdin: missing normal z-coordinate\n");
    	exit (1);
          for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
    	if (fread (&x, sizeof (float), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	  fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    		   "stdin: missing vertex x-coordinate\n");
    	  exit (1);
    	if (fread (&y, sizeof (float), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	  fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    		   "stdin: missing vertex y-coordinate\n");
    	  exit (1);
    	if (fread (&z, sizeof (float), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	  fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    		   "stdin: missing vertex z-coordinate\n");
    	  exit (1);
    	coord p = {x,y,z};
    	array_append (a, &p, sizeof(coord));
          if (fread (&attbytecount, sizeof (uint16_t), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "Input file is not a valid STL file\n"
    	       "stdin: missing attribute byte count\n");
    	exit (1);
      coord p = {nodata};
      array_append (a, &p, sizeof(coord));
      return (coord *) array_shrink (a);

    In 2D dimensions, the file format is that used by gnuplot i.e. pairs of 2D vertex coordinates separated by blank lines. An easy way to create these files is to use a vector graphics editing program (e.g. inkscape) and save the curve as an .eps file, then convert it to gnuplot format using

    pstoedit -f gnuplot -flat 0.1 file.eps file.gnu

    The function below reads such a file and returns an array of pairs of coordinates.

    coord * input_xy (FILE * fp)
      Array * a = array_new();
      coord p = {0}, last, * la = NULL;
      while (!feof(fp)) {
        if (fscanf (fp, "%lf %lf", &p.x, &p.y) == 2) {
          if (la) {
    	array_append (a, la, sizeof(coord));
    	array_append (a, &p, sizeof(coord));
          last = p, la = &last;
        else {
          int c;
          while ((c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF && c != '\n');
          la = NULL;
      p.x = nodata;
      array_append (a, &p, sizeof(coord));
      return (coord *) array_shrink (a);

    This function computes the coordinates of the bounding box of a set of segments or triangles.

    void bounding_box (coord * p, coord * min, coord * max)
        (*min).x = HUGE, (*max).x = - HUGE;
      while (p->x != nodata) {
        foreach_dimension() {
          if ((*p).x < (*min).x)
    	(*min).x = (*p).x;
          if ((*p).x > (*max).x)
    	(*max).x = (*p).x;

    An extra field, holding a pointer to the elements (segments or triangles) intersecting the neighborhood of the cell, is associated with the distance function. The neighborhood is a sphere centered on the cell center and with a diameter 3\Delta.

    attribute {
      scalar surface;
    #define double_to_pointer(d) (*((void **) &(d)))
    #define BSIZE 3. // if larger than 1, cells overlap

    To compute the minimal distance and its sign, we need to store information on the closest (2 in 2D, 12 in 3D) elements.

    typedef struct {
      double d2; // minimal distance
      coord * v; // the element
      int type;  // 0,1,2: vertex, 3: edge, 4: face
    } closest_t;
    #if dimension == 2
    #  define ND 2
    #else // dimension == 3
    #  define ND 12
    static double vertex_angle (coord * p, int type)
      if (type >= 3) // edge or face
        return pi;
      coord * v = p + type, * v1 = p + (type + 1)%3, * v2 = p + (type + 2)%3;
      coord vv1 = vecdiff (*v1, *v), vv2 = vecdiff(*v2,*v);
      return acos(vecdot(vv1,vv2)/sqrt(vecdot(vv1,vv1)*vecdot(vv2,vv2)));
    static coord face_normal (coord * q, int type)
      coord ab = vecdiff(*(q+1),*q), ac = vecdiff(*(q+2),*q);
      coord n = vecdotproduct(ab,ac);
      double nn = sqrt(vecdot(n,n));
      assert (nn > 0.);
      nn = vertex_angle(q, type)/nn;
        n.x *= nn;
      return n;
    #endif // dimension == 3
    static void update_distance (Point point, coord ** i, scalar d)
      scalar surface = d.surface;
      Array * a = array_new();
      coord c = {x,y,z}, closest = {0};
      closest_t q[ND];
      for (int i = 0; i < ND; i++)
        q[i].d2 = HUGE;
      int nd = 0;
      double r2 = sq(BSIZE*Delta/2.);
      bool first = (level == 0);
      while (*i) {
        coord * p = *i;
    #if dimension == 2
        coord r;
        double s, d2 = PointSegmentDistance (&c, p, p + 1, &r, &s);
    #elif dimension == 3
        double s, t, d2 = PointTriangleDistance (&c, p, p + 1, p + 2, &s, &t);
        // keep pointers/distances/types of up to ND closest elements
        for (int i = 0; i < ND; i++)
          if (d2 < q[i].d2) {
    	for (int j = ND - 1; j > i; j--)
    	  q[j] = q[j-1];
    	q[i].d2 = d2, q[i].v = p;
    #if dimension == 2
    	// vertices
    	if (s == 0.)
    	  q[i].type = 0;
    	else if (s == 1.)
    	  q[i].type = 1;
    	  // edge
    	  q[i].type = 3;
    	if (i == 0)
    	  closest = r;
    #elif dimension == 3
    	// vertices
    	if (s == 0. && t == 0.)
    	  q[i].type = 0;
    	else if (s == 1. && t == 0.)
    	  q[i].type = 1;
    	else if (s == 0. && t == 1.)
    	  q[i].type = 2;
    	else if (s == 0. || t == 0. || s + t == 1.)
    	  // edge
    	  q[i].type = 3;
    	  // face
    	  q[i].type = 4;
    	if (i == 0)
    	    closest.x = ((*q[0].v).x*(1. - s - t) + s*(*(q[0].v+1)).x +
    #endif // dimension == 3
    	if (i >= nd)
    	  nd = i + 1;
        // add elements which are close enough to the local list
        if (d2 < r2 || first)
          array_append (a, &p, sizeof(coord *));
        first = false, i++;
      if (a->len) {
        // set surface[] to list, ended with NULL
        coord * p = NULL;
        array_append (a, &p, sizeof(coord *));
        p = (coord *) array_shrink (a);
        assert (sizeof(double) >= sizeof(void *));
        memcpy (&surface[], &p, sizeof(void *));
        int orient;
    #if dimension == 2
        if (q[0].type == 3)
          // edge
          orient = PointSegmentOrientation (&c, q[0].v, q[0].v + 1);
        else {
          // vertex
          if (nd == 1) // a single vertex, cannot find sign
    	// get sign from parent
    	orient = sign(bilinear (point, d));
          else { // two vertices
    	orient = PointSegmentOrientation (&c, q[0].v, q[0].v + 1);
    	if (orient != PointSegmentOrientation (&c, q[1].v, q[1].v + 1)) {
    	  coord n = {0};
    	  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
    #if DEBUG	    
    	    fprintf (stderr, "q %g %g %g %g\n",
    		     x, y, q[i].v->x - x, q[i].v->y - y);
    	    coord ab = vecdiff(*(q[i].v + 1),*q[i].v);
    	    double nn = sqrt(vecdot(ab,ab));
    	    assert (nn > 0.);
    	    n.x -= ab.y/nn, n.y += ab.x/nn;
    #if DEBUG
    	  fprintf (stderr, "vertex %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    		   x, y, closest.x - x, closest.y - y,
    		   closest.x, closest.y, n.x, n.y);
    	  coord diff = vecdiff(closest,c);
    	  orient = sign(vecdot(n,diff));
    #elif dimension == 3
        if (q[0].type < 3) {
          coord n = face_normal (q[0].v, q[0].type), diff = vecdiff(closest,c);
          int nv = 1;
          orient = sign(vecdot(n,diff));
          for (int i = 1; i < nd && q[i].type < 3; i++)
    	if (vecdist2 (closest, *(q[i].v + q[i].type)) < sq(1e-6)) {
    	  coord n1 = face_normal (q[i].v, q[i].type);
    	    n.x += n1.x;
    	  if (orient > -2 && sign(vecdot(n1,diff)) != orient)
    	    orient = -2;
          if (nv < 3) // less than 3 vertices, cannot find sign
    	// get sign from parent
    	orient = sign(bilinear (point, d));
          else if (orient == -2) {
    	// the vertices do not have the same orientation
    	// get the proper orientation from the pseudo-normal n
    	orient = sign(vecdot(n,diff));
    #if DEBUG
    	fprintf (stderr, "vertex %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %d\n",
    		 x, y, z, closest.x - x, closest.y - y, closest.z - z, orient,
    		 closest.x, closest.y, closest.z, n.x, n.y, n.z, nv);
        else if (q[0].type == 3) {
          // edge
          if (nd == 1 || q[1].type != 3) // a single edge, cannot find sign
    	// get sign from parent
    	orient = sign(bilinear (point, d));
          else { // two edges
    	orient = PointTriangleOrientation (&c, q[0].v, q[0].v+1, q[0].v+2);
    	if (orient !=
    	    PointTriangleOrientation (&c, q[1].v, q[1].v+1, q[1].v+2)) {
    	  coord n1 = face_normal (q[0].v, 3), n2 = face_normal (q[1].v, 3), n;
    	    n.x = n1.x + n2.x;
    	  coord diff = vecdiff(closest,c);
    	  orient = sign(vecdot(n,diff));
    #if DEBUG
    	  fprintf (stderr, "edge %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    		   x, y, z, closest.x - x, closest.y - y, closest.z - z, orient,
    		   closest.x, closest.y, closest.z, n.x, n.y, n.z);
    #if DEBUG
    	  fprintf (stderr, "edge %g %g %g %g %g %g %d\n",
    		   x, y, z, closest.x - x, closest.y - y, closest.z - z, orient);
        else { // face
    #if DEBUG
          fprintf (stderr, "face %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
    	       x, y, z, closest.x - x, closest.y - y, closest.z - z);
          orient = PointTriangleOrientation (&c, q[0].v, q[0].v+1, q[0].v+2);
    #endif // dimension == 3
        d[] = sqrt (q[0].d2)*orient; 
      else { // !a->len
        free (a);
        surface[] = 0.;
        if (level > 0)
          d[] = bilinear (point, d);
          d[] = 0.;
    #undef ND
    static void refine_distance (Point point, scalar d)
      scalar surface = d.surface;
      if (surface[] == 0.)
        foreach_child() {
          surface[] = 0.;
          d[] = bilinear (point, d);
      else {
        coord ** ap = (coord **) double_to_pointer (surface[]);
        int s = 0;
        foreach_child() {
          update_distance (point, ap, d);
          s += sign(d[]);

    To increase robustness to inconsistent input, we check whether all children are included within the minimum distance sphere. If this is the case then the children and parent must have the same orientation. We enforce this, using the “average” orientation.

        if (fabs(d[]) > sqrt(dimension)/4.*Delta) {
          if (abs(s) != 1 << dimension) {
    	s = sign(s);
    	  d[] = s*fabs(d[]);
          if (sign(d[]) != sign(s))
    	d[] = - d[];
    static void restriction_distance (Point point, scalar d) {}
    static void coarsen_distance (Point point, scalar d) {
      scalar surface = d.surface;
        free (double_to_pointer (surface[]));
    static void delete_distance (scalar d) {
      scalar surface = d.surface;
      foreach_level (0)
        free (*((void **)double_to_pointer (surface[])));
      for (int l = 0; l <= depth(); l++)
        foreach_level (l)
          free (double_to_pointer (surface[]));
      delete ({surface});
    void distance (scalar d, coord * p)
      scalar surface = d.surface;
      if (surface.i)
        delete_distance (d);
      surface = new scalar;
      surface.restriction = no_restriction;
    #if TREE
      surface.prolongation = no_restriction;
      surface.refine = no_restriction; // handled by refine_distance()
      d.prolongation = refine_bilinear;
      d.refine = refine_distance;  
      d.coarsen = coarsen_distance;
      d.dirty = true;
      d.surface = surface;
      d.delete = delete_distance;
      d.restriction = restriction_distance;
      Array * a = array_new();
      while (p->x != nodata) {
    #if dimension == 3
        // filter degenerate triangles
        coord ab = vecdiff(*(p+1),*p), ac = vecdiff(*(p+2),*p);
        coord n = vecdotproduct(ab,ac);
        if (vecdot(n,n) > 0.)
          array_append (a, &p, sizeof (coord *));
        p += dimension;
      p = NULL;
      array_append (a, &p, sizeof (coord *));
      p = (coord *) array_shrink (a);
        update_distance (point, (coord **) p, d);
      free (p);
      boundary_level ({d}, 0);
      for (int l = 0; l < depth(); l++) {
        foreach_coarse_level (l)
          refine_distance (point, d);
        boundary_level ({d}, l + 1);


