
    # 2 "ast/interpreter/overload.h"

    Function overloading for the interpreter

    size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream){
      size_t undef; return undef;
    size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream){
      size_t undef; return undef;
    int fflush(FILE *stream) {
      int undef; return undef;
    int fclose(FILE *stream) {
      int undef; return undef;
    FILE *fopen(const char *pathname, const char *mode) {
      FILE *undef; return undef;
    void qassert (const char * file, int line, const char * cond){}
    void trash (void * alist) {}
    void NOT_UNUSED(){}
    static void tracing (const char * func, const char * file, int line) {}
    static void end_tracing (const char * func, const char * file, int line) {}
    void pmuntrace (void) {}
    void mpi_init() {}
    static void trace_off() {}
    void cadna_init (int i) {}
    void cadna_end (void) {}
    void * pmalloc (long size)
      return malloc (size);
    void * pcalloc (long nmemb, long size)
      return calloc (nmemb, size);
    void * prealloc (void * ptr, long size)
      return realloc (ptr, size);
    void pfree (void * ptr)
      free (ptr);
    void sysfree (void * ptr)
      free (ptr);
    char * pstrdup (const char *s)
      return strdup (s);
    char * systrdup (const char *s)
      return strdup (s);
    char * getenv (const char *name)
      return NULL;
    FILE * fopen (const char * pathname, const char * mode)
      return NULL;
    timer timer_start (void)
      timer t = {0};
      return t;
    double timer_elapsed (timer t)
      return 0.;
    void timer_print (timer t, int i, size_t tnc) {}
    double dtnext (double dt)
      tnext = dt + 1e30;
      return dt + 1e30;
    bool overload_event()
      return (iter == 0);

    Foreach variables

    typedef struct {
      int i, j, k, l;
      int level;
    } Point;
    typedef struct {
      int x, y, z;
    } ChildPos;
    void _Variables() {
      Point point;
      double x, y, z;
      double Delta, Delta_x, Delta_y, Delta_z;
      int level;
      ChildPos child;
    enum {
      unset = 1 << 0
    void unset_double (double * x)
      char * flags = x;
      flags += sizeof(double) - 1;
      *flags = unset;
    void _init_point_variables (void)
      Delta = L0;
      unset_double (&Delta);
      Delta_x = Delta_y = Delta_z = Delta;
      x = X0 + Delta;
      y = Y0 + Delta;
      z = Z0 + Delta;

    Grid functions

    typedef struct {
      Grid g;
      char placeholder[1024];
      char * d;
    } Intergrid;
    void free_grid (void)
      if (grid) {
        free (((Intergrid *)grid)->d);
        free (grid);
        grid = NULL;
    void reset (void * alist, double val)
      Intergrid * igrid = (Intergrid *) grid;
      double * p = igrid->d;
      if (alist)
        for (scalar * s = alist; s->i >= 0; s++)
          reset_field_value (p + s->i, _attribute[s->i].name, 0.);
    static double _dirichlet (double expr, Point point, Point neighbor, scalar _s, void * data)
      if (data) {
        *((bool *)data) = true;
        return expr;
      return 2.*expr - val(_s,0,0,0);
    static double _dirichlet_homogeneous (double expr, Point point, Point neighbor, scalar _s, void * data)
      if (data) {
        *((bool *)data) = true;
        return 0;
      return - val(_s,0,0,0);
    static double _dirichlet_face (double expr, Point point, Point neighbor, scalar _s, void * data)
      return expr;
    static double _dirichlet_face_homogeneous (double expr, Point point, Point neighbor, scalar _s, void * data)
      return 0.;
    static double _neumann (double expr, Point point, Point neighbor, scalar _s, void * data)
      if (data) {
        *((bool *)data) = false;
        return expr;
      return Delta*expr + val(_s,0,0,0);
    static double _neumann_homogeneous (double expr, Point point, Point neighbor, scalar _s, void * data)
      if (data) {
        *((bool *)data) = false;
        return 0;
      return val(_s,0,0,0);
    static const int o_stencil = -2;

    See the definition of foreach_stencil() in /src/grid/stencils.h.

    static void _stencil()
      if (baseblock) for (scalar s = baseblock[0], * i = baseblock; s.i >= 0; i++, s = *i) {
        _attribute[s.i].input = _attribute[s.i].output = false;
        _attribute[s.i].width = 0;

    This is a simplified version of end_stencil() in /src/grid/stencils.h.

    static void _end_stencil()
      scalar * listc = NULL, * dirty = NULL;
      if (baseblock)
        for (scalar s = baseblock[0], * i = baseblock; s.i >= 0; i++, s = *i) {
          bool write = _attribute[s.i].output, read = _attribute[s.i].input;

    If the field is read and dirty, we need to check if boundary conditions need to be applied.

          if (read && scalar_is_dirty (s) && _attribute[s.i].width > 0)
    	listc = list_append (listc, s);

    If the field is write-accessed, we add it to the ‘dirty’ list.

          if (write) {	
    	dirty = list_append (dirty, s);
    	for (scalar d = baseblock[0], * i = baseblock; d.i >= 0; i++, d = *i)
    	  if (scalar_depends_from (d, s))
    	    dirty = list_append (dirty, d);

    We apply “full” boundary conditions.

      if (listc) {
        for (int d = 0; d < nboundary; d++)
    	for (scalar s = listc[0], * i = listc; s.i >= 0; i++, s = *i)
    	  if (_attribute[s.i].boundary[d] != periodic_bc)
    	    val(s,0,0,0) == _attribute[s.i].boundary[d] (point, point, s, NULL);
        for (scalar s = listc[0], * i = listc; s.i >= 0; i++, s = *i)
          _attribute[s.i].dirty = false;
        free (listc);

    We update the dirty status of fields which will be write-accessed by the foreach loop.

      if (dirty) {
        for (scalar s = dirty[0], * i = dirty; s.i >= 0; i++, s = *i)
          _attribute[s.i].dirty = true;
        free (dirty);
    void _stencil_is_face_x(){}
    void _stencil_is_face_y(){}
    void _stencil_is_face_z(){}
    void _stencil_val (scalar s, int i, int j, int k)
      stencil_val ((Point){0}, s, i, j, k, NULL, 0, true);
    void _stencil_val_o (scalar s, int i, int j, int k)
      stencil_val ((Point){0}, s, i, j, k, NULL, 0, true);
    void _stencil_val_a (scalar s, int i, int j, int k)
      stencil_val_a ((Point){0}, s, i, j, k, false, NULL, 0);
    void _stencil_val_r (scalar s, int i, int j, int k)
      stencil_val_a ((Point){0}, s, i, j, k, true, NULL, 0);
    int nl = 1;
    void init_grid (int n)
      grid = calloc (1, sizeof (Intergrid));
      grid->n = 1;
      Intergrid * igrid = (Intergrid *) grid;
      igrid->d = calloc (datasize, sizeof (char));
      reset (all, 0.);
      if (nl > 2)
        nl = 2;
    void interpreter_reset_scalar (scalar s)
      Intergrid * p = (Intergrid *) grid;
      char * c = p->d + s.i*sizeof (double);
      memset (c, 0, sizeof (double));
      char * flags = c + sizeof(double) - 1;
      *flags = unset;
    double z_indexing (scalar s, bool leaves)
      Intergrid * p = (Intergrid *) grid;
      double * c = p->d + s.i*sizeof (double);
      *c = 0[0];
    static void init_block_scalar (scalar sb, const char * name, const char * ext,
    			       int n, int block)
      if (n == 0) {
        _attribute[sb.i].block = block;
        baseblock = list_append (baseblock, sb);
        _attribute[sb.i].block = - n;
      all = list_append (all, sb);
    void realloc_scalar (int size)
      Intergrid * p = (Intergrid *) grid;
      p->d = realloc (p->d, (datasize + size)*sizeof (char));
      datasize += size;

    We overload new_const_scalar() so that a new constant field is allocated for each call. This is necessary when the same constant field is used for values with different dimensions.

    scalar new_const_scalar (const char * name, int i, double val)
      scalar s = (scalar){nconst + 65536}; // _NVARMAX = 65536 as defined in /src/common.h
      init_const_scalar (s, name, val);
      return s;
    void is_face_x() {}
    void is_face_y() {}
    void is_face_z() {}
    double * val (scalar s, int i, int j, int k)
      Intergrid * igrid = (Intergrid *) grid;
      return (double *)(igrid->d + s.i*sizeof(double));
    Point locate (double xp, double yp, double zp)
      Point point; // unset
      return point;
    bool tree_is_full() {
      return false;
    bool is_leaf() {
      bool ret; // unset
      return ret;
    void increment_neighbors (Point p) {}
    void decrement_neighbors (Point p) {}
    int refine_cell (Point point, scalar * list, int flag, Cache * refined) {
      int ret; // unset
      return ret;
    void mpi_boundary_refine  (scalar * list) {}
    void mpi_boundary_update  (scalar * list) {}
    typedef struct {
      int nc, nf;
    } astats;
    astats adapt_wavelet (scalar * slist, double * max,
    		      int maxlevel, int minlevel, scalar * list)
      astats st; // unset
      if (slist && max) {
        Intergrid * igrid = (Intergrid *) grid;
        double * g = igrid->d, * v = max;
        for (scalar * s = slist; s->i >= 0; s++, v++)
          *v == *(g + s->i);
      return st;

    These functions are too expensive to interpret.

    void output_field (scalar * list, FILE * fp, int n, bool linear,
    		   double box[2][2])
    void output_ppm (scalar f, FILE * fp, int n, char * file,
    		 double min, double max, double spread,
    		 double z, bool linear, double box[2][2],
    		 scalar mask, colormap map, char * opt)

    Helper functions for dimensions

    void _init_dimension (int index, long dimension)
      Intergrid * p = (Intergrid *) grid;
      double * d = p->d;
      memcpy ((char *)(d + index) + 8, &dimension, 8);

    Emulations of macros in /src/common.h.

    bool is_constant (scalar s)
      return s.i >= _NVARMAX;
    double constant (scalar s)
      return is_constant(s) ? _constant[s.i - _NVARMAX] : 1e30;
    double max (double a, double b)
      return a > b ? a : b;
    double min (double a, double b)
      return a < b ? a : b;
    int sign (double x)
      const int i = 1;
      return x > 0 ? i : - i;
    int sign2 (double x)
      const int i = 1;
      return x > 0 ? i : x < 0 ? - i : 0;
    double clamp (double x, double a, double b)
      return x < a ? a : x > b ? b : x;
    int abs (int i)
      return i < 0 ? - i : i;
    int depth() { int undef; return undef; }
    int pid()   { int undef; return undef; }
    int tid()   { int undef; return undef; }
    int npe()   { int undef; return undef; }
    double noise() { return 0. [0]; }
    void dimensional (int a) {}
    void show_dimension_internal (double a) {}

    Emulations of macros in <math.h>

    const double M_PI = 3.14159265358979 [0];


    The maximum number of calls to events() is set by maxevents.

    int maxevents = 1;
    int events (bool action)
      if (!maxevents)
        return 0;
      int iundef;
      unset_double (&t);
      if (iter) {
        for (Event * ev = Events; !ev->last; ev++)
          if (ev->i == END_EVENT)
    	for (Event * e = ev; e; e = e->next) {
    	  e->t == t;
    	  //display_value (e->action);
    	  if (action)
    	    e->action (iundef, t, e);
        return 0;
      dimensional (t == DT);
      for (Event * ev = Events; !ev->last; ev++) {
        init_event (ev);
        if (ev->arrayt)
          for (double * at = ev->arrayt; *at >= 0; at++)
    	*at == t;
      for (Event * ev = Events; !ev->last; ev++)
        if (ev->i != END_EVENT)
          for (Event * e = ev; e; e = e->next) {
    	dimensional (e->t == t);
    	//display_value (e->action);
    	if (action)
    	  e->action (iundef, t, e);
      tnext = t;
      inext = 1;
      return 1;
    void interpreter_set_int (int * i)
      char * flags = i;
      flags += sizeof(int) - 1;
      *flags = 0;