
    Rayleigh-Plateau instability

    we want to study the growthrate of a axisymmetric Rayleigh-Plateau instability in the linear regime. The dimensionless NS equation can be written in the form \displaystyle \bar \rho \frac{D \bar u}{D \bar t } = - \nabla \bar P + Oh \sqrt{ \frac{R_0}{\lambda} } \bar \mu \Delta \bar u + \bar \gamma \kappa \delta_s n with he Ohnesorge number Oh = \frac{\mu_1}{\sqrt {\rho_1 \gamma R_0}} as the reverse Re number, here we proposed the caracteristic length L_0 = \lambda.

    The values f_{sim} of this simulation can be scaled to f_d as u_{sim}= \sqrt{\frac{\lambda}{R_0}} u_d, l_{sim} = \frac{R_0}{\lambda} l_d, t_{sim} = \sqrt{\frac{R_0^3}{\lambda^3}} t_d if we propose L_0 = R_0

    #include <gsl/gsl_fit.h>  //need gsl lib
    #pragma autolink -lgsl -lgslcblas
    //#include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "view.h"
    // AMR switch
    #define STATIC 1
    #define ADAPT 0
    #define LVMAX 9
    #define LL 9. // $\lambda$ / $R_0$
    #define Oh 1e-3 
    #define mur 1. // ratio of mu2 / mu1
    #define rhor 1. // ratio of rho2 / rho  
    #define tend 0.55 // pinchoff moment ~ tend 1.5
    FILE *fp, *fp2, *fp3;

    main event

    The simulation is periodic at left and right.

    We set the initial perturbation amplitude as \epsilon = 0.01 \frac{\Delta x}{R_0} as a optimal choice of error study.

    double hh[99999],tt[99999],epsilon;
    int kkk,jjj;
    int main() {
      fprintf (fp3,"#alpha slope N oh\n");
      #if STATIC
      N = 32; 
      epsilon = 0.01*LL/(pow(2,LVMAX));
      rho1 = 1., mu1 = Oh*sqrt(1. / LL);
      rho2 = rhor, mu2 = mu1*mur;
      jjj =0;
      fprintf(stderr,"now N= %d,test kkk %d jjj%d\n" ,N,kkk, jjj);

    boundary conditions

    classic condition of no penetrating wall at top

    u.n[top]  = dirichlet(0.);
    p[top]   = neumann(0.);

    init event

    The two phases are seperated by the initial interface r = r_0 (1+\epsilon cos(ks)).

    With the fraction field f, the inner liquid noted liquid 1 is presented by f = 1, and the external fluid noted liquid 2 is presented by f = 0.

    We assume the error is related to the Taylor expension of the radial velocity at order \alpha, as presented by equation: \displaystyle L = L_0 - int\left[\frac{1}{\alpha}\,log_2\left(\frac{{\frac{\partial^{\alpha}u}{\partial r^{\alpha}}}(r=r_0)}{\frac{\partial^{\alpha}u}{\partial r^{\alpha}}(r)}\right)\right] The theorytic profil of the radial velocity perturbation of RPI in the linear regime is under the form of Bessel function, such that u_{r1}' = C_1 I_1(kr) and u_{r2}' = C_2 K_1(kr).

    The grid redistribution with \alpha = 2 is implemented with the switch “STATIC”.

    event init (t = 0) {
      #if STATIC
      double position[] = {0.7,1.13,1.78,2.66,3.70,4.85,6.05};
      for(int GG= 1 ; GG <= 6 ; GG++){
        refine(  (y >0.03 ) && (y < position[GG]/(2.*M_PI) ) 
               && (level <(LVMAX+ 1 -GG))  ); }
      refine ((y < 0.03 ) && (level <(LVMAX-1)));
      fraction (f,  1./LL*(1.+ epsilon*cos(2.*M_PI*x)) -y ); 
      //general fraction field view
      draw_vof("f", lw = 1.5); 
      save ("fim.png");
      fprintf(stderr,"now cell = %ld\n" , grid->tn);


    The movies of interface and pressure variation.

    event movies (t += tend/100; t <= tend) {
      char legend[2000]; //time
      sprintf(legend, "t = %0.2g, \n LL = %g", t, LL);
      //general view
      draw_vof("f", lw = 1.5); 
      draw_string(legend, 1, size = 30., lw = 2.);
      save ("pressure.mp4");
      //movie 2 for detatch details
      //draw_vof("f", lw = 1.5); 
      //draw_string(legend, 1, size = 30., lw = 2.);
      //save ("detail.mp4");

    Here we save the position of maximum radius. A control parameter “scale” is used to verify if the simulation is still in the linear regime, that \frac{\eta_1 -\eta_2}{r_0} = \frac{r_{max} + r_{min}}{r_0} -2 < 0.02, with \eta the radius perturbation at max/min radius. The simulation will stoped if the linear condition is not satisfied.

    If the small perturbation theory is satisfied, the perturbation growth with time \eta(r,t) = \epsilon(r) e^{st}, with s the growthrate.

    We use a LLS as a linear regression method to calculate the growthrate \displaystyle ln \, (\frac{\lambda}{r_0} \eta) = C_{st} + \bar{s} ( t (\frac{\lambda}{r_0})^{\frac{3}{2}})

    event slope (i += 1; t <= tend) {
      scalar pos2[];
      double scale = (statsf(pos2).max + statsf(pos2).min)*LL-2.;
      double hh2 =statsf(pos2).max*LL-1.;
      double tt2 =t*pow(LL, 1.5);
      fprintf(fp," %g %g %g %g %g %g %d\n", tt2, hh2, scale,
              (statsf(pos2).max-1./LL)*N, epsilon, L0, N);
      double endeta;
      if ((t*pow(LL, 1.5) > 8.) && (fabs(scqle) < 1e-2) ){
        hh[kkk] = log(hh2);	
        tt[kkk] = tt2;
        fprintf(fp2,"%d %d %g %g %g %g\n", N, kkk, t, hh2, tt2,scale);
        kkk += 1;
        endeta = (statsf(pos2).max-1./LL)*N;
      if( ((t*pow(LL, 1.5) > 8.) && (fabs(scale) > 1e-2)) || (t*pow(LL, 1.5) > 14.)){
        double c0, c1, cov00, cov01, cov11, sumsq;
        gsl_fit_linear (tt, 1, hh, 1, kkk-2, 
                        &c0, &c1, &cov00, &cov01, &cov11, 
        fprintf (stderr,"#best fit: ln(h) = %g + %g t\n", c0, c1);
        fprintf (stderr,"#covariance matrix:\n");
        fprintf (stderr,"#[ %g, %g\n  #%g, %g]\n", 
                 cov00, cov01, cov01, cov11);
        fprintf (stderr,"#sumsq = %g\n", sumsq);
        fprintf (fp3,"%g %g %d %g %g\n",  epsilon, L0, N, c1, endeta );	
        return 1;

    Adapt wavelet function.

    As for now, the non-static AMR seems worse than the static AMR in the linear regime.

    #if ADAPT
    event adaptf(i++){
      doubel TOL = 1e-4;
      if (i>200){
        fprintf(fp2, "%d %g	%g %ld\n", i, t, TOL, grid->tn);
        adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double[]){TOL,TOL,TOL}, LVMAX,4);}