
    3D aorta-tube-endosize womersley flow

    Our goal is to simulate womersley flow from a real 3D internal-aortic tube, this model should be available for all almost straight models

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #include "distance.h"
    #include "fractions.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #define MIN_LEVEL 5//the control of refine level
    #define LEVEL 6
    #define MAX_LEVEL 8
    #define tmax 10*2.*M_PI
    #define alpha_w   10.

    Importing the geometry

    see details in distance.c

    void fraction_from_stl (scalar f, FILE * fp, int maxlevel)
      coord * p = input_stl (fp);
      coord min, max;
      bounding_box (p, &min, &max);
      double maxl = -HUGE;
        if (max.x - min.x > maxl)
        maxl = max.x - min.x;
        scalar d[];
      distance (d, p);
      while (adapt_wavelet ({d}, (double[]){1e-3*L0}, LEVEL).nf);
      vertex scalar phi[];
        phi[] = (d[] + d[-1] + d[0,-1] + d[-1,-1] +
                 d[0,0,-1] + d[-1,0,-1] + d[0,-1,-1] + d[-1,-1,-1])/8.;
      fractions (phi, f);
      view (fov = 27.1723, quat = {-0.707795,-0.108707,-0.69171,0.0934929}, 
            tx = -0.545947, ty = -0.00320332, bg = {0.3,0.4,0.6}, width = 640, height = 320);
      isosurface ("d", 0, color = "level", min = 5, max = 10);
      //save ("endotubestl.png");

    main fonction

    //fonction & field declaire
    scalar f0[];
    double cradius;
    int main()
      //We set the domain center and it's size (self-defining or shrinking the STL model is needed)
      init_grid (32);
      size (10.);
      origin (-L0/2 ,-L0/2, 0.);

    the definition use in Basilisk: Z - front z =L0 back z=0 & Y - top bottom & X - left right

    boundary conditions

    the main axi direction here is z

    //not sure it's useful
    //u.n[front] = neumann(0);
    //u.t[front]= dirichlet(0);
    //u.n[back] = neumann(0);
    //u.t[back]= dirichlet(0);
    p[front] = dirichlet(0);

    initial event

    event init (t = 0) {
      //read the STL file 
      if (!restore (file = "restart")) {
        FILE * fp = fopen ("endotube.stl", "r");
        fraction_from_stl (f0, fp, LEVEL);
        f0.refine = f0.prolongation = fraction_refine;
        fclose (fp);

    We display the surface reconstructed from volume fractions.

        draw_vof ("f0", edges = true, lw = 0.5);
        //save ("endotubevof.png");
        // initial velocity in order to avoid possible error(not sure really useful)
          u.z[] = 0.01*f0[];
        boundary ({u.z});

    We calculate the total volume and the equivalent radius

      //calculate volume
      double volume = statsf(f0).sum;
      fprintf(stderr, "total volume : %g \n", volume);
      //calculate caracteristic radius
      double eq_r = sqrt( volume/ (L0 *M_PI) ) ;
      cradius = 1.0 / eq_r;
      fprintf(stderr, "caracteristic radius :%g \n \n \n",cradius);

    In order to compare with the theoretical results given by the adimensional equation, we need to inverse calculate the value of  mu in our case.

      double viscosity = sq(cradius) / sq(alpha_w);
      const face vector muc[] = {viscosity, viscosity, viscosity};
      mu = muc;

    accelerate event

    We ossilate the system periodicly. Here we take T = 2 \Pi to match the adimensionalization.

    const face vector av[];
    event acceleration (i++) {
        av.z[] = sin(t)*f0[] ;
      boundary ((scalar *){av});
      a = av;

    Boundary Conditions

    We force the velocity outside (fraction filed) equals zero, which is a simple way to match the no slip boundary conditions

    event bc (t <= tmax; i += 1) {
      //no slip boundary conditions
        u.x[] = f0[]*u.x[];
        boundary ((scalar *){u , p});

    We put a test point to verify the resulte is stational

      double px = 0.8;
      double py = 1.1;
      double pz = 5.0;
      fprintf(stderr, "%d %g %g %g \n", i, t, dt,interpolate(u.z , px, py, pz))

    Dump files

    It’s use to restore the data from each 100 interation

    event snapshot (i += 100)
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "dump-%d", i);
      dump (file = name);

    velocity profile output

    We output the velocity profil in the middle of our tube, in order to compare with the theory value

    int j =0;
    event profill (t += 0.2*M_PI)
      if (t > tmax - 2.*M_PI){
        j += 1;
        char name3[80];
        sprintf (name3, "test-%d", j);	
        FILE *fp2;
        fp2 = fopen (name3, "w");
        double uyy = 1.1;
        double uzz = 5.;
        for (double uxx = -1.; uxx <= 2.; uxx += 1./100. ){
          fprintf(fp2,"%g %g %g\n", t, (uxx - 0.8), 1.5*interpolate(u.z , uxx, uyy, uzz));

    Mesh adaption

    mesh adaptation based both on volume fraction and velocity accuracy

    event adapt (i++) {
      double uemax = 0.01;
      adapt_wavelet ({f0,u}, (double[]){0.01,uemax,uemax,uemax}, MAX_LEVEL, MIN_LEVEL);

    fraction field

    Isosurface of the distance function coloured with level of refinement. Reconstructed VOF surface.


    set xlabel "r"
    plot [0:1.05][]'../2dwo/thwo10' us 1:2 t'theo' w l ,\
    'test-1' us 2:3 t't1' w lp,\
    'test-2' us 2:3 t't2' w lp,\
    'test-3' us 2:3 t't3' w lp,\
    'test-4' us 2:3 t't4' w lp,\
    'test-5' us 2:3 t't5' w lp,\
    'test-6' us 2:3 t't6' w lp,\
    'test-7' us 2:3 t't7' w lp,\
    'test-8' us 2:3 t't8' w lp,\
    'test-9' us 2:3 t't9' w lp,\
    'test-10' us 2:3 t't10' w lp
    compare with theory value (script)

    compare with theory value (script)