
    # we solve a case of 2D silo with orifice at the bottom by using the poisson equation \displaystyle \nabla^2 c = 0 with a flux at the top of the silo This system can be solved with the poisson solver.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "poisson.h"
    #include "utils.h"

    Concentration source, and some obvious variables

    scalar c[],s[];
    double dx,dy,W;

    Boundary conditions: a flux at the top of silo an orifice with size W at the bottom of the silo

    c[top]    =  neumann(1);
    c[bottom] =  fabs(x)<= W/2. ? dirichlet(0): neumann(0);
    c[right]  =  neumann(0);
    c[left]   =  neumann(0);

    ## Parameters The size of the domain L0. 0<x<L0 0<y<L0

    int main() {
        L0 = 1.;
        X0 = -L0/2.;
        Y0 = -L0/2.;
        N =  64;
        dx = L0/N;
        dy = L0/N;
        W = 0.25;
        init_grid (N);

    ##Solve Laplace Initialisation of the solution of laplace equation with poisson \displaystyle \nabla^2 c = s with a source term s=0

        c[] = s[] = 0.;
        boundary ({c, s});
        poisson (c,s);

    Save the results

    numerical solution

        FILE *  fpc = fopen("Fcsilo.txt", "w");
        for (double x =-L0/2 ; x <= L0/2; x += dx){
            for (double y = -L0/2 ; y <= L0/2; y += dy){
                fprintf (fpc, "%g %g %g \n",
                         x, y,   interpolate (c, x, y));}
            fprintf (fpc,"\n");}
        fprintf(stdout," end\n");

    ##Run Then compile and run:

    bash qcc -O2 -Wall -o silo silo.c -lm; ./silo ##Results

     set hidden3d
    sp 'Fcsilo.txt'
    3D plot of analycal solution and numerical solution (script)

    3D plot of analycal solution and numerical solution (script)

     set pm3d map
     set size square
     set palette rgbformulae 22,13,-31
     sp 'Fcsilo.txt'
    with colors (script)

    with colors (script)


    Version 1: 4 december 2015/ 14:58