
    The poisson equation

    The poisson equation is a diffusion Fick equation of a specie c \displaystyle \nabla^2 c = s we solve it in 2D. we compare the solution with the analytical solution of equation \displaystyle \nabla^2 c = 1 with boundary condition dirichlet 1 at every boundary the solution is \displaystyle ce(x,y) = \sum\limits_{l=1}^{\infty}\sum\limits_{m=1}^{\infty}U_{lm}sin((2l-1)\pi x)sin((2m-1)\pi y) with \displaystyle U_{lm}=\frac{-16}{((2l-1)^2+(2m-1)^2)\pi ^4 (2l-1)(2m-1)} This system can be solved with the poisson solver.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "poisson.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    #define pi 3.1415926

    Concentration source and flux, and some obvious variables

    scalar c[],s[],flux[];
    double dx,dy;

    the exact solution without mask

    double cexact(double x, double y)
    { double ce;
        ce =0.;
        //ce = (bi*y+1)/(bi*L0+1);
        for (double l = 1 ; l <= 200; l += 1){
            for (double m= 1 ; m<= 200; m += 1){
                ce += -16*sin((2*l-1)*pi*x)*sin((2*m-1)*pi*y)/(((2*l-1)*(2*l-1)+(2*m-1)*(2*m-1))*pi*pi*pi*pi*(2*l-1)*(2*m-1));
        return ce;

    Boundary conditions: dirichlet 1

    c[top]    =  dirichlet(0);
    c[bottom] =  dirichlet(0);
    c[right]  =  dirichlet(0);
    c[left]   =  dirichlet(0);


    The size of the domain L0. 0<x<L0 0<y<L0

    int main() {
        L0 = 1.;
        X0 = 0.;
        Y0 = 0.;
        N =  32;
        dx = L0/N;
        dy = L0/N;
        init_grid (N);

    Solve Laplace

    Initialisation of the solution of laplace equation with poisson \displaystyle \nabla^2 c = s with a source term s=1

        c[] = 0.;
        s[]= 1.;
        boundary ({c, s});
        poisson (c,s);

    Computation of the flux

        flux[] =  ( c[0,0] - c[0,-1] )/Delta;
        boundary ({flux});

    Save the results

    analytical solution

        FILE *  fpx = fopen("Fce.txt", "w");
        for (double x = 0 ; x <=1; x += dx){
            for (double y = 0; y <= 1; y += dy){
                fprintf (fpx, "%g %g %g \n",
                         x, y,  cexact (x,y));}
            fprintf (fpx,"\n");}

    numerical solution

        FILE *  fpc = fopen("Fcs.txt", "w");
        for (double x = 0 ; x <1-dx; x += dx){
            for (double y = 0; y < 1-dy; y += dy){
                fprintf (fpc, "%g %g %g \n",
                         x, y,   interpolate (c, x, y));}
            fprintf (fpc,"\n");}


        FILE *  fpe = fopen("Fcerror.txt", "w");
        static double abscemax=0., cemax=0., abscsmax=0., csmax=0.;
        for (double x = 0 ; x <=1; x += dx){
            for (double y = 0; y <= 1; y += dy){
                cemax = fabs(cexact (x,y));
                if(cemax > abscemax) abscemax = cemax;
                csmax = fabs( interpolate (c, x, y));
                if(csmax > abscsmax) abscsmax = csmax;
        fprintf (fpe, " %g \n", fabs((abscemax-abscsmax)/abscemax));
        fprintf(stdout,"Err = ");
        fprintf(stdout," %g\n",  fabs((abscemax-abscsmax)/abscemax));
        fprintf(stdout," end\n");


    Then compile and run:

     qcc -O2 -Wall -o Poisson2D Poisson2D.c -lm; ./Poisson2D


    set hidden3d
    sp[][][:] 'Fcs.txt' , 'Fce.txt' 
    3D plot of analycal solution and numerical solution (script)

    3D plot of analycal solution and numerical solution (script)



    Version 1: december 2015