
    Propagation of an acoustic disturbance in a tube

    In this test, We quantify the numerical dissipation of the all-Mach solver in the acoustic limit by simulating the propagation of a gaussian pulse of small amplitude. The results show the conclusions of the previous test( quantitatively.

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"

    We use the two-phase flow formulation

    Parameters of the problem

    double tend = 4.;
    double cflac = 0.01;
    double sigmaP = 1.4;
    double cson;
    double deltaP = 1.e-3;
    event stability (i++) {
      double dt = 100.;
      foreach ()
        dt = min(dt,Delta/sqrt(gamma1));
      dtmax = dt*cflac;
      DT = dt*cflac;
    int main()

    Size of the domain:

      size (20.);
      X0 = -L0/2.;

    The EOS for an adiabatic perfect gas is defined by its polytropic coefficient \Gamma = \gamma = 1.4

      gamma1 = 1.4;

    We use an upwind method for the tracer advection associated to the VOF tracer f

      f.gradient = zero;

    We perform a convergence study

      N = 256;
      //for (sigmaP = 0.4; sigmaP <= 1.4; sigmaP += 0.05) {
      //for (cflac = 0.1; cflac <= 100.; cflac *= 1.4) {
    event init (i = 0)
      cson = sqrt(gamma1);
      foreach() {
        f[] = 1.;
        p[] = (1.+ deltaP*exp(-x*x/sq(sigmaP)));
        frho1[] = (1. + (p[] - 1.)/sq(cson));
        q.x[] = 0.;
        q.y[] = 0.;
        fE1[] = p[]/(gamma1 - 1.) + 0.5*pow(q.x[],2)/frho1[];
      boundary ((scalar *){q, frho1, p, fE1});
    event endprint (t = tend) {
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "snapshot-%g-%3.2f", sigmaP, cflac);
      FILE * fp = fopen(name, "w");  
      foreach () 
        if ( y < Delta && x > 0.) 
        fprintf(fp, "%g %g \n", x, p[]);
      double pmax = 0;
      double xmax = 0;
      foreach () {
        if (p[]>pmax && x > 0.){
          pmax = p[];
          xmax = x;

    For a plane wave propagating in x direction, we calculate the CFL using the relation $ P = /rho c_{son} u_{x} $ in the acoustic limit

      printf("%g %g %g %g %g \n", sigmaP, cflac, deltaP/2./cson*cflac, fabs(xmax/(cson*tend)-1.), fabs((pmax - 1.)*2./deltaP - 1.0));
    set dgrid3d 30,30
    set pm3d map
    set logscale y
    unset key
    set title "Numerical error of attenuation"
    set ylabel "CFL"
    set autoscale xfix
    set xlabel "sigmaP"
    set autoscale yfix
    sp "out" u 1:3:5 palette
    Numerical error of attenuation (script)

    Numerical error of attenuation (script)

    set dgrid3d 30,30
    set pm3d map
    set logscale y
    unset key
    set title "Numerical error of sound speed"
    set ylabel "CFL"
    set autoscale xfix
    set xlabel "sigmaP"
    set autoscale yfix
    sp "out" u 1:3:4 palette
    Numerical error of sound speed (script)

    Numerical error of sound speed (script)