
    This function writes an XML file which allows to read the .pvd file generated by output_vtu_MPI() when used in MPI. Tested in (quad- and oct-) trees using MPI. In a .pvd file the history of all output files (namely path to headers .pvtu) is stored with not only number of time steps but the integration time. The header file .pvtu keeps source files of parallel output .vtu. Their quantity corresponds to the number of run processors. The .pvd file is created near the user case .c, the result directory res/ is created where all .pvtu and *.vtu files are kept.

    SMALL_VAL will be necessary for comparison of numbers.

    #define SMALL_VAL 1e-12

    If BC is not periodic then all data will be outputed, otherwise last boundary cells will not be written in a file (if there is MPI then additionally first boundary cells will not be written). Note that each direction is treated separately, i.e. if you have periodic BC only along X, then cutting will be performed only right boundary (MPI=> also left), other boundaries will be written fully.

    #ifdef _MPI
    #if dimension == 1
        #define MY_BOX_CONDITION ((!Period.x) || (x - Pmin.x - 0.5*Delta > 0) && (Pmax.x - x - 0.5*Delta > 0))
    #elif dimension == 2
    	#define MY_BOX_CONDITION (((!Period.x) || (x - Pmin.x - 0.5*Delta > 0) && (Pmax.x - x - 0.5*Delta > 0)) && ((!Period.y) || (y - Pmin.y - 0.5*Delta > 0) && (Pmax.y - y - 0.5*Delta > 0)))
    #elif dimension > 2
        #define MY_BOX_CONDITION (((!Period.x) || (x - Pmin.x - 0.5*Delta > 0) && (Pmax.x - x - 0.5*Delta > 0)) && ((!Period.y) || (y - Pmin.y - 0.5*Delta > 0) && (Pmax.y - y - 0.5*Delta > 0)) && ((!Period.z) || (z - Pmin.z - 0.5*Delta > 0) && (Pmax.z - z - 0.5*Delta > 0)))
    #if dimension == 1
        #define MY_BOX_CONDITION ((!Period.x) || (Pmax.x - x - 0.5*Delta > 0))
    #elif dimension == 2
        #define MY_BOX_CONDITION (((!Period.x) || (Pmax.x - x - 0.5*Delta > 0)) && ((!Period.y) || (Pmax.y - y - 0.5*Delta > 0)))
    #elif dimension > 2
        #define MY_BOX_CONDITION (((!Period.x) || (Pmax.x - x - 0.5*Delta > 0)) && ((!Period.y) || (Pmax.y - y - 0.5*Delta > 0)) && ((!Period.z) || (Pmax.z - z - 0.5*Delta > 0)))

    In order to see extended values including ghost cells, user should determine macros before including the present header:

    #define PRINT_ALL_VALUES

    otherwise cell values will be outputed. PRINT_ALL_VALUES macros can be helpful in a stage of the debugging. LISTDIM and FVLISTDIM correspond to the number of additional arrays for scalars and face vectors. For vectors it is inferred as 3*LISTDIM

    #if dimension == 1
        #define LISTDIM 3
        #define FVLISTDIM 2
    #elif dimension == 2
        #define LISTDIM 5
        #define FVLISTDIM 8
    #elif dimension > 2
        #define LISTDIM 7
        #define FVLISTDIM 18
        #define LISTDIM 1
        #define FVLISTDIM 8

    To ease readiblity of components the name of components for face vectors aree sset. Their size is comparatively higher than vectors even for a two-dimensional problems.

    #if dimension == 1
        char components_name[] = "ComponentName0=\"left_X\" ComponentName1=\"right_X\" ";
    #elif dimension == 2
        char components_name[] = "ComponentName0=\"left_X\" ComponentName1=\"left_Y\" "
                                 "ComponentName2=\"right_X\" ComponentName3=\"right_Y\" "
                                 "ComponentName4=\"bottom_X\" ComponentName5=\"bottom_Y\" "
                                 "ComponentName6=\"top_X\" ComponentName7=\"top_Y\" ";
    #elif dimension > 2
        char components_name[] = "ComponentName0=\"left_X\" ComponentName1=\"left_Y\" ComponentName2=\"left_Z\" "
                                 "ComponentName3=\"right_X\" ComponentName4=\"right_Y\" ComponentName5=\"right_Z\" "
                                 "ComponentName6=\"bottom_X\" ComponentName7=\"bottom_Y\" ComponentName8=\"bottom_Z\" "
                                 "ComponentName9=\"top_X\" ComponentName10=\"top_Y\" ComponentName11=\"top_Z\" "
                                 "ComponentName12=\"back_X\" ComponentName13=\"back_Y\" ComponentName14=\"back_Z\" "
                                 "ComponentName15=\"front_X\" ComponentName16=\"front_Y\" ComponentName17=\"fronts_Z\" ";
    #define MAX_STRING_SIZE 40
    char array_subname[][MAX_STRING_SIZE] = { "left", "center", "right",
                                              "bottom", "top",
                                              "back", "front"
    int aid[7][3] = { {-1,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {1,0,0},
                      {0,-1,0}, {0,1,0},
                      {0,0,-1}, {0,0,1}

    Helpful libraries to create a directory res

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    void output_pvtu_ascii (scalar * list, vector * vlist, vector * fvlist, int n, FILE * fp, char * subname)
        int dim=3;
        fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
        "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t <PCellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
    #ifndef PRINT_ALL_VALUES
        for (scalar s in list) {
          fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n",;
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        for (vector v in vlist) {
          fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n",;
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        for (scalar s in list) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++)
                fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n",, array_subname[i]);
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        for (vector v in vlist) {
            for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++)
                fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n", dim,, array_subname[i]);
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        for (vector v in fvlist) {
            fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" %s Name=\"%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n", FVLISTDIM, components_name,;
            fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t </PCellData>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t <PPoints>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </PDataArray>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t </PPoints>\n", fp);
        for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
          fprintf (fp, "<Piece Source=\"%s_n%3.3d.vtu\"/> \n", subname, i);
        fputs ("\t </PUnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
        fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
    This function writes one XML VTK file per PID process of type unstructured grid
    (*.vtu) which can be read using Paraview. File stores scalar and vector fields
    defined at the center points. Results are recorded on ASCII format. If one writes
    one *.vtu file per PID process this function may be combined with
    output_pvtu_ascii() above to read in parallel. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees
    using MPI. Also works with solids (when not using MPI).
    void output_vtu_ascii_foreach (scalar * list, vector * vlist, vector * fvlist, int n, FILE * fp, bool linear)
        int dim = 3;
        coord Pmin = {X0 + SMALL_VAL, Y0 + SMALL_VAL, Z0 + SMALL_VAL};
        coord Pmax = {X0 + L0 - SMALL_VAL, Y0 + L0 - SMALL_VAL, Z0 + L0 - SMALL_VAL};
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
      int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
      vertex scalar marker[];
      int no_points = 0, no_cells=0 ;
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION) {
          marker[] = no_points++;
    	  marker[] = -1;
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION) no_cells += 1;
      fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
      "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t <UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%d\" NumberOfCells=\"%d\">\n", no_points, no_cells);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <CellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
    #ifndef PRINT_ALL_VALUES
      for (scalar s in list) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n",;
          if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
            fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g\n", val(s));
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (vector v in vlist) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n",;
          if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
    #if dimension == 1
              fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g 0 0.\n", val(v.x));
    #if dimension == 2
              fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g %g 0.\n", val(v.x), val(v.y));
    #if dimension > 2
              fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g %g %g\n", val(v.x), val(v.y), val(v.z));
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (scalar s in list) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++){
              fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n",, array_subname[i]);
                  if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
                    fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g \n",s[aid[i][0], aid[i][1], aid[i][2]]);
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (vector v in vlist) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++){
              fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n", dim,, array_subname[i]);
                  if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
                      #if dimension == 1
                        fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g 0 0.\n", v.x[aid[i][0],aid[i][1],aid[i][2]]);
                      #if dimension == 2
                        fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g %g 0.\n", v.x[aid[i][0],aid[i][1],aid[i][2]], v.y[aid[i][0],aid[i][1],aid[i][2]]);
                      #if dimension > 2
                        fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g %g %g\n", v.x[aid[i][0],aid[i][1],aid[i][2]], v.y[aid[i][0],aid[i][1],aid[i][2]], v.z[aid[i][0],aid[i][1],aid[i][2]]);
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (vector v in fvlist) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" %s Name=\"%s\" format=\"ascii\">\n", FVLISTDIM, components_name,;
          if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
    #if dimension == 1
            double arr[FVLISTDIM]={v.x[], v.x[1]};
    #if dimension == 2
            double arr[FVLISTDIM]={v.x[0,0], v.y[-1,0],
                                         v.x[1,0], v.y[1,0],
                                         v.x[0,-1], v.y[0,0],
                                         v.x[0,1], v.y[0,1]};
    #if dimension > 2
            double arr[FVLISTDIM]={v.x[0,0], v.y[-1,0], v.z[-1,0],
                                         v.x[1,0], v.y[1,0], v.z[1,0],
                                         v.x[0,-1], v.y[0,0], v.z[0,-1],
                                         v.x[0,1], v.y[0,1], v.z[0,1],
                                         v.x[0,0,-1], v.y[0,0,-1], v.z[0,0,0],
                                         v.x[0,0,1], v.y[0,0,1], v.z[0,0,1]};
            fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t ");
            for (int i = 0; i < FVLISTDIM; i++){
                fprintf (fp, "%g ", arr[i]);
            fprintf (fp, "\n");
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </CellData>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <Points>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
            fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %g %g %g\n", x, y, z);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </Points>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <Cells>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
        #if dimension == 1
          fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d %d \n", (int)marker[], (int)marker[1]);
        #if dimension == 2
          fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d %d %d %d \n", (int)marker[], (int)marker[1,0], (int)marker[1,1], (int)marker[0,1]);
        #if dimension > 2
          fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \n", (int)marker[], (int)marker[1,0,0], (int)marker[1,1,0], (int)marker[0,1,0], (int)marker[0,0,1], (int)marker[1,0,1], (int)marker[1,1,1], (int)marker[0,1,1]);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
      for (int i = 1; i < no_cells+1; i++){
    #if dimension == 2
        fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d \n", i*4);
    #if dimension > 2
        fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d \n", i*8);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
        #if dimension == 1
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t\t 3 \n", fp); //VTK_LINE (=3)
        #if dimension == 2
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t\t 9 \n", fp); //VTK_QUAD (=9)
        #if dimension > 2
          fputs ("\t\t\t\t\t 12 \n", fp); //VTK_HEXAHEDRON
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </Cells>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t </Piece>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t </UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
      fflush (fp);
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
    This function writes one XML file which allows to read the *.vtu files generated
    by output_vtu_bin_foreach() when used in MPI. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees
    using MPI.
    void output_pvtu_bin (scalar * list, vector * vlist, vector * fvlist, int n, FILE * fp, char * subname)
        int dim=3;
        fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
        "<VTKFile type=\"PUnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t <PUnstructuredGrid GhostLevel=\"0\">\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t <PCellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
    #ifndef PRINT_ALL_VALUES
        for (scalar s in list) {
          fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\"/>\n",;
        for (vector v in vlist) {
          fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\"/>\n", dim,;
        for (scalar s in list) {
            for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++)
                fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"appended\"/>\n",, array_subname[i]);
        for (vector v in vlist) {
            for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++)
                fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"appended\"/>\n", dim,, array_subname[i]);
        for (vector v in fvlist) {
            fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" %s Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\"/>\n", FVLISTDIM, components_name,;
        fputs ("\t\t\t </PCellData>\n", fp);
        fputs ("\t\t\t <PPoints>\n", fp);
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <PDataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"ascii\"/>\n", dim);
        fputs ("\t\t\t </PPoints>\n", fp);
        for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
          fprintf (fp, "<Piece Source=\"%s_n%3.3d.vtu\"/> \n", subname, i);
        fputs ("\t </PUnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
        fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
    This function writes one XML VTK file per PID process of type unstructured grid
    (*.vtu) which can be read using Paraview. File stores scalar and vector fields
    defined at the center points. Results are recorded on binary format. If one writes
    one *.vtu file per PID process this function may be combined with
    output_pvtu_bin() above to read in parallel. Tested in (quad- and oct-)trees
    using MPI. Also works with solids (when not using MPI).
    void output_vtu_bin_foreach (scalar * list, vector * vlist, vector * fvlist, int n, FILE * fp, bool linear)
      int dim = 3;
      coord Pmin = {X0 + SMALL_VAL, Y0 + SMALL_VAL, Z0 + SMALL_VAL};
      coord Pmax = {X0 + L0 - SMALL_VAL, Y0 + L0 - SMALL_VAL, Z0 + L0 - SMALL_VAL};
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
      int num_omp = omp_get_max_threads();
      vertex scalar marker[];
      int no_points = 0, no_cells = 0;
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION) {
          marker[] = no_points++;
        	marker[] = -1; //if you see -1 in vtu file=> there is a mistake
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION) no_cells++;
      fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
      "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t <UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%d\" NumberOfCells=\"%d\">\n", no_points, no_cells);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <CellData Scalars=\"scalars\">\n", fp);
      int count = 0;
    #ifndef PRINT_ALL_VALUES
      for (scalar s in list) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%d\">\n",, count);
        count += ((no_cells)+1)*8;
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (vector v in vlist) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%d\">\n",, dim, count);
        count += (no_cells*dim+1)*8;
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (scalar s in list) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++){
            fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s_%s\" format=\"appended\" offset=\"%d\">\n",, array_subname[i], count);
            count += ((no_cells)+1)*8;
            fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (vector v in vlist) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++){
            fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s_%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%d\">\n",, array_subname[i], dim, count);
            count += (no_cells*dim+1)*8;
            fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      for (vector v in fvlist) {
        fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\"  %s format=\"appended\" offset=\"%d\">\n",, FVLISTDIM, components_name, count);
        count += (no_cells*FVLISTDIM+1)*8;
        fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </CellData>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <Points>\n", fp);
      fprintf (fp,"\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\"  format=\"appended\" offset=\"%d\">\n", dim, count);
      count += (no_points*dim+1)*8;
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </Points>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t <Cells>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION) {
    #if dimension == 1
    	    fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d %d \n", (int)marker[], (int)marker[1]);
    #if dimension == 2
    	    fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d %d %d %d \n", (int)marker[], (int)marker[1,0], (int)marker[1,1], (int)marker[0,1]);
    #if dimension > 2
    	    fprintf (fp, "\t\t\t\t\t %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d \n", (int)marker[], (int)marker[1,0,0], (int)marker[1,1,0], (int)marker[0,1,0], (int)marker[0,0,1], (int)marker[1,0,1], (int)marker[1,1,1], (int)marker[0,1,1]);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"Int64\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
      for (int i = 1; i < no_cells+1; i++){
    #if dimension == 1
        fprintf (fp, "%d \n", i*2);
    #if dimension == 2
        fprintf (fp, "%d \n", i*4);
    #if dimension > 2
        fprintf (fp, "%d \n", i*8);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\">\n", fp);
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
        #if dimension == 1
          fputs ("3 \n", fp); //VTK_LINE (=3)
        #if dimension == 2
          fputs ("9 \n", fp); //VTK_QUAD (=9)
        #if dimension > 2
          fputs ("12 \n", fp); //VTK_HEXAHEDRON
      fputs ("\t\t\t\t </DataArray>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t\t </Cells>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t\t </Piece>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t </UnstructuredGrid>\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t <AppendedData encoding=\"raw\">\n", fp);
      fputs ("_", fp);
      unsigned long long block_len=no_cells*8;
    #if dimension == 1
      double y=0, vy=0;
      double z=0, vz=0;
    #if dimension == 2
      double z=0, vz=0;
    #ifndef PRINT_ALL_VALUES
      for (scalar s in list) {
        fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (unsigned long long), 1, fp);
          if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
            fwrite (&val(s), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      for (vector v in vlist) {
        fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (unsigned long long), 1, fp);
          if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
          #if dimension == 1
            fwrite (&val(v.x), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&vy, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&vz, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
          #if dimension == 2
            fwrite (&val(v.x), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&val(v.y), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&vz, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
          #if dimension > 2
            fwrite (&val(v.x), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&val(v.y), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
            fwrite (&val(v.z), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      for (scalar s in list) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++){
              fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (unsigned long long), 1, fp);
                if (MY_BOX_CONDITION)
                    fwrite (&val(s, aid[i][0], aid[i][1], aid[i][2]), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      for (vector v in vlist) {
          for (int i=0; i<LISTDIM; i++){
            int ai=aid[i][0], aj=aid[i][1], ak=aid[i][2];
            fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (unsigned long long), 1, fp);
              if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
              #if dimension == 1
                fwrite (&val(v.x, ai, aj, ak), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
                fwrite (&vy, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
                fwrite (&vz, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
              #if dimension == 2
                fwrite (&val(v.x, ai, aj, ak), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
                fwrite (&val(v.y, ai, aj, ak), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
                fwrite (&vz, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
              #if dimension > 2
                fwrite (&val(v.x, ai, aj, ak), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
                fwrite (&val(v.y, ai, aj, ak), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
                fwrite (&val(v.z, ai, aj, ak), sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      for (vector v in fvlist) {
        fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (unsigned long long), 1, fp);
          if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
    #if dimension == 1
            double arr[FVLISTDIM]={v.x[], v.x[1]};
    #if dimension == 2
    //        double arr[FVLISTDIM]={  v.x[0,1], v.x[0,0], v.x[0,-1], v.x[1,1], v.x[1,0], v.x[1,-1],
    //                                 v.y[-1,0], v.y[0,0], v.y[1,0], v.y[-1,1], v.y[0,1], v.y[1,1]};
              double arr[FVLISTDIM]={  v.x[0,0], v.y[-1,0],
                                       v.x[1,0], v.y[1,0],
                                       v.x[0,-1], v.y[0,0],
                                       v.x[0,1], v.y[0,1]
    #if dimension > 2
              double arr[FVLISTDIM]={  v.x[0,0], v.y[-1,0], v.z[-1,0],
                                       v.x[1,0], v.y[1,0], v.z[1,0],
                                       v.x[0,-1], v.y[0,0], v.z[0,-1],
                                       v.x[0,1], v.y[0,1], v.z[0,1],
                                       v.x[0,0,-1], v.y[0,0,-1], v.z[0,0,0],
                                       v.x[0,0,1], v.y[0,0,1], v.z[0,0,1]
            fwrite (&arr, FVLISTDIM*sizeof(double), 1, fp);
      fwrite (&block_len, sizeof (unsigned long long), 1, fp);
        if (MY_BOX_CONDITION){
          fwrite (&x, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
          fwrite (&y, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
          fwrite (&z, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
      fputs ("\t\n", fp);
      fputs ("\t </AppendedData>\n", fp);
      fputs ("</VTKFile>\n", fp);
      fflush (fp);
    #if defined(_OPENMP)
    void output_pvd_file(FILE * fp, int nf, float * file_timesteps, char * subname){
    //    fputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n",fp);
        fputs ("<VTKFile type=\"Collection\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"UInt64\">\n"
               "\t <Collection>\n", fp);
        for (int i=0; i<=nf; i++) {
            fprintf(fp, "\t\t<DataSet timestep=\"%g\" part=\"0\" file=\"res/%s_0_%4.4d.pvtu\"/>\n", file_timesteps[i], subname, i);
        fputs ("\t </Collection>\n "
               "</VTKFile>\n", fp);
    /* output_vtu_MPI produces *.pvtu files and *.vtu files. The user needs to specify list of scalars and vectors and subname.
    struct stat st = {0};
    static int iter_fp=0;
    static float file_timesteps[9999];
    void output_vtu_MPI(scalar * list, vector * vlist, vector * fvlist, char * subname, double myt){
        int nf = iter_fp;
        char name_vtu[80];
        if (iter_fp == 0) {
            if (stat("res", &st) == -1) {
                mkdir("res", 0755);
        FILE *fp;
        if (nf>9999) { fprintf(stderr, "too many files, more than 9999"); exit(1); }
        sprintf(name_vtu, "res/%s_%4.4d_n%3.3d.vtu", subname, nf, pid());
        fp = fopen(name_vtu, "w");
        output_vtu_bin_foreach(list, vlist, fvlist, 64, fp, true);//64 and true is useless. It needs to support the interface
        if (pid() == 0) {
            //pvtu file
            char name_pvtu[80], tmp[80];
    	    sprintf(name_pvtu, "res/%s_0_%4.4d.pvtu", subname, nf);
            sprintf(tmp, "%s_%4.4d", subname, nf);
            fprintf(ferr, "+++vtk_file: %s, %s\n", name_pvtu, name_vtu);
            fp = fopen(name_pvtu, "w");
            output_pvtu_bin(list, vlist, fvlist, 64, fp, tmp);
            //pvd file with timesteps
            char name_pvd[80];
            sprintf(name_pvd, "%s.pvd", subname);
            fp = fopen(name_pvd, "w");
            file_timesteps[nf] = myt;
            output_pvd_file(fp, nf, file_timesteps, subname);
        @if _MPI
        fprintf (ferr, "iter_fp: %d t=%g dt=%g\n", nf, t, dt);
    void face_vector2vector(face vector fv, vector mapped_data_lower, vector mapped_data_upper){
    //    face vector kappa;
    //    kappa = some_face_data;
    //    vector mapped_data_lower, mapped_data_upper;
            mapped_data_lower.x[] = fv.x[];
            mapped_data_upper.x[] = fv.x[1];