
    This page contains al physics accosciated functions of the Krabbendijke case. Note that the buoyancy implementation is similar to here and the lumped soil model is documented here. Note that for the imported SGS.h page, the diffusion event is turned off since this is implemented here.

    What is done: Profiles are set. Boundary conditions and profiles are initialized. The vreman subgrid closure is used. Gravity acceleration is added via buoyancy. A lumped soil model is used, tendency towards a soil temperature.

    #if dimension == 3
    	#include "SGS.h"
    #define CP 1005.	// C_p for air 
    #define gCONST 9.81	// Gravitational constant
    #define TREF 273.	// Kelvin
    #define INVERSION .5 	// Kelvin per meter
    #define karman 0.4      // von Karman constant 
    #define roughY0u 0.1    // roughness wind length 
    #define roughY0h 0.1     // roughness heat length
    #define WIND(s) (-max(0.1*log(s/roughY0u),0.))   // log Wind profile 
    #define QFLX 0. 	
    #define BSURF ((b[0,1]-b[]*lut2[level])/(1.-lut2[level]))  // log estimate of surface b
    #define GFLX (-Lambda*(BSURF - bd))
    double Lambda = 0.005, bd = 0.;   // Grass coupling
    #define STRAT(s) max(gCONST/TREF*(log(0.5*(s/roughY0h))), 0) + (QFLX/Lambda + bd)
    scalar b[];
    scalar * tracers = {b};
    double crho = 1.;	
    face vector av[]; 
    struct sCase def;
    struct sCase {
    	double wind;
    	double wphi;
    void init_physics(){
     	def.wind = 1.;
            def.wphi = 0.;
    	b.nodump = false; 
            u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
            u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
            u.n[top] = dirichlet(0.);
            u.t[top] = dirichlet(WIND(y));
            periodic (left);
    	b[bottom] = BSURF;
    	b[top] = dirichlet(STRAT(y));
    	#if dimension == 3
                u.r[top] = dirichlet(WIND(y));
    	    u.r[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); 
                u.t[top] = neumann(0.); 
    	    Evis[bottom] = dirichlet(0.); // Flux is explicitly calculated
                Evis[top] = dirichlet(0.);
    	foreach() {
    		b[] = STRAT(y);
    		if(fabs(def.wind) > 0.) {
           	            u.x[] = WIND(y);
    double lut[20];
    double lut2[20];
    event init (t = 0) {
        for (int m = 0; m <= 19; m++) {
    	double d  = (L0/((double)(1 << m)))/roughY0u;
    	double d2 = (L0/((double)(1 << m)))/roughY0h;
            if (m==0) {
    	    lut[0] = 0;
    	    lut2[0] = 0;
    	} else {
                lut[m] = sq(karman/(log(d) - 1.));
    	    lut2[m] = (log(4.*d2) - 1.)/(log(d2) - 1.);
    /* Gravity forcing */
    // Acceleration due to buoyancy applied at the interfaces of cells in the y direction.
    event acceleration(i++){
    		av.y[] = (b[] + b[0,-1])/2.;
    // 'fresh' air forced at the boundaries 
    event inflow(i++){
        double sides = 75; // approx 10 percent of 700 m domain
        double relaxtime = dt/37.5;  
              // apply at boundaries in the horizontal and in the vertical apply from 550 m on to introduce a damping.
    	  if((x < sides || x > L0-sides) ||
    	   (z < sides || z > L0-sides) ||
    	   (y > L0-2*sides )) {
    	    double a = (x < sides) ? x : fabs(x-L0);
    	    a = 1.; 
    	    u.x[] = u.x[] + a*(WIND(y)-u.x[])*relaxtime;
     	    b[] = b[] + a*(STRAT(y) - b[])*relaxtime;
    	    u.y[] = u.y[] - a*u.y[]*relaxtime;
                u.z[] = u.z[] - a*u.z[]*relaxtime;
    mgstats mgb;
    /* Diffusion and soil heat source*/
    event tracer_diffusion(i++){
        scalar r[]; // source for the diffusion of b(uoyancy) field 
        foreach() {
            r[] = 0;
            if (y < Delta)
                r[] = (QFLX + GFLX)/sq(Delta); // div needed as normalization 
        double flx = 0, bt = 0;
        double fctr = CP*TREF/gCONST;
        foreach_boundary(bottom reduction(+:flx) reduction(+:bt)) {
            flx = flx + (QFLX + GFLX) * sq(Delta);
             bt = bt + BSURF * sq(Delta);
        bt = bt/sq(L0);
        flx = flx/sq(L0);
        fprintf(stderr, "soil=%g %g %g %d\n", t, fctr*flx, fctr*bt/CP, i);  // diagnostics
        mgb = diffusion(b, dt, mu, r = r);