
    Surface tension

    Surface tension can be expressed as the interfacial force density \displaystyle \phi\nabla f with f the volume fraction describing the interface and the potential \displaystyle \phi = \sigma\kappa with \sigma the (constant) surface tension coefficient and \kappa the interface mean curvature.

    #include "iforce.h"
    #include "curvature.h"

    The surface tension coefficient is associated to each VOF tracer.

    double sigma12 = 0., sigma23 = 0., sigma13 = 0.;

    Stability condition

    The surface tension scheme is time-explicit so the maximum timestep is the oscillation period of the smallest capillary wave. \displaystyle T = \sqrt{\frac{\rho_{m}\Delta_{min}^3}{\pi\sigma}} with \rho_m=(\rho_1+\rho_2)/2. and \rho_1, \rho_2 the densities on either side of the interface.

    We first compute the minimum and maximum values of \alpha/f_m = 1/\rho, as well as \Delta_{min}.

      double amin = HUGE, amax = -HUGE, dmin = HUGE;
      foreach_face (reduction(min:amin) reduction(max:amax) reduction(min:dmin)) {
        if (alpha.x[]/fm.x[] > amax) amax = alpha.x[]/fm.x[];
        if (alpha.x[]/fm.x[] < amin) amin = alpha.x[]/fm.x[];
        if (Delta < dmin) dmin = Delta;
      double rhom = (1./amin + 1./amax)/2.;

    The maximum timestep is set using the sum of surface tension coefficients.

      double sigma = sigma13+sigma23+sigma12;
      if (sigma) {
        double dt = sqrt (rhom*cube(dmin)/(pi*sigma));
        if (dt < dtmax)
          dtmax = dt;

    Definition of the potential

    We overload the acceleration event to define the potential \phi=\sigma\kappa.

    This is where we make the change

    We first calculate the curvature \kappa, instead of sigma\kappa. Then we change this field based on the interface location.

    We check for all VOF interfaces for which \sigma is non-zero.

      for (scalar f in interfaces){

    If \phi is already allocated, an error is thrown. (Fix me!!)

        scalar phi = f.phi;
        if (phi.i){
          fprintf(ferr, "Phi already exists! The current ThreePhase model cannot handle that.\n");
        phi = new scalar;
        curvature (f, phi, 1.0, add = false);
        f.phi = phi;
    Right now, phi only means \kappa. We need to change it to based on the interface locations.
    We refer back to the Schematic:

    Schematic: Details of the VOF fields and interfaces.

    • If both phi1[] and phi2[] are defined, then it is the interface between phase 2 and 3.
    • If only phi1[] is defined (but phi2[]) is not, then it is the interface between 1 and 3.
    • If only phi2[] is defined (but phi1[]) is not, then it is the interface between 1 and 2. We modify phi accordingly.
      scalar phi1 = f1.phi, phi2 = f2.phi;
      foreach(){ // To do: Use a better if-else look. Also check if for (scalar f in interfaces) can be used somehow.
        if(phi1[] < nodata && phi2[] < nodata){
          phi1[] *= sigma23/2.;
          phi2[] *= sigma23/2.;
        } else {
          if(phi1[] < nodata){
            phi1[] *= sigma13;
          } else {
            if (phi2[] < nodata){
              phi2[] *= sigma12;