
    Two-phase interfacial flows

    This is a modified version of two-phase.h. It contains the implementation of Viscoplastic Fluid (Bingham Fluid).
    This file helps setup simulations for flows of two fluids separated by an interface (i.e. immiscible fluids). It is typically used in combination with a Navier–Stokes solver.

    The interface between the fluids is tracked with a Volume-Of-Fluid method. The volume fraction in fluid 1 is f=1 and f=0 in fluid 2. The densities and dynamic viscosities for fluid 1 and 2 are rho1, mu1, rho2, mu2, respectively.

    #include "vof.h"
    scalar f[], * interfaces = {f};
    scalar D2[];
    face vector D2f[];
    double rho1 = 1., mu1 = 0., rho2 = 1., mu2 = 0.;
    double mumax = 0., tauy = 0.;

    Auxilliary fields are necessary to define the (variable) specific volume \alpha=1/\rho as well as the cell-centered density.

    face vector alphav[];
    scalar rhov[];
    event defaults (i = 0) {
      alpha = alphav;
      rho = rhov;

    If the viscosity is non-zero, we need to allocate the face-centered viscosity field.

      if (mu1 || mu2)
        mu = new face vector;

    The density and viscosity are defined using arithmetic averages by default. The user can overload these definitions to use other types of averages (i.e. harmonic).

    #ifndef rho
    # define rho(f) (clamp(f,0.,1.)*(rho1 - rho2) + rho2)
    #ifndef mu
    # define mu(muTemp, mu2, f)  (clamp(f,0.,1.)*(muTemp - mu2) + mu2)

    We have the option of using some “smearing” of the density/viscosity jump.

    #ifdef FILTERED
    scalar sf[];
    # define sf f
    event properties (i++) {

    When using smearing of the density jump, we initialise sf with the vertex-average of f.

    #ifndef sf
    #if dimension <= 2
        sf[] = (4.*f[] +
    	    2.*(f[0,1] + f[0,-1] + f[1,0] + f[-1,0]) +
    	    f[-1,-1] + f[1,-1] + f[1,1] + f[-1,1])/16.;
    #else // dimension == 3
        sf[] = (8.*f[] +
    	    4.*(f[-1] + f[1] + f[0,1] + f[0,-1] + f[0,0,1] + f[0,0,-1]) +
    	    2.*(f[-1,1] + f[-1,0,1] + f[-1,0,-1] + f[-1,-1] +
    		f[0,1,1] + f[0,1,-1] + f[0,-1,1] + f[0,-1,-1] +
    		f[1,1] + f[1,0,1] + f[1,-1] + f[1,0,-1]) +
    	    f[1,-1,1] + f[-1,1,1] + f[-1,1,-1] + f[1,1,1] +
    	    f[1,1,-1] + f[-1,-1,-1] + f[1,-1,-1] + f[-1,-1,1])/64.;
    #if TREE
      sf.prolongation = refine_bilinear;
      boundary ({sf});

    This is part where we have made changes. \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{11} = \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial r}

    \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{22} = \frac{u_r}{r}

    \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{13} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z}+ \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}\right)

    \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{31} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial r}+ \frac{\partial u_r}{\partial z}\right)

    \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{33} = \frac{\partial u_z}{\partial z}

    \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_{12} = \mathcal{D}_{23} = 0.

    The second invariant is \mathcal{D}_2=\sqrt{\mathcal{D}_{ij}\mathcal{D}_{ij}} (this is the Frobenius norm) \displaystyle \mathcal{D}_2^2= \mathcal{D}_{ij}\mathcal{D}_{ij}= \mathcal{D}_{11}\mathcal{D}_{11} + \mathcal{D}_{22}\mathcal{D}_{22} + \mathcal{D}_{13}\mathcal{D}_{31} + \mathcal{D}_{31}\mathcal{D}_{13} + \mathcal{D}_{33}\mathcal{D}_{33}

    Note: \|\mathcal{D}\| = D_2/\sqrt{2}.

    We use the formulation as given in Balmforth et al. (2013), they use \dot \gamma which is by their definition \sqrt{\frac{1}{2}\dot \gamma_{ij} \dot \gamma_{ij}} and as \dot \gamma_{ij}=2 D_{ij}

    Therefore, \dot \gamma = \sqrt{2} \mathcal{D}_2, that is why we have a \sqrt{2} in the equations.

    Factorising with 2 \mathcal{D}_{ij} to obtain a equivalent viscosity \displaystyle \tau_{ij} = 2( \mu_0 + \frac{\tau_y}{2 \|\mathcal{D}\| } ) D_{ij}=2( \mu_0 + \frac{\tau_y}{\sqrt{2} \mathcal{D}_2 } ) \mathcal{D}_{ij} As defined by Balmforth et al. (2013) \displaystyle \tau_{ij} = 2 \mu_{eq} \mathcal{D}_{ij} with \displaystyle \mu_{eq}= \mu_0 + \frac{\tau_y}{\sqrt{2} \mathcal{D}_2 }

    Finally, mu is the min of of \mu_{eq} and a large \mu_{max}.

    The fluid flows always, it is not a solid, but a very viscous fluid. \displaystyle \mu = \text{min}\left(\mu_{eq}, \mu_{max}\right)

    Reproduced from: P.-Y. Lagrée’s Sandbox. Here, we use a face implementation of the regularisation method, described here.

      foreach_face(x) {
        double ff = (sf[] + sf[-1])/2.;
        alphav.x[] = fm.x[]/rho(ff);
        double muTemp = mu1;
        face vector muv = mu;
        double D11 = 0.5*( (u.y[0,1] - u.y[0,-1] + u.y[-1,1] - u.y[-1,-1])/(2.*Delta) );
        double D22 = (u.y[] + u.y[-1, 0])/(2*max(y, 1e-20));
        double D33 = (u.x[] - u.x[-1,0])/Delta;
        double D13 = 0.5*( (u.y[] - u.y[-1, 0])/Delta + 0.5*( (u.x[0,1] - u.x[0,-1] + u.x[-1,1] - u.x[-1,-1])/(2.*Delta) ) );
        double D2temp = sqrt( sq(D11) + sq(D22) + sq(D33) + 2*sq(D13) );
        if (D2temp > 0. && tauy > 0.){
          double temp = tauy/(sqrt(2.)*D2temp) + mu1;
          muTemp = min(temp, mumax);
        } else {
          if (tauy > 0.){
            muTemp = mumax;
          } else {
            muTemp = mu1;
        muv.x[] = fm.x[]*mu(muTemp, mu2, ff);
        D2f.x[] = D2temp;
      foreach_face(y) {
        double ff = (sf[0,0] + sf[0,-1])/2.;
        alphav.y[] = fm.y[]/rho(ff);
        double muTemp = mu1;
        face vector muv = mu;
        double D11 = (u.y[0,0] - u.y[0,-1])/Delta;
        double D22 = (u.y[0,0] + u.y[0,-1])/(2*max(y, 1e-20));
        double D33 = 0.5*( (u.x[1,0] - u.x[-1,0] + u.x[1,-1] - u.x[-1,-1])/(2.*Delta) );
        double D13 = 0.5*( (u.x[0,0] - u.x[0,-1])/Delta + 0.5*( (u.y[1,0] - u.y[-1,0] + u.y[1,-1] - u.y[-1,-1])/(2.*Delta) ) );
        double D2temp = sqrt( sq(D11) + sq(D22) + sq(D33) + 2*sq(D13) );
        if (D2temp > 0. && tauy > 0.){
          double temp = tauy/(sqrt(2.)*D2temp) + mu1;
          muTemp = min(temp, mumax);
        } else {
          if (tauy > 0.){
            muTemp = mumax;
          } else {
            muTemp = mu1;
        muv.y[] = fm.y[]*mu(muTemp, mu2, ff);
        D2f.y[] = D2temp;

    I also calculate a cell-centered scalar D2, where I store \|\mathbf{\mathcal{D}}\|. This can also be used for refimnement to accurately refine the fake-yield surfaces.

        rhov[] = cm[]*rho(sf[]);
        D2[] = (D2f.x[]+D2f.y[]+D2f.x[1,0]+D2f.y[0,1])/4.;
        if (D2[] > 0.){
          D2[] = log(D2[])/log(10);
        } else {
          D2[] = -10;
    #if TREE
      sf.prolongation = fraction_refine;
      boundary ({sf});