Sessile drop on an embedded boundary
The influence of gravity (Eo=\rho_l g R0^2/\sigma > 0) on the sessile droplet shape is presented
set term push
set term @SVG size 640,180
set size ratio -1
unset key
unset xtics
unset ytics
unset border
set xrange [-1.5:1.5]
set yrange [0:]
plot 'out' w l lt -1 lw 2 lc rgb "red" t '',\
'out' u (-$1):2 w l lt -1 lw 2 lc rgb "red" t '' ,\
0 lt -1 lw 3 t ''
set term pop
#include "grid/multigrid.h"
#include "embed.h"
#include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
#include "two-phase.h"
#include "tension.h"
#include "../contact-embed.h"
#include "../geometrical_tools.h"
#include "view.h"
#define MINLEVEL 3
#define ADAPT 0
#define GRAVITY 1
#define R0 0.5
#define xc 0
#define yc 0
# define wall(x,y) (y)
# define circle(x,y) (sq(x - xc) + sq(y - yc) - sq(R0))
# define T 10
double theta0=120, Eo=10;
double rf, hf; //final radius and height of the droplet
int LEVEL =7;
int main()
size (2.);
We shift the bottom boundary.
origin (0, -0.26);
init_grid (1 << LEVEL);
We use a variable viscosity and density.
mu1 = 0.1; mu2 = 0.1;
rho1= 1; rho2 = 0.1;
We set the surface tension coefficient.
f.sigma = 1;
and vary the Eotvos number
for (Eo=0.005; Eo<=50; Eo*=10) {
const scalar c[] = theta0*pi/180.;
contact_angle = c;
event init (t = 0)
We define the horizontal bottom wall and the initial (half)-circular interface.
solid (cs, fs, wall(x,y));
fraction (f, - circle(x,y));
event acceleration (i++) {
face vector av = a;
av.y[] -= Eo*f.sigma/(rho1*sq(R0));
event logfile (i++; t <= T)
If the curvature is almost constant, we stop the computation (convergence has been reached).
scalar kappa[];
curvature (f, kappa);
if (cs[] < 1.)
kappa[] = nodata;
if (statsf (kappa).stddev < 1e-6)
return true;
Here we compute the final radius of the droplet (intersection between the fluid and the solid interface)
#if 0
event final_radius (i++, t <= T){
double dist=R0;
coord p;
foreach() {
if (interfacial(point, cs) && interfacial(point, f) && x>xc) { // potential triple cell
coord n = interface_normal (point, f);
coord m = facet_normal (point, cs, fs);
coord o = {x, y, z};
double alphan = plane_alpha (f[], n);
double alpham = plane_alpha (cs[], m);
double area = plane_area_center (m, alpham, &p);
coord a[2]; coord b[2];
if (facets (m, alpham, a) == 2 && facets (n, alphan, b) == 2) {
foreach_dimension() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i+= 1) {
a[i].x = o.x + a[i].x*Delta;
b[i].x = o.x + b[i].x*Delta;
coord It;
foreach_dimension() It.x = 0.;
if ( Intersect(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], &It) ){
dist = sqrt(sq(It.x-xc)+ sq(It.y-yc));
//ucl = embed_interpolate(point, unorm, p); // contact line velocity
We can also compute the final height of the droplet considering the embedded boundary orientation
#if 1
event final_height(i++, t <= T){
coord n;
if (cs[] < 1. && cs[] > 0) {
n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs);
normalize (&n);
double detmin=10000, det;
if (f[] < 1. && f[] > 0. && cs[]> 0 ){
coord o = {x, y, z}; coord v = {o.x-xc, o.y-yc};
normalize (&v);
if (det==detmin) hf=sqrt(sq(o.x-xc)+sq(o.y-yc));
event adapt (i++) {
adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double[]){1e-4,1e-3,1e-3}, LEVEL, 3);
event end (t = end)
At the end, we output the equilibrium shape.
output_facets (f, stdout);
We also define the analytical radius and height for a given angle \theta
double pitheta0 = theta0*pi/180.;
double Rfa = R0*sqrt(pi/(2*(pitheta0-sin(pitheta0)*cos(pitheta0))));
double hfa = Rfa*(1-cos(pitheta0));
We write the analytical solutions in a file
double g = Eo*f.sigma/(rho1*sq(R0));
double hfty = 2*sqrt(f.sigma/(rho1*g))*sin(pitheta0/2);
fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %g %.5g %.5g\n", N, theta0, Eo, hf/hfa, hfty/hfa);
#if 0
event movie(i+=10,last){
if (theta0 == 120 && Eo==5) {
view(fov=20, tx = 0, ty = -0.5);
draw_vof ("f", lw=2);
draw_vof("cs", "fs",filled=-1);
squares("f", linear = true, min = 0, max = 1);
We compare h_{\infty}/h_f to the analytical expression, with h_{\infty}=2(\sqrt{\sigma/\rho g} )sin(\theta_s/2).
set logscale x
set format x "10^{%L}"
set xlabel 'Eo'
set ylabel 'h_{/Symbol \245}/h_f'
set xrange[0.0005:100]
set yrange[0:1.5]
set ytics 0,0.5,1.5
plot (2*sqrt(1/x)*sin(theta0/2.))/((1-cos(theta0))*sqrt(pi/(2*(theta0-sin(theta0)*cos(theta0))))) lt -1 dt 2 lc rgb "black" lw 2.5,\
'file128_save.dat' u 3:4 w p pt 4 ps 2.5 lt -1 lw 2,\
1 lt -1 dt 0 lw 2