Embedded boundaries
Boundaries of general shape can be described using an integral (i.e. finite volume) formulation which takes into account the volume and area fractions of intersection of the embedded boundary with the Cartesian mesh.
We will need to deal with volume fractions. Interpolations (for Dirichlet boundary conditions) assume a 5x5 stencil.
#include "fractions.h"
#define BGHOSTS 2
#define EMBED 1
The volume and area fractions are stored in these fields.
scalar cs[];
face vector fs[];
double (* metric_embed_factor) (Point, coord) = NULL;
Embedded boundary operators specific to trees are defined in this file.
#if TREE
# include "embed-tree.h"
Operator overloading
Several standard operators, defined in common.h need to be tuned to take into account the embedded fractions.
The SEPS constant is used to avoid division by zero.
#undef SEPS
#define SEPS 1e-30
When combining third-order Dirichlet conditions and approximate projections, instabilities may occur due to feedback between the pressure mode and the velocity, amplified by the third-order derivative. This can be stabilised using the weighted average below when computing face velocities. The corresponding test case is test/uf.c. Note that if only second-order Dirichlet fluxes are used, simple averaging is stable.
#define cs_avg(a,i,j,k) \
((a[i,j,k]*(1.5 + cs[i,j,k]) + a[i-1,j,k]*(1.5 + cs[i-1,j,k]))/ \
(cs[i,j,k] + cs[i-1,j,k] + 3.))
Face gradients and face values, computed from cell-centered values must be tuned to take into account the area fractions of the embedded boundary. This follows the procedure described in Johansen and Colella, 1998, figure 3 and equation (16) in particular. Note that this is only used when using second-order fluxes.
#if dimension == 2
#define face_condition(fs, cs) \
(fs.x[i,j] > 0.5 && fs.y[i,j + (j < 0)] && fs.y[i-1,j + (j < 0)] && \
cs[i,j] && cs[i-1,j])
static inline double embed_face_gradient_x (Point point, scalar a, int i)
int j = sign(fs.x[i,1] - fs.x[i,-1]);
assert (cs[i] && cs[i-1]);
if (face_condition (fs, cs))
return ((1. + fs.x[i])*(a[i] - a[i-1]) +
(1. - fs.x[i])*(a[i,j] - a[i-1,j]))/(2.*Delta);
return (a[i] - a[i-1])/Delta;
static inline double embed_face_value_x (Point point, scalar a, int i)
int j = sign(fs.x[i,1] - fs.x[i,-1]);
return face_condition (fs, cs) ?
((1. + fs.x[i])*cs_avg(a,i,0,0) + (1. - fs.x[i])*cs_avg(a,i,j,0))/2. :
The generalisation to 3D is a bit more complicated. See Fig. 1 of Schwartz et al, 2006.
#else // dimension == 3
static inline coord embed_face_barycentre_z (Point point, int i)
// Young's normal calculation
coord n1 = {0};
double nn = 0.;
scalar f = fs.z;
foreach_dimension(2) {
n1.x = (f[-1,-1,i] + 2.*f[-1,0,i] + f[-1,1,i] -
f[+1,-1,i] - 2.*f[+1,0,i] - f[+1,1,i]);
nn += fabs(n1.x);
if (!nn)
return (coord){0.,0.,0.};
n1.x /= nn;
// Position `p` of the face barycentre
coord n, p1, p;
((double *)&n)[0] = n1.x, ((double *)&n)[1] = n1.y;
double alpha = line_alpha (f[0,0,i], n);
line_center (n, alpha, f[0,0,i], &p1);
p.x = ((double *)&p1)[0], p.y = ((double *)&p1)[1], p.z = 0.;
return p;
The macro below defines the condition which must be verified when applying the second-order flux interpolation and/or face averaging. The goal is to avoid using values from areas of the mesh which are not topologically connected. Doing so would couple disconnected subproblems (for example when solving a Laplacian) which would most probably lead to lack of convergence. This is very important for robustness when dealing with complex boundaries.
#define face_condition(fs, cs) \
(fs.x[i,j,k] > 0.5 && (fs.x[i,j,0] > 0.5 || fs.x[i,0,k] > 0.5) && \
fs.y[i,j + (j < 0),0] && fs.y[i-1,j + (j < 0),0] && \
fs.y[i,j + (j < 0),k] && fs.y[i-1,j + (j < 0),k] && \
fs.z[i,0,k + (k < 0)] && fs.z[i-1,0,k + (k < 0)] && \
fs.z[i,j,k + (k < 0)] && fs.z[i-1,j,k + (k < 0)] && \
cs[i-1,j,0] && cs[i-1,0,k] && cs[i-1,j,k] && \
cs[i,j,0] && cs[i,0,k] && cs[i,j,k])
static inline double embed_face_gradient_x (Point point, scalar a, int i)
assert (cs[i] && cs[i-1]);
coord p = embed_face_barycentre_x (point, i);
// Bilinear interpolation of the gradient (see Fig. 1 of Schwartz et al., 2006)
int j = sign(p.y), k = sign(p.z);
if (face_condition(fs, cs)) {
p.y = fabs(p.y), p.z = fabs(p.z);
return (((a[i,0,0] - a[i-1,0,0])*(1. - p.y) +
(a[i,j,0] - a[i-1,j,0])*p.y)*(1. - p.z) +
((a[i,0,k] - a[i-1,0,k])*(1. - p.y) +
(a[i,j,k] - a[i-1,j,k])*p.y)*p.z)/Delta;
return (a[i] - a[i-1])/Delta;
static inline double embed_face_value_x (Point point, scalar a, int i)
coord p = embed_face_barycentre_x (point, i);
// Bilinear interpolation
int j = sign(p.y), k = sign(p.z);
if (face_condition(fs, cs)) {
p.y = fabs(p.y), p.z = fabs(p.z);
return ((cs_avg(a,i,0,0)*(1. - p.y) + cs_avg(a,i,j,0)*p.y)*(1. - p.z) +
(cs_avg(a,i,0,k)*(1. - p.y) + cs_avg(a,i,j,k)*p.y)*p.z);
return cs_avg(a,i,0,0);
#endif // dimension == 3
We use the functions above to redefine the face gradient macros. Note that the second-order face gradients and averaging are used only if the corresponding scalar attribute below (third
because of third-order accuracy when using Dirichlet conditions, see [test/neumann.c]) is set to true
. The default is false
attribute {
bool third;
#undef face_gradient_x
#define face_gradient_x(a,i) \
(a.third && fs.x[i] < 1. && fs.x[i] > 0. ? \
embed_face_gradient_x (point, a, i) : \
(a[i] - a[i-1])/Delta)
#undef face_gradient_y
#define face_gradient_y(a,i) \
(a.third && fs.y[0,i] < 1. && fs.y[0,i] > 0. ? \
embed_face_gradient_y (point, a, i) : \
(a[0,i] - a[0,i-1])/Delta)
#undef face_gradient_z
#define face_gradient_z(a,i) \
(a.third && fs.z[0,0,i] < 1. && fs.z[0,0,i] > 0. ? \
embed_face_gradient_z (point, a, i) : \
(a[0,0,i] - a[0,0,i-1])/Delta)
#undef face_value
#define face_value(a,i) \
(a.third && fs.x[i] < 1. && fs.x[i] > 0. ? \
embed_face_value_x (point, a, i) : \
The centered gradient must not use values of fields entirely contained within the embedded boundary (for which cs is zero).
#undef center_gradient
#define center_gradient(a) (fs.x[] && fs.x[1] ? (a[1] - a[-1])/(2.*Delta) : \
fs.x[1] ? (a[1] - a[])/Delta : \
fs.x[] ? (a[] - a[-1])/Delta : 0.)
Utility functions for the geometry of embedded boundaries
For a cell containing a fragment of embedded boundary (i.e. for which 0 < cs < 1), embed_geometry() returns the area of the fragment, the relative position p of the barycenter of the fragment and the boundary normal n.
static inline
double embed_geometry (Point point, coord * p, coord * n)
*n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs);
double alpha = plane_alpha (cs[], *n);
double area = plane_area_center (*n, alpha, p);
normalize (n);
return area;
This function and the macro below shift the position (x1,y1,z1) to the position of the barycenter of the embedded fragment.
static inline
double embed_area_center (Point point, double * x1, double * y1, double * z1)
double area = 0.;
if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) {
coord n, p;
area = embed_geometry (point, &p, &n);
*x1 += p.x*Delta, *y1 += p.y*Delta, *z1 += p.z*Delta;
return area;
#define embed_pos() embed_area_center (point, &x, &y, &z)
This function returns the value of field s interpolated linearly at the barycenter p of the fragment of embedded boundary contained within the cell.
double embed_interpolate (Point point, scalar s, coord p)
assert (dimension == 2);
int i = sign(p.x), j = sign(p.y);
if (cs[i] && cs[0,j] && cs[i,j])
// bilinear interpolation when all neighbors are defined
return ((s[]*(1. - fabs(p.x)) + s[i]*fabs(p.x))*(1. - fabs(p.y)) +
(s[0,j]*(1. - fabs(p.x)) + s[i,j]*fabs(p.x))*fabs(p.y));
else {
// linear interpolation with gradients biased toward the
// cells which are defined
double val = s[];
foreach_dimension() {
int i = sign(p.x);
if (cs[i])
val += fabs(p.x)*(s[i] - s[]);
else if (cs[-i])
val += fabs(p.x)*(s[] - s[-i]);
return val;
This function “removes” (by setting their volume fraction to zero) cells which have inconsistent volume/surface fractions. This is important to guarantee the robustness of the solution for complex (and under-resolved) boundaries. The functions returns the number of cells removed.
struct Cleanup {
scalar c;
face vector s;
double smin; // minimum surface fraction (optional)
bool opposite; // whether to eliminate 'thin tubes' (optional)
int fractions_cleanup (scalar c, face vector s,
double smin = 0., bool opposite = false)
Since both surface and volume fractions are altered, iterations are needed. This reflects the fact that changes are coupled spatially through the topology of the domain: for examples, long, unresolved “filaments” may need many iterations to be fully removed.
int changed = 1, schanged = 0, i;
for (i = 0; i < 100 && changed; i++) {
Face fractions of empty cells must be zero.
if (s.x[] && ((!c[] || !c[-1]) || s.x[] < smin))
s.x[] = 0.;
changed = 0;
if (c[] > 0. && c[] < 1.) {
int n = 0;
foreach_dimension() {
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
if (s.x[i] > 0.)
If opposite surface fractions are zero (and volume fraction is non-zero), then we are dealing with a thin “tube”, which we just remove because it can sometimes lead to non-convergence when projecting the velocity field.
if (opposite && s.x[] == 0. && s.x[1] == 0.)
c[] = 0., changed++;
The number of “non-empty” faces (i.e. faces which have a surface fraction larger than epsilon) cannot be smaller than the dimension (the limiting cases correspond to a triangle in 2D and a tetrahedron in 3D).
if (n < dimension)
c[] = 0., changed++;
schanged += changed;
if (changed)
fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: fractions_cleanup() did not converge after "
"%d iterations\n", i);
return schanged;
Dirichlet boundary condition
This function returns the gradient of scalar s, normal to the embedded boundary defined by cs, of unit normal vector n (normalised using the Euclidean norm, not the box norm) and of centroid p. The Dirichlet boundary condition bc is imposed on the embedded boundary.
The calculation follows Johansen and Colella, 1998 and is summarised in the figure below (see also Figure 4 of Johansen and Colella and Figure 2 of Schwartz et al, 2006 for the 3D implementation).
For degenerate cases, a non-zero value of coef is returned and coef*s[]
must be added to the value returned to obtain the gradient.
#define quadratic(x,a1,a2,a3) \
(((a1)*((x) - 1.) + (a3)*((x) + 1.))*(x)/2. - (a2)*((x) - 1.)*((x) + 1.))
static inline double dirichlet_gradient_x (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs,
coord n, coord p, double bc,
double * coef)
n.x = - n.x;
double d[2], v[2] = {nodata,nodata};
bool defined = true;
if (defined && !fs.x[(n.x > 0.)])
defined = false;
if (defined)
for (int l = 0; l <= 1; l++) {
int i = (l + 1)*sign(n.x);
d[l] = (i - p.x)/n.x;
double y1 = p.y + d[l]*n.y;
int j = y1 > 0.5 ? 1 : y1 < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
y1 -= j;
#if dimension == 2
if (fs.x[i + (i < 0),j] && fs.y[i,j] && fs.y[i,j+1] &&
cs[i,j-1] && cs[i,j] && cs[i,j+1])
v[l] = quadratic (y1, (s[i,j-1]), (s[i,j]), (s[i,j+1]));
#else // dimension == 3
double z = p.z + d[l]*n.z;
int k = z > 0.5 ? 1 : z < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
z -= k;
bool defined = fs.x[i + (i < 0),j,k];
for (int m = -1; m <= 1 && defined; m++)
if (!fs.y[i,j,k+m] || !fs.y[i,j+1,k+m] ||
!fs.z[i,j+m,k] || !fs.z[i,j+m,k+1] ||
!cs[i,j+m,k-1] || !cs[i,j+m,k] || !cs[i,j+m,k+1])
defined = false;
if (defined)
// bi-quadratic interpolation
v[l] =
quadratic (z,
quadratic (y1,
(s[i,j-1,k-1]), (s[i,j,k-1]), (s[i,j+1,k-1])),
quadratic (y1,
(s[i,j-1,k]), (s[i,j,k]), (s[i,j+1,k])),
quadratic (y1,
(s[i,j-1,k+1]), (s[i,j,k+1]), (s[i,j+1,k+1])));
#endif // dimension == 3
if (v[0] == nodata) {
This is a degenerate case, we use the boundary value and the cell-center value to define the gradient.
d[0] = max(1e-3, fabs(p.x/n.x));
*coef = - 1./(d[0]*Delta);
return bc/(d[0]*Delta);
For non-degenerate cases, the gradient is obtained using either second- or third-order estimates.
*coef = 0.;
if (v[1] != nodata) // third-order gradient
return (d[1]*(bc - v[0])/d[0] - d[0]*(bc - v[1])/d[1])/((d[1] - d[0])*Delta);
return (bc - v[0])/(d[0]*Delta); // second-order gradient
double dirichlet_gradient (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs,
coord n, coord p, double bc, double * coef)
#if dimension == 2
if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y))
return dirichlet_gradient_x (point, s, cs, n, p, bc, coef);
#else // dimension == 3
if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y)) {
if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.z))
return dirichlet_gradient_x (point, s, cs, n, p, bc, coef);
else if (fabs(n.y) >= fabs(n.z))
return dirichlet_gradient_y (point, s, cs, n, p, bc, coef);
return dirichlet_gradient_z (point, s, cs, n, p, bc, coef);
#endif // dimension == 3
return nodata;
static inline double navier_bc_x (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs,
coord n, coord p, double lambda, double * coef)
double d[2], a[2], v[2] = {nodata,nodata};
bool defined = true;
n.x = - n.x;
if (defined && !fs.x[(n.x > 0.)])
defined = false;
if (defined)
for (int l = 0; l <= 1; l++) {
int i = (l + 1)*sign(n.x);
d[l] = (i - p.x)/n.x;
double y1 = p.y + d[l]*n.y;
int j = y1 > 0.5 ? 1 : y1 < -0.5 ? -1 : 0;
y1 -= j;
//#if dimension == 2
if (fs.x[i + (i < 0),j] && fs.y[i,j] && fs.y[i,j+1] &&
cs[i,j-1] && cs[i,j] && cs[i,j+1])
v[l] = quadratic (y1, (s[i,j-1]), (s[i,j]), (s[i,j+1]));
if (v[0] == nodata) {
This is a degenerate case, we use the boundary value and the cell-center value to define the gradient.
d[0] = max(1e-3, fabs(p.x/n.x)); a[0] = 1/d[0];;
*coef = -a[0]/Delta;
return a[0]/(Delta);
*coef = 0.;
if (v[1] != nodata){ // third-order gradient
a[2] = d[0]/(d[1]*(d[1]-d[0])*Delta); a[1] = -d[1]/(d[0]*(d[1]-d[0])*Delta); a[0] = (d[1]+d[0])/(d[1]*d[0]*Delta);
return lambda*(a[1]*v[0] + a[2]*v[1])/(1-lambda*a[0]);
a[1] = -1/d[1]*Delta; a[0] = 1/d[1]*Delta;
return (lambda*(a[1]*v[0]))/(1-lambda*a[0]);
double navier_bc (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs,
coord n, coord p, double lambda, double * coef)
if (fabs(n.x) >= fabs(n.y))
return navier_bc_x (point, s, cs, n, p, lambda, coef);
return nodata;
// double navier_gradient (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs, //former version
// coord n, coord p, double * coef)
// {
// assert( s.v.x.i >= 0);
// //fprintf (stdout, "in");
// vector u = s.v;
// double dundn=0, lambda=0.75;
// scalar un[], ut[];
// foreach(){
// un[]=0;
// foreach_dimension()
// un[]+=u.x[]*(-n.x);
// }
// dundn = dirichlet_gradient (point, un, cs, n, p, 0, coef);
// coord t = {-n.y, n.x};
// double coefNav=0, dutdn=0;
// dutdn = t.x*t.y/(lambda+SEPS); //Navier
// //dutdn = 0; // if free slip
// coefNav = ( s.i == u.x.i ? sq(t.x)/(lambda+SEPS): sq(t.y)/(lambda+SEPS) );
// //fprintf (stdout, "in nav %g %g %g %g %g\n", dundn, dutdn, coefNav, sq(t.x)/(lambda+SEPS), sq(t.y)/(lambda+SEPS) );
// //coefNav*=0; // free slip
// *coef += coefNav;
// return (s.i == u.x.i ? dutdn*u.y[]-t.y*dundn : dutdn*u.x[]+t.x*dundn);
// //return (s.i == u.x.i ? t.x*dutdn-t.y*dundn : t.y*dutdn + t.x*dundn);
// }
double navier_gradient (Point point, scalar s, scalar cs,
coord n, coord p, double * coef)
We retrieve the corresponding vector of the gradient of scalar s
assert( s.v.x.i >= 0);
//fprintf (stdout, "in\n");
vector u = s.v;
double dundn=0, dutdn=0, lambda=0.;
We define a scalar field u_n, the normal component of the velocity on the embedded boundary
scalar un[], ut[];
coord t = {-n.y, n.x};
un[]=0, ut[]=0;
Calculation on the boundary condition bc required to set \displaystyle (\mathbf{v} \cdot \mathbf{t})_{bc} = \lambda \, \left. \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}_t }{\partial n} \right|_{bc} on the embedded boundary
double bc = navier_bc (point, ut, cs, n, p, lambda, coef);
dutdn = dirichlet_gradient (point, ut, cs, n, p, bc, coef);
We also use dirichlet gradient function to set \displaystyle \mathbf{v} \cdot \mathbf{n} = 0 on the embedded boundary
dundn = dirichlet_gradient (point, un, cs, n, p, 0, coef);
fprintf (stdout, "in nav %g %g %g %g\n", dundn, dutdn, lambda, bc );
return (s.i == u.x.i ? t.x*dutdn-t.y*dundn : t.y*dutdn + t.x*dundn);
// double robin_scalar (Point point, scalar s, double * coef) // Very simple implementation of Robin boundary condition on an embedded boundary
// {
// double a=1, c=0, b=-0.75; // slip length if Navier
// double ratio1 =a/(b+SEPS), ratio2 = c/(b+SEPS);
// *coef = -ratio1;
// //fprintf (stdout, "in rob %g\n", ratio1 );
// return ratio2;
// }
bid embed;
Surface force and vorticity
We first define a function which computes \mathbf{\nabla}\mathbf{u}\cdot\mathbf{n} while taking the boundary conditions on the embedded surface into account.
static inline
coord embed_gradient (Point point, vector u, coord p, coord n)
coord dudn;
foreach_dimension() {
bool dirichlet = false;
double vb = u.x.boundary[embed] (point, point, u.x, &dirichlet);
if (dirichlet) {
double val;
dudn.x = dirichlet_gradient (point, u.x, cs, n, p, vb, &val);
else // Neumann
dudn.x = vb;
if (dudn.x == nodata)
dudn.x = 0.;
return dudn;
The force exerted by the fluid on the solid can be written \displaystyle \mathbf{F}_{\Gamma} = - \int_{\partial \Gamma} ( - p\mathbf{I} + 2 \mu \mathbf{D}) \cdot \mathbf{n}d \partial \Gamma with \Gamma the solid boundary. It can be further decomposed into a pressure (i.e. “form”) drag \displaystyle \mathbf{F}_p = \int_{\partial \Gamma} p \mathbf{n}d \partial \Gamma and a viscous drag \displaystyle \mathbf{F}_{\mu} = - \int_{\partial \Gamma} 2 \mu \mathbf{D} \cdot \mathbf{n}d \partial \Gamma These two vectors are computed by the embed_force() function.
void embed_force (scalar p, vector u, face vector mu, coord * Fp, coord * Fmu)
coord Fps = {0}, Fmus = {0};
foreach (reduction(+:Fps) reduction(+:Fmus), nowarning)
if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) {
To compute the pressure force, we first get the coordinates of the barycentre of the embedded fragment, its area and normal, and then interpolate the pressure field on the surface.
coord n, b;
double area = embed_geometry (point, &b, &n);
area *= pow (Delta, dimension - 1);
double Fn = area*embed_interpolate (point, p, b);
Fps.x += Fn*n.x;
To compute the viscous force, we first need to retrieve the local value of the viscosity (ideally at the barycentre of the embedded fragment). This is not completely trivial since it is defined on the faces of the cell. We use a surface-fraction-weighted average value.
if (constant(mu.x) != 0.) {
double mua = 0., fa = 0.;
foreach_dimension() {
mua += mu.x[] + mu.x[1];
fa += fm.x[] + fm.x[1];
mua /= fa;
To compute the viscous force, we need to take into account the (Dirichlet) boundary conditions for the velocity on the surface. We only know how to do this when computing the normal gradient \mathbf{\nabla}\mathbf{u}\cdot\mathbf{n} using the embed_gradient() function. We thus need to re-express the viscous force using only normal derivatives of the velocity field.
If we assume that \mathbf{u} is constant on the boundary, then \displaystyle \mathbf{{\nabla}} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{t}= \mathbf{0} with \mathbf{t} the unit tangent vector to the boundary. We thus have the relations \displaystyle \mathbf{{\nabla}} \mathbf{u} = \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) \mathbf{n} + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{t} \right) \mathbf{t} = \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) \mathbf{n} \displaystyle \mathbf{D}= \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} \mathbf{u} + \mathbf{{\nabla}}^T \mathbf{u} \right) = \frac{1}{2} \left(\begin{array}{cc} 2 \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x & \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x\\ \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x & 2 \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y \end{array}\right) \displaystyle \mathbf{F}_{\mu} = - \int_{\Gamma} \left(\begin{array}{c} \left[2 \mu \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x \right] n_x + \mu \left[ \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x \right] n_y\\ \left[2 \mu \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y \right] n_y + \mu \left[ \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x \right] n_x \end{array}\right) \displaystyle \mathbf{F}_{\mu} = - \int_{\Gamma} \left(\begin{array}{c} \mu \left[ \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) (n^2_x + 1) + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x n_y \right]\\ \mu \left[ \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) (n^2_y + 1) + \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x n_y \right] \end{array}\right)
assert (dimension == 2);
coord dudn = embed_gradient (point, u, b, n);
Fmus.x -= area*mua*(dudn.x*(sq(n.x) + 1.) + dudn.y*n.x*n.y);
*Fp = Fps; *Fmu = Fmus;
In two dimensions, embed_vorticity() returns the vorticity of velocity field u, on the surface of the embedded boundary contained in the cell. p is the relative position of the barycentre of the embedded fragment and n its normal.
#if dimension == 2
double embed_vorticity (Point point, vector u, coord p, coord n)
We compute \mathbf{{\nabla}}\mathbf{u}\cdot\mathbf{n}, taking the boundary conditions into account.
coord dudn = embed_gradient (point, u, p, n);
The vorticity is then obtained using the relations \displaystyle \omega = \partial_x v - \partial_y u = \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} v \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_x - \left( \mathbf{{\nabla}} u \cdot \mathbf{n} \right) n_y
return dudn.y*n.x - dudn.x*n.y;
#endif // dimension == 2
static inline bool interfacial_s (Point point, scalar c) // identical to interfacial in curvature.h
if (c[] >= 1.) {
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2)
if (c[i] <= 0.)
return true;
else if (c[] <= 0.) {
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2)
if (c[i] >= 1.)
return true;
else // c[] > 0. && c[] < 1.
return true;
return false;
Flux through the embedded boundary
This function computes the flux through the embedded boundary contained within a cell \displaystyle \int_b \mu \nabla s\cdot\mathbf{n} db with db the elementary boundary surface and \mathbf{n} the embedded boundary (outward-pointing) normal.
Boundary conditions for s are taken into account.
The result is returned in val.
For degenerate cases, the value returned by the function must be multiplied by s[]
and added to val.
// double embed_flux (Point point, scalar s, face vector mu, double * val)
// {
// If the cell does not contain a fragment of embedded boundary, the // flux is zero.
// *val = 0.;
// if (cs[] >= 1. || cs[] <= 0.)
// return 0.;
// If the boundary condition is homogeneous Neumann, the flux is // zero.
// bool dirichlet = false;
// double grad = s.boundary[embed] (point, point, s, &dirichlet);
// if (!grad && !dirichlet)
// return 0.;
// We compute the normal, area and barycenter of the fragment of embedded // boundary contained within the cell.
// coord n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs), p;
// double alpha = plane_alpha (cs[], n);
// double area = plane_area_center (n, alpha, &p);
// if (metric_embed_factor)
// area *= metric_embed_factor (point, p);
// If the boundary condition is Dirichlet, we need to compute the // normal gradient.
// double coef = 0.;
// if (dirichlet) {
// normalize (&n);
// grad = dirichlet_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, grad, &coef);
// }
// We retrieve the (average) value of \mu without the metric.
// double mua = 0., fa = 0.;
// foreach_dimension() {
// mua += mu.x[] + mu.x[1];
// fa += fm.x[] + fm.x[1];
// }
// *val = - mua/(fa + SEPS)*grad*area/Delta;
// return - mua/(fa + SEPS)*coef*area/Delta;
// }
double embed_flux (Point point, scalar s, face vector mu, double * val)
If the cell does not contain a fragment of embedded boundary, the flux is zero.
*val = 0.;
//if (cs[] >= 1. || cs[] <= 0.)
if ( !interfacial_s(point, cs) )
return 0.;
If the boundary condition is homogeneous Neumann, the flux is zero.
bool dirichlet;
double grad = s.boundary[embed] (point, point, s, &dirichlet);
if (!grad && !dirichlet)
return 0.;
We compute the normal, area and barycenter of the fragment of embedded boundary contained within the cell.
coord n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs), p;
double alpha = plane_alpha (cs[], n);
double area = plane_area_center (n, alpha, &p);
if (metric_embed_factor)
area *= metric_embed_factor (point, p);
If the boundary condition is Dirichlet, we need to compute the normal gradient.
double coef = 0.;
if (dirichlet) {
normalize (&n);
#if dimension == 2
grad = (grad == nodata ? navier_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, &coef) :
dirichlet_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, grad, &coef));
// grad = (grad == nodata ? robin_scalar (point, s, &coef) :
// dirichlet_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, grad, &coef));
// fprintf (stdout, "in grad %g %d %g\n", grad, s.i, coef);
grad = dirichlet_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, grad, &coef);
We retrieve the (average) value of \mu without the metric.
double mua = 0., fa = 0.;
foreach_dimension() {
mua += mu.x[] + mu.x[1];
fa += fm.x[] + fm.x[1];
//fprintf (stdout, "in flux mu=%g f=%g area=%g cs=%g %g\n", mua, fa, area, cs[], alpha);
//fprintf (stdout, "in flux grad=%g coef=%g\n", - mua/(fa + SEPS)*grad*area/Delta, - mua/(fa + SEPS)*coef*area/Delta);
*val = - mua/(fa + SEPS)*grad*area/Delta;
return - mua/(fa + SEPS)*coef*area/Delta;
For ease of use, we redefine the Neumann and Dirichlet boundary macros so that they can be used either for standard domain boundaries or for embedded boundaries. The distinction between the two cases is based on whether the dirichlet
parameter is passed to the boundary function (using the data
@undef _neumann
@def _neumann(expr, ...) (data ? embed_area_center (point, &x, &y, &z),
*((bool *)data) = false, (expr) :
Delta*(expr) + val(_s,0,0,0))
@undef _neumann_homogeneous
@def _neumann_homogeneous(...) (data ? *((bool *)data) = false, (0) :
@undef _dirichlet
@def _dirichlet(expr, ...) (data ? embed_area_center (point, &x, &y, &z),
*((bool *)data) = true, (expr) :
2.*(expr) - val(_s,0,0,0))
@undef _dirichlet_homogeneous
@def _dirichlet_homogeneous(...) (data ? *((bool *)data) = true, (0) :
- val(_s,0,0,0))
Prolongation for the multigrid solver
We use a simplified prolongation operator for the multigrid solver i.e. simple injection if bilinear interpolation would use values which are fully contained within the embedded boundary.
static inline double bilinear_embed (Point point, scalar s)
if (!coarse(cs) || !coarse(cs,child.x))
return coarse(s);
#if dimension >= 2
if (!coarse(cs,0,child.y) || !coarse(cs,child.x,child.y))
return coarse(s);
#if dimension >= 3
if (!coarse(cs,0,0,child.z) || !coarse(cs,child.x,0,child.z) ||
!coarse(cs,0,child.y,child.z) ||
return coarse(s);
return bilinear (point, s);
#define bilinear(point, s) bilinear_embed(point, s)
#endif // MULTIGRID
Lifting the “small cell” CFL restriction
For explicit advection schemes, the timestep is limited by the CFL conditions \displaystyle \Delta t < \frac{c_s\Delta}{f_i|u_i|} where i is the index of each face, and c_s and f_i are the embedded volume and face fractions respectively. It is clear that the timestep may need to be arbitrarily small if c_s/f_s tends toward zero. This is the “small cell” restriction of cut-cell finite-volume techniques.
A classical technique to avoid this limitation is to use a “cell merging” procedure, where the fluxes from cells which would “overflow” are redistributed to neighboring cells.
The function below uses this approach to update a field f, advected by the face velocity field uf, with corresponding advection fluxes flux, during timestep dt which only verifies the standard CFL condition \displaystyle \Delta t < \frac{\Delta}{|u_i|}
void update_tracer (scalar f, face vector uf, face vector flux, double dt)
Note that the distinction should be made between c_m, the cell fraction metric, and c_s, the embedded fraction. This is not done now so that embedded boundaries cannot be combined with a metric yet.
The field e will store the “overflowing” sum of fluxes for each cell.
scalar e[];
foreach() {
If the cell is empty, it cannot overflow.
if (cs[] <= 0.)
e[] = 0.;
If the cell does not contain an embedded boundary, it cannot overflow either and the sum of the fluxes can be added to advance f in time.
else if (cs[] >= 1.) {
f[] += dt*(flux.x[] - flux.x[1])/Delta;
e[] = 0.;
If the cell contains the embedded boundary, we compute the maximum timestep verifying the restrictive CFL condition \displaystyle \Delta t_{max} = \frac{c_s\Delta}{max(f_i|u_i|)} Note that fs does not appear in the code below because uf already stores the product u_f \, f_m.
else {
double umax = 0.;
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
if (fabs(uf.x[i]) > umax)
umax = fabs(uf.x[i]);
double dtmax = Delta*cm[]/(umax + SEPS);
We compute the sum of the fluxes.
double F = 0.;
F += flux.x[] - flux.x[1];
F /= Delta*cm[];
If the timestep is smaller than \Delta t_{max}, the cell cannot overflow and f is advanced in time using the entire flux.
if (dt <= dtmax) {
f[] += dt*F;
e[] = 0.;
Otherwise, the cell is filled “to the brim” by advancing f using the maximum allowable timestep. The field e is used to store the excess flux, weighted by the sum of the neighboring embedded fractions.
else {
f[] += dtmax*F;
double scs = 0.;
scs += sq(cm[]); //Correct?
e[] = (dt - dtmax)*F*cm[]/scs;
In a second phase, the excesses in each cell are added to the neighboring cells in proportion of their embedded fractions.
foreach() {
double se = 0.;
se += e[];
f[] += cs[]*se;
Default settings
To apply the volume/area fraction-weighting to the solvers, we define the embedded solid using the embedded fractions. The fields are no longer constant and must be allocated.
The cm and fm fields contain the product of the metric and solid factors. For a Cartesian coordinate system cm and fm are thus identical to the solid factor fields cs and fs.
event metric (i = 0)
if (is_constant (fm.x)) {
assert (constant (fm.x) == 1.);
fm = fs;
fs.x[] = 1.;
if (is_constant (cm)) {
assert (constant (cm) == 1.);
cm = cs;
cs[] = 1.;
#if TREE
cs.refine = embed_fraction_refine;
For prolongation we cannot use the same function since the surface fraction field fs is not necessarily defined for prolongation cells. So we switch back to the default fraction refinement (which is less accurate but only relies on cs).
// fixme: could work better with embed_fraction_refine
// see porous1.tst
cs.prolongation = fraction_refine;
fs.x.prolongation = embed_face_fraction_refine_x;
Note that we do not need to change the refine
method since the default refine
method calls the prolongation method for each component.
restriction ({cs, fs});
We add the embedded boundary to the default display.
event defaults (i = 0 ) {
display ("draw_vof (c = 'cs', s = 'fs', filled = -1, "
"fc = {0.5,0.5,0.5}, order = 2);");
[schwartz2006] |
Peter Schwartz, Michael Barad, Phillip Colella, and Terry Ligocki. A cartesian grid embedded boundary method for the heat equation and poisson’s equation in three dimensions. Journal of Computational Physics, 211(2):531–550, 2006. [ .pdf ] |
[johansen1998] |
Hans Johansen and Phillip Colella. A cartesian grid embedded boundary method for poisson’s equation on irregular domains. Journal of Computational Physics, 147(1):60–85, 1998. [ .pdf ] |