Contact angles on an embedded boundary
This header file implemented contact angles for VOF interfaces on embedded boundaries.
The contact angle is defined by this field and can be constant or variable.
(const) scalar contact_angle;
scalar tag[];
This function returns the properly-oriented normal of an interface touching the embedded boundary. ns
is the normal to the embedded boundary, nf
the VOF normal, not taking into account the contact angle, and angle
the contact angle.
static inline coord normal_contact (coord ns, coord nf, double angle)
coord n;
if (dimension == 2){
if (- ns.x*nf.y + ns.y*nf.x > 0) { // 2D cross product
n.x = - ns.x*cos(angle) + ns.y*sin(angle);
n.y = - ns.x*sin(angle) - ns.y*cos(angle);
else {
n.x = - ns.x*cos(angle) - ns.y*sin(angle);
n.y = ns.x*sin(angle) - ns.y*cos(angle);
else { //3D
Two versions of the 3D normal n calculation has been tested
Here is a first version using spherical coordinates
foreach_dimension() //Axis angle
if (ns.x != 0) ns.x = -ns.x ; //We take the normal pointing toward the fluid
double gamma = atan2(ns.z,ns.x);
double beta = asin(ns.y);
coord tau2 ={-sin(gamma), 0, cos(gamma)};
coord tau1;
foreach_dimension() //cross product
tau1.x = ns.y*tau2.z - ns.z*tau2.y;
double phi1 =0, phi2 =0;
//double phi1, phi2;
phi1 += nf.x*tau1.x;
phi2 += nf.x*tau2.x;
double phi = atan2(phi2,phi1);
//general configurations using Axis angle with spherical coordinates
n.x = sin(angle)*cos(phi)*sin(beta)*cos(gamma) + cos(angle)*cos(beta)*cos(gamma) - sin(angle)*sin(phi)*sin(gamma);
n.y = cos(angle)*sin(beta) - sin(angle)*cos(phi)*cos(beta);
n.z = sin(angle)*cos(phi)*sin(beta)*sin(gamma) + cos(angle)*cos(beta)*sin(gamma) + sin(angle)*sin(phi)*cos(gamma);
Another version using Quaternions
coord rot_axis; //Quaternion and rotation matrix
foreach_dimension() //rotation axis to define a quaternion
rot_axis.x = ns.y*nf.z - ns.z*nf.y;
coord p1 = {ns.x, ns.y, ns.z}; //original position of point
double re = cos(angle/2.); //real part of quaternion
double x = rot_axis.x*sin(angle/2.); //imaginary i part of quaternion
double y = rot_axis.y*sin(angle/2.); //imaginary j part of quaternion
double z = rot_axis.z*sin(angle/2.); //imaginary k part of quaternion
We use the rotation matrix defined by the quaternion components (re, x ,y z)
n.x = re*re*p1.x + 2*y*re*p1.z - 2*z*re*p1.y + x*x*p1.x + 2*y*x*p1.y + 2*z*x*p1.z - z*z*p1.x - y*y*p1.x;
n.y = 2*x*y*p1.x + y*y*p1.y + 2*z*y*p1.z + 2*re*z*p1.x - z*z*p1.y + re*re*p1.y - 2*x*re*p1.z - x*x*p1.y;
n.z = 2*x*z*p1.x + 2*y*z*p1.y + z*z*p1.z - 2*re*y*p1.x - y*y*p1.z + 2*re*x*p1.y - x*x*p1.z + re*re*p1.z;
return n;
This function is an adaptation of the reconstruction() function which takes into account the contact angle on embedded boundaries.
void reconstruction_contact (scalar f, vector n, scalar alpha)
We first reconstruct the (n, alpha) fields everywhere, using the standard function.
reconstruction (f, n, alpha);
vector gradf[];
gradients ({f}, {gradf});
In cells which contain an embedded boundary and an interface, we modify the reconstruction to take the contact angle into account.
//if (cs[] < 1. && cs[] > 0. && f[] < 1. && f[] > 0.) { //standard version
//if ( interfacial(point, cs) && interfacial(point, cs) && cs[]>0. ) {
if ( interfacial(point, cs) && f[] < 1. && f[] > 0. && cs[]>0. ) {
coord ns = facet_normal (point, cs, fs);
normalize (&ns);
coord nf;
nf.x = n.x[];
coord nc = normal_contact (ns, nf, contact_angle[]);
n.x[] = nc.x;
alpha[] = line_alpha (f[], nc);
boundary ({n, alpha});
At every timestep, we modify the volume fraction values in the embedded solid to take the contact angle into account.
event contact (i++)
vector n[];
scalar alpha[];
We first reconstruct (n,alpha) everywhere. Note that this is necessary since we will use neighborhood stencils whose values may be reconstructed by adaptive and/or parallel boundary conditions.
reconstruction_contact (f, n, alpha);
We then look for “contact” cells in the neighborhood of each cell entirely contained in the embedded solid.
foreach() {
if (cs[] == 0.) {
double fc = 0., sfc = 0.;
coord o = {x, y, z};
//if (cs[] < 1. && cs[] > 0. && f[] < 1. && f[] > 0.) { // standard version
if (tag[]) {
This is a contact cell. We compute a coefficient meant to weight the estimated volume fraction according to how well the contact point is defined. We assume here that a contact point is better reconstructed if the values of cs
and f
are both close to 0.5.
double coef = cs[]*(1. - cs[])*f[]*(1. - f[]);
if (coef == 0) { // Case where the embedded boundary is strictly aligned with the mesh (coef=0)
double mean = (f[]+cs[])/2.; // Approximation of the solid interface position to avoid division by zero
coef= mean*(1. - mean)*f[]*(1. - f[]);
sfc += coef;
We then compute the volume fraction of the solid cell (centered on o
), using the extrapolation of the interface reconstructed in the contact cell.
coord nf;
nf.x = n.x[];
coord a = {x, y, z}, b;
a.x = (o.x - a.x)/Delta - 0.5, b.x = a.x + 1.;
fc += coef*rectangle_fraction (nf, alpha[], a, b);
The new volume fraction value of the solid cell is the weighted average of the volume fractions reconstructed from all neighboring contact cells.
if (sfc > 0.){
f[] = fc/sfc;
boundary ({f});
// fixme: adaptive mesh