
    A solver for the Saint-Venant equations

    The Saint-Venant equations can be written in integral form as the hyperbolic system of conservation laws \displaystyle \partial_t \int_{\Omega} \mathbf{q} d \Omega = \int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbf{f} ( \mathbf{q}) \cdot \mathbf{n}d \partial \Omega - \int_{\Omega} hg \nabla z_b where \Omega is a given subset of space, \partial \Omega its boundary and \mathbf{n} the unit normal vector on this boundary. For conservation of mass and momentum in the shallow-water context, \Omega is a subset of bidimensional space and \mathbf{q} and \mathbf{f} are written \displaystyle \mathbf{q} = \left(\begin{array}{c} h\\ hu_x\\ hu_y \end{array}\right), \;\;\;\;\;\; \mathbf{f} (\mathbf{q}) = \left(\begin{array}{cc} hu_x & hu_y\\ hu_x^2 + \frac{1}{2} gh^2 & hu_xu_y\\ hu_xu_y & hu_y^2 + \frac{1}{2} gh^2 \end{array}\right) where \mathbf{u} is the velocity vector, h the water depth and z_b the height of the topography. See also Popinet, 2011 for a more detailed introduction.

    User variables and parameters

    The primary fields are the water depth h, the bathymetry z_b and the flow speed \mathbf{u}. \eta is the water level i.e. z_b + h. Note that the order of the declarations is important as z_b needs to be refined before h and h before \eta.

    #include "predictor-corrector.h"
    static double update_ss (scalar * evolving, scalar * updates, double dtmax);
    event defaults (i = 0){
      update = update_ss;
    #include "saint-venant.h"
    scalar pa[],fcor[];
    vector ts[];
    double Pa2m = 0.00009916;

    Computing fluxes

    Various approximate Riemann solvers are defined in riemann.h.

    #include "riemann.h"
    double update_ss (scalar * evolving, scalar * updates, double dtmax)

    We first recover the currently evolving fields (as set by the predictor-corrector scheme).

      scalar h = evolving[0];
      vector u = { evolving[1], evolving[2] };

    The gradients are stored in locally-allocated fields. First-order reconstruction is used for the gradient fields.

      vector gh[], geta[], gpa[];
      tensor gu[];
      for (scalar s in {gh, geta, gpa, gu}){
        s.gradient = none;
        #if QUADTREE
          s.prolongation = refine_linear;
      gradients ({h, eta, pa, u}, {gh, geta, gpa, gu});

    Fh and Fq will contain the fluxes for h and h\mathbf{u} respectively and S is necessary to store the asymmetric topographic source term.

      vector Fh[], S[];
      tensor Fq[];

    The faces which are “wet” on at least one side are traversed.

      foreach_face (reduction (min:dtmax)) {
        double hi = h[], hn = h[-1,0];
        if (hi > dry || hn > dry) {

    Left/right state reconstruction

    The gradients computed above are used to reconstruct the left and right states of the primary fields h, \mathbf{u}, z_b. The “interface” topography z_{lr} is reconstructed using the hydrostatic reconstruction of Audusse et al, 2004

          double dx = Delta/2.;
          double zi = eta[] - hi + Pa2m * pa[];
          double zl = zi - dx*(geta.x[] - gh.x[] + Pa2m *  gpa.x[]); 
          double zn = eta[-1,0] - hn + Pa2m *  pa[-1,0];
          double zr = zn + dx*(geta.x[-1,0] - gh.x[-1,0] + Pa2m *  gpa.x[-1,0]);
          double zlr = max(zl, zr);
          double hl = hi - dx*gh.x[];
          double up = u.x[] - dx*gu.x.x[];
          double hp = max(0., hl + zl - zlr);
          double hr = hn + dx*gh.x[-1,0];
          double um = u.x[-1,0] + dx*gu.x.x[-1,0];
          double hm = max(0., hr + zr - zlr);

    Riemann solver

    We can now call one of the approximate Riemann solvers to get the fluxes.

          double fh, fu, fv;
          kurganov (hm, hp, um, up, Delta*cm[]/fm.x[], &fh, &fu, &dtmax);
          fv = (fh > 0. ? u.y[-1,0] + dx*gu.y.x[-1,0] : u.y[] - dx*gu.y.x[])*fh;

    Topographic source term

    In the case of adaptive refinement, care must be taken to ensure well-balancing at coarse/fine faces (see notes/

    #if QUADTREE
          if (!is_active(cell) && is_active(aparent(0,0))) {
    	hi = coarse(h,0,0);
    	zi = coarse(zb,0,0) + Pa2m * coarse(pa,0,0);
          if (!is_active(neighbor(-1,0)) && is_active(aparent(-1,0))) {
    	hn = coarse(h,-1,0);
    	zn = coarse(zb,-1,0) + Pa2m * coarse(pa,-1,0);
          double sl = G/2.*(sq(hp) - sq(hl) + (hl + hi)*(zi - zl));
          double sr = G/2.*(sq(hm) - sq(hr) + (hr + hn)*(zn - zr));

    Flux update

          Fh.x[]   = fm.x[]*fh;
          Fq.x.x[] = fm.x[]*(fu - sl);
          S.x[]    = fm.x[]*(fu - sr);
          Fq.y.x[] = fm.x[]*fv;
        else // dry
          Fh.x[] = Fq.x.x[] = S.x[] = Fq.y.x[] = 0.;
      boundary_flux ({Fh, S, Fq});

    Updates for evolving quantities

    We store the divergence of the fluxes in the update fields. Note that these are updates for h and h\mathbf{u} (not \mathbf{u}).

      scalar dh = updates[0];
      vector dhu = { updates[1], updates[2] };
      scalar wet[];
      vector cross={ 1.,-1.};
        wet[] = h[] > dry;
      boundary ({wet});
      foreach() {
        dh[] = (Fh.x[] + Fh.y[] - Fh.x[1,0] - Fh.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta);
        foreach_dimension() {
            if (wet[-1,0] == 1 && wet[] == 1 && wet[1,0] == 1)
    	  dhu.x[] = (Fq.x.x[] + Fq.x.y[] - S.x[1,0] - Fq.x.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta)+ts.x[]+cross.x*fcor[]*h[]*u.y[];
    	  dhu.x[] = (Fq.x.x[] + Fq.x.y[] - S.x[1,0] - Fq.x.y[0,1])/(cm[]*Delta);
        double dmdl = (fm.x[1,0] - fm.x[])/(cm[]*Delta);
        double dmdt = (fm.y[0,1] - fm.y[])/(cm[]*Delta);
        double fG = u.y[]*dmdl - u.x[]*dmdt;
        dhu.x[] += h[]*(G*h[]/2.*dmdl + fG*u.y[]);
        dhu.y[] += h[]*(G*h[]/2.*dmdt - fG*u.x[]);
      return dtmax;