
    We want simulate the spreading of a honeypot under water. we are using heavy honey rho = 2500 ;-)

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "three-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #define radius 1.05
    #define Dre 2.7e-1
    #define Vre (sqrt(9.81*Dre/radius/2.))
    #define Mu_re2 1e-3
    #define Mu_re3 10.
    #define Rho2_re 1000.
    #define Rho3_re 2500. 
    #define Rho1_re 1.21
    #define Re (Rho2_re*Vre*Dre/Mu_re2)
    #define SIGMA21 80e-3
    #define SIGMA31 80e-3
    #define SIGMA32 80e-3
    #define gad 1.
    #define vrho2 1.
    #define vrho3 (Rho3_re/Rho2_re)
    #define vrho1 (Rho1_re/Rho2_re)
    #define vmu2 (2.*radius/Re)
    #define vmu3 (2.*radius/Re*(Mu_re3/Mu_re2))
    #define vmu1 (2.*radius/Re*(1.81e-5/Mu_re2))
    #define ycc 0.
    #define hpool (1.1*radius)
    #define xcc0 0.
    #define xcc2 (xcc0 + hpool)
    #define hgout (0.25*radius*2.)
    #define xcc (xcc0)
    #define circle(x,y) (sq(x - xcc) + sq(y - ycc))
    #define drop(x,y) (sq(radius) - circle(x,y))
    #define pool(x) (xcc2-x)
    #define pool2(x,y) (min(xcc2-x,-drop(x,y)))
    #define epi radius/8.
    #define rfdrop(x,y) ((sq(radius-epi) < circle(x,y)) && (sq(radius+epi) > circle(x,y)))
    #define rfpool(x) (((xcc2-epi) < x) && ((xcc2+epi) > x))
    int maxlevel = 7;
    int minlevel = 1;
    double uem = 0.01;
    double fem = 0.01;
    u.t[left] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.n[left] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.n[right] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[right] = neumann(0.);  
    p[right]   = neumann(0.);  
    u.n[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[bottom] = neumann(0.);
    p[bottom]   = neumann(0.);
    u.n[top] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[top] = neumann(0.); 
    p[top]   = neumann(0.);
    int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
      if (argc > 1)
        maxlevel = atoi (argv[1]);
      if (argc > 2)
        uem = atof (argv[2]);
      init_grid (64);
      origin (0., 0.);
      size (4.);
      rho1 = vrho1; 
      rho2 = vrho2;
      rho3 = vrho3;
      mu1 = vmu1;
      mu2 = vmu2; 
      mu3 = vmu3;
      f2.sigma = (SIGMA21 + SIGMA32 - SIGMA31)/2.;
      f3.sigma = (SIGMA31 + SIGMA32 - SIGMA21)/2.;
      f1.sigma = (SIGMA31 + SIGMA21 - SIGMA32)/2.;
    event init (t = 0) {
      scalar f4[], f5[], f6[];
      refine ((rfpool(x) || rfdrop(x,y)) && (level < maxlevel));
      fraction (f4, pool2(x,y));
      fraction (f6, drop(x,y));
      foreach() {
        f2[] = f4[];
        f3[] = f6[];
        f1[] = clamp(1.-f2[]-f3[],0.,1.); 
        rhov[] = rho(f2[],f3[]);
      boundary ((scalar *){f1,f2,f3,rhov});
    event snapshot (t = 0.; t += 0.020; t <= 5.000) {
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "honeypot_axi-%5.3f.gfs", t);
      scalar vel[];
      foreach() {
        vel[] = sqrt(sq(u.x[])+sq(u.y[]));
      boundary ((scalar *){vel});
      output_gfs (file = name, t = t, list = {u.x,u.y,vel,p,f2,f3,f1});
    event acceleration (i++) {
      face vector av = a;
        av.x[] -= gad;
    event adapt (i++) {
      scalar ff2[],ff3[],r3[];
      foreach() {
        ff2[] =  (2.*f2[] - 1.);
        ff3[] =  (2.*f3[] - 1.);
        r3[]= (2.*f3[]*f2[]*f1[] - 1.);
      boundary ({ff2,ff3,r3});    
      adapt_wavelet ({r3,ff2,ff3,u,f2,f3}, (double[]){0.01,0.1,0.1,uem,uem,fem,fem}, maxlevel, minlevel);
      event ("properties");