
    MWE for mirror

    Dark mirror image

    Dark mirror image

    #include "fractions.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #define circle(x, y, R) (sq(y) + sq(x) - R) // circular initial interface
    int main() {
      size (3.);
      origin (0., 0.); 
    	N = 1 << 6 ;
      scalar f[];
      fraction (f, circle(x, y, 1.));

    We prepare the image with view().

      view (fov = 30, width = 320, height = 320, samples = 1);
      squares ("f", min = 0., max = 1.);

    The mirror image is done with the mirror() function.

      mirror({0,-1,0}) {
        squares ("f", min = 0., max = 1.);

    We save a .png image.

      save ("mirror.png");