
    Integration, Gauss quadrature and total error computation

    At the origin, we where interested in computing accurately the total error by comparing a numerical solution with a known analytical solution. Thus, we implemented some Gauss quadrature rules to compute the integral in \mathcal{L}^p norm of the difference between a scalar field and a known analytical function. Incidentally, the integral of a scalar field (in any \mathcal{L}^p norm) can also be computed.

    The Gauss integrations are written in 2D, and some of them (but not all of them) in 3D.

    Source for the coefficients of the Gauss quadratures : Krylov V. I., Approximate calculation of integrals, Dover publications, 2005

    Usefull functions

    We had some odd results with basilisk interpolation function in particular cases. Thus we propose an interpolation function.

    #if dimension==2	
    typedef struct { int x, y;} pseudo_v_i;
    #if dimension==3
    typedef struct { int x, y, z;} pseudo_v_i;
    double interpolate_in_cell (Point point, scalar p, coord psi) {
       double val;
       //shift if required
       pseudo_v_i s;
       foreach_dimension () 
          s.x = -(psi.x < 0);
       //redefinition of the relative coordinates
       foreach_dimension () 
          psi.x -= s.x;
    #if dimension == 1 
       val = p[s.x]*(1. - psi.x) 
          + p[s.x+1]*psi.x;
    #if dimension == 2
       val = p[s.x,s.y]     *(1. - psi.x)*(1. - psi.y)
          + p[s.x+1,s.y]   *psi.x*(1. - psi.y)
          + p[s.x,s.y+1]   *(1. - psi.x)*psi.y
          + p[s.x+1,s.y+1] *psi.x*psi.y;
    #if dimension == 3
       val = p[s.x,s.y,s.z]       *(1. - psi.x)*(1. - psi.y)*(1. - psi.z)
          + p[s.x+1,s.y,s.z]     *psi.x*(1. - psi.y)*(1. - psi.z)
          + p[s.x,s.y+1,s.z]     *(1. - psi.x)*psi.y*(1. - psi.z)
          + p[s.x+1,s.y+1,s.z]   *psi.x*psi.y*(1. - psi.z)
          + p[s.x,s.y,s.z+1]     *(1. - psi.x)*(1. - psi.y)*psi.z
          + p[s.x+1,s.y,s.z+1]   *psi.x*(1. - psi.y)*psi.z
          + p[s.x,s.y+1,s.z+1]   *(1. - psi.x)*psi.y*psi.z
          + p[s.x+1,s.y+1,s.z+1] *psi.x*psi.y*psi.z;
       return val;

    A convenient structure and a convenient function to estimate the interpolated value of a scalar or the difference between the interpolated value of a scalar and a known function at prescribed locations.

    struct RealError {
      scalar f;
      int Lnorm;
      double (* func) (double x, double y, double z);
    double point_error (Point point, struct RealError re, coord psi) {
       coord xl;
       xl.x = x + Delta*psi.x;
       xl.y = y + Delta*psi.y;
       xl.z = z + Delta*psi.z;
       if (re.func)
        return fabs(re.func(xl.x, xl.y, xl.z) - interpolate_in_cell(point, re.f, psi));
        return fabs(interpolate_in_cell(point, re.f, psi));

    Some non Gauss integrations

    “Child-cell” integrations (integration at the location of the center of child cells).

    First, integration of a function.

    struct IntegrateFun {
      int Lnorm;
      double (* func) (double x, double y, double z);
    double integrate_in_cell (Point point, struct IntegrateFun p, int sublevel) {
      int Lnorm = p.Lnorm;
      int np = pow(2,sublevel);
      double val = 0.;
      coord xc;
      xc.x = x; xc.y = y; xc.z = z;
    #if dimension == 1
      for (int i =0; i < np; i++) {
            xc.x = x + Delta*(-0.5 + i/((double) np)); 
            val += pow(p.func(xc.x, xc.y, xc.z) ,Lnorm)*dv()/pow(np,dimension);
    #if dimension == 2
      for (int i =0; i < np; i++) 
        for (int j =0; j < np; j++) {
            xc.x = x + Delta*(-0.5 + i/((double) np)); 
            xc.y = y + Delta*(-0.5 + j/((double) np)); 
            val += pow(p.func(xc.x, xc.y, xc.z) ,Lnorm)*dv()/pow(np,dimension);
    #if dimension == 3
      for (int i =0; i < np; i++) 
        for (int j =0; j < np; j++) 
          for (int k =0; k < np; k++) {
            xc.x = x + Delta*(-0.5 + i/((double) np)); 
            xc.y = y + Delta*(-0.5 + j/((double) np)); 
            xc.z = z + Delta*(-0.5 + j/((double) np)); 
            val += pow(p.func(xc.x, xc.y, xc.z) ,Lnorm)*dv()/pow(np,dimension);
      return val;
    double normfromChilds (struct IntegrateFun p, int sublevel)
      int Lnorm = p.Lnorm;
       double val = 0., volume = 0.;
       foreach(reduction(+:val) reduction(+:volume))
          if (dv() > 0.) {
            volume += dv();
            val += pow(integrate_in_cell(point, p, sublevel),Lnorm)*dv();
       return (volume ? pow(val,1./Lnorm) : 0.);

    “Child”-integration to compute the total error (for scalar (and function)).

    double norm_child (struct RealError re)
      int Lnorm = re.Lnorm;
       double val = 0., volume = 0.;
       int np = pow(2,dimension);
    #if dimension == 1
       static coord int_points[2] = {
    #if dimension == 2
       static coord int_points[4] = {
    #if dimension == 3
       static coord int_points[8] = {
       foreach(reduction(+:val) reduction(+:volume)) {
          if (dv() > 0.) {
    	 volume += dv();
    	 for (int i =0; i < np; i++) {
    	   val += pow(point_error(point, re, int_points[i]), Lnorm)*dv()/np;
       return (volume ? pow(val/volume,1./Lnorm) : 0.);


    3 points Gauss quadrature

    Only in 2D for now.

    #if dimension == 2
    double norm_gauss_3p (struct RealError re)
      int Lnorm = re.Lnorm;
      double val = 0., volume = 0.;
      int np = 9;
       double p1 = -sqrt(3./5.)/2.;
       double p3 = sqrt(3./5.)/2.;
       coord int_points[9] = {
       double coef_points[9] = {
       foreach(reduction(+:val) reduction(+:volume))
          if (dv() > 0.) {
    	 volume += dv();
    	 for (int i =0; i < np; i++) 
    	    val += pow(point_error(point, re, int_points[i]), Lnorm)*coef_points[i] *dv()/4.;
       return (volume ? pow(val/volume,1./Lnorm) : 0.);

    4 points Gauss quadrature

    Only in 2D for now.

    #if dimension == 2
    double norm_gauss_4p (struct RealError re)
      int Lnorm = re.Lnorm;
      double val = 0., volume = 0.;
      int np = 16;
       double p1 = sqrt( 3./7. - 2./7.*sqrt(6./5.) ) /2.;
       double p2 = -sqrt( 3./7. - 2./7.*sqrt(6./5.) ) /2.;
       double p3 = sqrt( 3./7. + 2./7.*sqrt(6./5.) ) /2.;
       double p4 = -sqrt( 3./7. + 2./7.*sqrt(6./5.) ) /2.;
       coord int_points[16] = {
       double pds12 = (18.+sqrt(30.))/36.;
       double pds34 = (18.-sqrt(30.))/36.;
       double coef_points[16] = {
    			     pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34, 
    			     pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34, 
    			     pds34*pds12,  pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34, 
    			     pds34*pds12,  pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34, 
       foreach(reduction(+:val) reduction(+:volume))
          if (dv() > 0.) {
    	 volume += dv();
    	 for (int i =0; i < np; i++) 
    	    val += pow(point_error(point, re, int_points[i]), Lnorm)*coef_points[i] *dv()/4.;
       return (volume ? pow(val/volume,1./Lnorm) : 0.);

    5 points Gauss quadrature

    in 2D and 3D.

    double norm_gauss_5p (struct RealError re)
      int Lnorm = re.Lnorm;
      double val = 0., volume = 0.;
      int np = 25;
    #if dimension == 2
       double p1 = 1./3.*sqrt( 5. - 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p2 = -1./3.*sqrt( 5. - 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p3 = 1./3.*sqrt( 5. + 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p4 = -1./3.*sqrt( 5. + 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p5 = 0.;
       coord int_points[25] = {
       double pds12 = (322.+13.*sqrt(70.))/900.;
       double pds34 = (322.-13.*sqrt(70.))/900.;
       double pds5 = 128./225.;
       double coef_points[25] = {
    			     pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds5,  
    			     pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds5,
    			     pds34*pds12,  pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5,
    			     pds34*pds12,  pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5,
    			     pds5*pds12,  pds5*pds12, pds5*pds34, pds5*pds34, pds5*pds5
    #if dimension == 3
       double p1 = 1./3.*sqrt( 5. - 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p2 = -1./3.*sqrt( 5. - 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p3 = 1./3.*sqrt( 5. + 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p4 = -1./3.*sqrt( 5. + 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p5 = 0.;
       coord int_points[125] = {
       double pds12 = (322.+13.*sqrt(70.))/900.;
       double pds34 = (322.-13.*sqrt(70.))/900.;
       double pds5 = 128./225.;
       double coef_points[125] = {
    			     pds12*pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds5*pds12,  
    			     pds12*pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds12,  pds34*pds12*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds12,  pds34*pds12*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds5*pds12*pds12,  pds5*pds12*pds12, pds5*pds34*pds12, pds5*pds34*pds12, pds5*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds12*pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds5*pds12,  
    			     pds12*pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds34*pds12, pds12*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds12,  pds34*pds12*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds12,  pds34*pds12*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34*pds12, pds34*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds5*pds12*pds12,  pds5*pds12*pds12, pds5*pds34*pds12, pds5*pds34*pds12, pds5*pds5*pds12,
    			     pds12*pds12*pds34,  pds12*pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds5*pds34,  
    			     pds12*pds12*pds34,  pds12*pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds34,  pds34*pds12*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds34,  pds34*pds12*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds5*pds12*pds34,  pds5*pds12*pds34, pds5*pds34*pds34, pds5*pds34*pds34, pds5*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds12*pds12*pds34,  pds12*pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds5*pds34,  
    			     pds12*pds12*pds34,  pds12*pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds34*pds34, pds12*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds34,  pds34*pds12*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds34,  pds34*pds12*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds5*pds12*pds34,  pds5*pds12*pds34, pds5*pds34*pds34, pds5*pds34*pds34, pds5*pds5*pds34,
    			     pds12*pds12*pds5,  pds12*pds12*pds5, pds12*pds34*pds5, pds12*pds34*pds5, pds12*pds5*pds5,  
    			     pds12*pds12*pds5,  pds12*pds12*pds5, pds12*pds34*pds5, pds12*pds34*pds5, pds12*pds5*pds5,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds5,  pds34*pds12*pds5, pds34*pds34*pds5, pds34*pds34*pds5, pds34*pds5*pds5,
    			     pds34*pds12*pds5,  pds34*pds12*pds5, pds34*pds34*pds5, pds34*pds34*pds5, pds34*pds5*pds5,
    			     pds5*pds12*pds5,  pds5*pds12*pds5, pds5*pds34*pds5, pds5*pds34*pds5, pds5*pds5*pds5
       foreach(reduction(+:val) reduction(+:volume))
          if (dv() > 0.) {
    	 volume += dv();
    	 for (int i =0; i < np; i++) 
    	   val += pow(point_error(point, re, int_points[i]), Lnorm)*coef_points[i] *dv()/pow(2,dimension);  // the sum of the weight coef_points is 2^dimension
       return (volume ? pow(val/volume,1./Lnorm) : 0.);

    5 points Gauss quadrature whith local error registration

    Only in 2D for now.

    #if dimension == 2
    double norm_gauss_5p_local (struct RealError re, scalar local_error)
      int Lnorm = re.Lnorm;
      double val = 0., volume = 0.;
      int np = 25;
       double p1 = 1./3.*sqrt( 5. - 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p2 = -1./3.*sqrt( 5. - 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p3 = 1./3.*sqrt( 5. + 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p4 = -1./3.*sqrt( 5. + 2.*sqrt(10./7.) ) /2.;
       double p5 = 0.;
       coord int_points[25] = {
       double pds12 = (322.+13.*sqrt(70.))/900.;
       double pds34 = (322.-13.*sqrt(70.))/900.;
       double pds5 = 128./225.;
       double coef_points[25] = {
    			     pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds5,  
    			     pds12*pds12,  pds12*pds12, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds34, pds12*pds5,
    			     pds34*pds12,  pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5,
    			     pds34*pds12,  pds34*pds12, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds34, pds34*pds5,
    			     pds5*pds12,  pds5*pds12, pds5*pds34, pds5*pds34, pds5*pds5
       foreach(reduction(+:val) reduction(+:volume)){
          if (dv() > 0.) {
    	 volume += dv();
    	 for (int i =0; i < np; i++) {
               val += pow(point_error(point, re, int_points[i]), Lnorm)*coef_points[i] *dv()/4.;
               local_error[] += pow(point_error(point, re, int_points[i]), Lnorm)*coef_points[i] *dv()/4.;
       return (volume ? pow(val/volume,1./Lnorm) : 0.);