
    #include "run.h"
    #include "timestep.h"

    We perform a 4th order Runge-Kutta integration for a double using Basilisk events to integrate a system \displaystyle \frac{d\,Y}{dt} = f(t,Y) where Y= (y, \dot{y})^T is the state vector.

    #include "RK4.h" // one step integration

    Some non-dimensionnal parameters

    // double pinf=1.;   // pressure at infinity, used to adimensionalize
    // double rhoL=1.;   // liquid density, used to adimensionalize
    // double R0=1.;     // initial bubble radius, used to adimensionalize
    double pv=0.;        // vapor pressure
    double pg0=1./3.;    // initial gas pressure    !! pg0 = pl0 + 2/We
    double dotR0=0.;     // initial bubble velocity
    double We=1e1;       // Weber number
    double Re=1e4;       // Reynolds number
    double gammaG=1.4;   // gas polytropic coeficient

    We define the function to integrate the Rayleigh-Plesset equation, cf [Brennen (2013), Cavitation and bubble dynamics, eq. (2.27), paragraph 2.4] for a bubble initially at equilibrium subjected to a suddent high pressure increase at infinity: \displaystyle \dfrac{p_v-p_\infty}{\rho_l} + \dfrac{p_{g,0}}{\rho_l}\left(\dfrac{R_0}{R}\right)^{3k} = R\ddot{R} + \dfrac{3}{2}\left(\dot{R}\right)^2 + 4\nu_l\dfrac{\dot{R}}{R} + \dfrac{2\sigma}{\rho_l R} with p_v the saturated vapor pressure, p_\infty the pressure at infinity, \rho_l the bulk (liquid) density, p_{g,0} the initial (gas) bubble pressure, R = R(t) the bubble radius and R_0 the initial bubble radius, k the polytropic coefficient (k=1: constant bubble temperature, k=\gamma: adiabatic), \nu_l the dynamic viscosity and \sigma the surface tension.

    Using \rho_l, p_\infty, R_0 to create non-dimensional variables, we obtain \displaystyle p_v^*-1 + p_{g,0}^*\left(\dfrac{1}{R^*}\right)^{3k} = R^*\ddot{R}^* + \dfrac{3}{2}\left(\dot{R}^*\right)^2 + \dfrac{4}{R_e}\dfrac{\dot{R}^*}{R^*} + \dfrac{2}{W_e}\dfrac{1}{R^*} which gives \displaystyle \ddot{R}^* = \dfrac{p_v^*-1}{R^*} + \dfrac{p_{g,0}^*}{R^*}\left(\dfrac{1}{R^*}\right)^{3k} - \dfrac{3}{2}\dfrac{\left(\dot{R}^*\right)^2}{R^*} - \dfrac{4}{R_e}\dfrac{\dot{R}^*}{\left(R^*\right)^2} - \dfrac{2}{W_e}\dfrac{1}{\left(R^*\right)^2} with p_{g,0}^* = p_{g,0}/p_\infty, p_v^* = p_v/p_\infty, R^* = R/R_0, \dot{R}^* = \dot{R} \sqrt{\rho_l/p_\infty}, \ddot{R}^* = \ddot{R} \rho_l R_0/p_\infty, R_e = \rho_l u_c R_0/\mu_l the Reynolds number with u_c = \sqrt{p_\infty/\rho_l}, W_e = \rho_l u_c^2 R_0/\sigma the Weber number.

    Note: we consider p_\infty independant of the time.

    my_vec f_rk4(double t, my_vec Y){   // dY/dt = f_rk4(t,Y) 
      my_vec Y2;
      Y2.y0 = Y.y1;
      Y2.y1 = (pv-1.)/(Y.y0) + pg0/(Y.y0)*pow(1./Y.y0,3.*gammaG) - 3./2.*sq(Y.y1)/Y.y0 - 4./Re*Y.y1/sq(Y.y0) - 2./We*1./sq(Y.y0); // R-P eq.
      return Y2;

    We initialize the state vector. It contains the (non-dimensional) bubble radius and its first derivative.

    my_vec Y; 
    event init (i=0) {
      Y.y0 = 1.; // R, bubble radius
      Y.y1 = dotR0; // dot(R)

    We integrate at each time step

    event integ(i++,last){
      Y = RK4(t, dt, Y, f_rk4);  // 4th order Runge-Kutta

    We include and define some useful things, such as the timestep and the output of the result.

    double dtmax;
    event set_dtmax (i++) dtmax = 0.001;
    event stability (i++) {
      dt = dtnext(dtmax);   // dtnext() updates the internal variables of Basilisk to compute each iterations
    int main(){

    Output: non-dimensional time t^* = t/t_c with t_c = \sqrt{p_\infty/\rho_l}/R_0, R^*(t), \dot{R}^*(t), and \displaystyle p_g^*(t) = p_{g,0}^* \left(\frac{1}{R^*}\right)^{3k}

    event logfilef(i++){
      fprintf(stderr,"%g %g %g %g\n", t, Y.y0, Y.y1, pg0*pow(1./Y.y0,3.*gammaG) );
    event endsimu(t=9){}

    We plot the result

    set term pngcairo enhanced size 500,500
    set output 'radius.png'
    set xlabel 't^*'
    set ylabel 'R^*'
    p "log" u 1:2 w p t 'RK4'
    Bubble radius (non-dimensional) evolution predicted by the Rayleigh-Plesset equation and RK4 integration. (script)

    Bubble radius (non-dimensional) evolution predicted by the Rayleigh-Plesset equation and RK4 integration. (script)

    set term pngcairo enhanced size 500,500
    set output 'pressure.png'
    set xlabel 't^*'
    set ylabel 'p^*'
    p "log" u 1:4 w p t 'RK4'
    Bubble pressure (non-dimensional) evolution using the Rayleigh-Plesset equation and RK4 integration. (script)

    Bubble pressure (non-dimensional) evolution using the Rayleigh-Plesset equation and RK4 integration. (script)