
    This case is 3D.

    We search an adapted mesh containing N_{obj} elements which minimizes the total error (error between the numerical solution of the Basilisk Poisson-Helmholtz solver) and the (known) analytical solution.

    The solution is a 3D an exponential function.

    #include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "poisson.h" // solver
    #include "./exp_3D.h"  // ''problem''
    #include "./../../AMR_tools/amr.h"  // AMR
    #include "./../../utils/gauss_quadrature.h"  // compute total error
    #include "utils.h"
    double TOL = 1.e-6;
    const face vector alp[] = {D,D,D};
    const scalar lam[] =s;
    scalar psi[]; // the numerical solution
    psi[left] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi[right] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi[top] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi[bottom] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi[front] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi[back] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    scalar psi_exact[];  // the analytical solution
    psi_exact[left] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi_exact[right] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi_exact[top] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi_exact[bottom] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi_exact[front] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    psi_exact[back] = dirichlet(exact(x,y,z));
    int main() {
      FILE * fpglobal = fopen("error","w");
      int mylev=5;
      int Nobj = pow(2,mylev*3);  // initial objective number of element
      init_grid (1 << (mylev-1));
      scalar rhs[]; // RHS term for Poisson-Helmholtz equation

    We do a loop to obtain several adapted meshes having N_{obj} elements.

    For each N_{obj}, we do a loop to obtain the objective number of elements.

      for (int j=0; Nobj <= pow(2,3*6)/1.6; j++){
        for (int ki=0; ( fabs((double)(grid->tn - Nobj)/Nobj)) > 0.03 ; ki++){
          foreach ()
            rhs[] = src(x,y,z);
          poisson (psi, rhs, alp, lam, tolerance = TOL);   // poisson solver

    We update an epsilon criterion to obtain the objective number of elements

          // AMR criterion 
          if (ki < 5 && j == 0) {  // estimate AMReps the first run with uniform refinement
            struct PreFactorData cd = compute_prefactors (2, {psi} );
            AMReps =  cd.cuniform*pow(Nobj,-2./3.)/pow(Nobj,1./2.); 
          } else {
            AMReps = update_epsilon_control(Nobj);

    We adapt the mesh.

          adapt_metric( {psi} );

    We compute total error and interpolation error.

        foreach ()
          rhs[] = src(x,y,z);
        poisson (psi, rhs, alp, lam, tolerance = TOL);
        // TOTAL ERROR
        double errtot = norm_gauss_5p (psi, user_norm, exact);  // compute total error :   ||u_num - u_exact||
        // INTERPOLATION ERROR estimate with metric-based formulae
        double Interr = Interpolation_error(user_norm);
        // INTERPOLATION ERROR exact
        foreach ()
          psi_exact[] = exact(x,y,z);
        double Int_err_exact = norm_gauss_5p (psi_exact, user_norm, exact);   // compute exact interpolation error :   ||u_interp - u_exact||
        // theoretical optimal and uniform errors
        struct PreFactorData cd;
        cd = compute_prefactors (2, {psi}, NULL );
        fprintf(fpglobal,"%ld %g %.10g %.10g %.10g %g\n", grid->tn, errtot, Int_err_exact, Interr, cd.copt*pow(grid->tn,-2./3.), cd.cuniform*pow(grid->tn,-2./3.));

    We plot the total error and the interpolation error. We see that the measured total error is far from the expected optimal, whereas the interpolation error is close to the optimal. Thus, we show that, in this case, the obtained meshes minimizes the interpolation error, but not the total error.

    set term pngcairo enhanced size 500,500 
    set output 'error.png'
    set logscale
    set xtics (16,32,64,128,256)
    set format y "10^{%T}"
    p "error" u (($1)**(1./3.)):6 w l t "uniform",\
    "error" u (($1)**(1./3.)):5 w l t "optimal",\
    "error" u (($1)**(1./3.)):2 w p t "total error",\
    "error" u (($1)**(1./3.)):3 w p t "interp error"
    Error (script)

    Error (script)

    We verify that we obtained the expected result

        assert ( fabs((double)(grid->tn - Nobj)/Nobj) <= 0.03 && errtot>5.*cd.copt*pow(grid->tn,-(2./3.)) );

    loop update

        Nobj *= 1.5;