
    A Mach-3 wind tunnel with a step

    This is the classical test case first proposed by Emery, 1968 (see also Woodward & Colella, 1984).

    We use the compressible flow solver, the initial density, pressure and velocity are given.

    #include "compressible.h"
    double rho0 = 1.4, u0 = 3., p0 = 1.;
    int maxlevel = 9;

    The left boundary is prescribed constant inflow and the right boundary is simple outflow.

    w.n[left]  = dirichlet (rho0*u0);
    w.n[right] = neumann(0);

    The domain is 3 units long. We use a 256x256 initial grid.

    int main() {
      L0 = 3.;
      N = 256;
    event init (t = 0) {

    Masking is used to define the top of the tunnel (1 unit wide) and the step.

      mask (y > 1 ? top : x > 0.6 && y < 0.2 ? bottom : none);

    These are the initial conditions for density, momentum and energy.

      foreach() {
        rho[] = rho0;
        w.x[] = rho0*u0;
        E[] = p0/(gammao - 1.) + rho0*sq(u0)/2.;
      boundary ({rho, w.x, E});

    We log some statistics.

    event logfile (i++) {
      if (i == 0)
        fprintf (ferr,
    	     "t dt grid->tn perf.t perf.speed\n");
      fprintf (ferr, "%g %g %ld %g %g\n", 
    	   t, dt, grid->tn, perf.t, perf.speed);

    We make movies of the density and level of refinement…

    event movie (t += 0.01) {
      static FILE * fp = popen ("ppm2mp4 rho.mp4", "w");
      output_ppm (rho, fp, box = {{0,0},{3,1}}, linear = true, n = 512);
      static FILE * fp1 = popen ("ppm2mp4 level.mp4", "w");
      scalar l[];
        l[] = level;
      output_ppm (l, fp1, box = {{0,0},{3,1}}, min = 0, max = maxlevel, n = 512);

    … and dump some snapshots.

    event snapshots (t += 0.5; t <= 3) {
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "dump-%g", t);
      dump (file = name);
      sprintf (name, "rho-%g", t);
      FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
      output_matrix (rho, fp, 1 << maxlevel, true);
      fclose (fp);

    Adaptation is only on density, down to maxlevel.

    event adapt (i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({rho}, (double[]){1e-2}, maxlevel);

    The results look OK.

    The figure below can be compared to that in Woodward & Colella, 1984, last frame of figure 3, with the same choice of contour levels.

    set contour base
    unset surface
    set cntrparam levels incremental 0.2673, (6.383 - 0.2673)/29., 6.383
    set table 'contours.txt'
    splot [0:3][0:0.99]'rho-3' binary u 2:1:3 w l
    unset table
    set size ratio -1
    set grid
    plot [0:3][0:1]'contours.txt' w l lt -1 t ''
    Isolines of density at t=3. (script)

    Isolines of density at t=3. (script)



    Paul Woodward and Phillip Colella. The numerical simulation of two-dimensional fluid flow with strong shocks. Journal of computational physics, 54(1):115–173, 1984. [ .pdf ]


    Ashley F Emery. An evaluation of several differencing methods for inviscid fluid flow problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 2(3):306–331, 1968.