
    Droplet blow dy stream, bag mode secondary atomisation

    We wish to study the behaviour of a single drop in free fall affected dy a uniform flow of air, as in the Opfer 2014.

    We use the centered Navier–Stokes solver. There are two phases, air and the liquid. The grid adaptation has been modyfied to support region-depending maximum refinement (MAXLEVEL).

    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    #include "adapt_wavelet_limited.h"
    bool limitedAdaptation = 0;
    // bounding box values coordinates must be global
    double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
    //Bounding box function (to define region of refinement)
    void approx_bbox (scalar c){
      //gets the square where mixed cells are contained
      // saves it with xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
      assert (dimension == 2);
      xmin = L0;
      xmax = -L0;
      ymin = L0;
      ymax = -L0;
        if (c[] > 1e-6 && c[] < 1. - 1e-6) {
          if(xmin > x)xmin = x;
          if(ymin > y) ymin = y;
          if(xmax < x) xmax = x;
          if(ymax < y) ymax = y;

    Physical properties are defined based on Opfer 2014.

    Liquid properties

    #define RHOL 785.
    #define MUL 16.1e-3
    #define SIGMA 48.3e-3

    Air properties

    #define RHOG 1.
    #define MUG 1.81e-5

    Drop diameter and stream velocity

    #define DIAMETER 2.7e-3 
    #define USTREAM 15.
    #define MAXTIME 30e-3

    Minimum refinement level will be used directly, MAXLEVEL will only apply on a certain region of the domain.

    int minlevel = 6;   // init grid of 32 points
    int MAXLEVEL = 10;  //12
    double maxruntime = HUGE;

    Boundary conditions are set only at left (inlet) and right (outlet) patches. Inlet is supposed to be uniform

    u.n[left]  = dirichlet(USTREAM);
    u.t[left]  = dirichlet(0);
    u.n[right] = neumann(0);
    p[left]    = neumann(0);
    p[right]   = dirichlet(0);

    The main function can take the maximum refinement level as argument. The main program will run ten steps with both versions of AMR.

    int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
      if (argc > 1)
        MAXLEVEL = atoi (argv[1]);

    We set the domain geometry and initial refinement. The drop will be centered at the origin, slightly moved to the left side

      L0 = 5*DIAMETER;
      size (L0);
      init_grid (pow(2.0,minlevel));

    Time-step is limited to avoid stability issues related to surface tension Galusinski & Vigneaux, 2008

      double minDelta = L0/pow(2.0,MAXLEVEL);
      double sigmaTSLimit = sqrt(min(RHOL, RHOG)*pow(minDelta,3.0)/(SIGMA));
      double muTSLimit = min(MUL, MUG)*minDelta/SIGMA;
      DT = min(sigmaTSLimit,muTSLimit);
      // CFL number
      CFL = 0.4;

    Physical parameters are set by the macros at the beggining.

      f.sigma = SIGMA;
      rho1 = RHOL;
      rho2 = RHOG;
      mu1 = MUL;
      mu2 = MUG;

    Tolerance of the Poisson problem should never be reduced, this could lead to non divergence free velocity fields and mass conservation errors.

      TOLERANCE = 1e-4; 
      limitedAdaptation = 1;

    Initial condition is given by drop position only, there is no flow at the begining. First step should give a velocity field close to potential flow solution around the drop, plus small velocities inside the droplet.

    event init (t = 0) {
      if (!restore (file = "dump")){
        refine (sq(x) + sq(y) - sq(0.6*DIAMETER) < 0 && sq(x) + sq(y) - sq(0.4*DIAMETER) > 0 && level < MAXLEVEL);
        fraction (f, sq(0.5*DIAMETER) - (sq(x) + sq(y)));

    Only ten steps are performed, just to check mesh adaptation.

    event end (i = 10) {
      printf ("i = %d t = %g\n", i, t);

    Region limited mesh adaptation

    Any function with input(x,y,z) returning an integer can be used to define MAXLEVEL locally for certain regions. Next, a simple example using a circle (only for 2D case) slightly bigger than the drop is used. Inside that region, AMR can refine until MAXLEVEL, outside only MAXLEVEL-2 cells are allowed. Then, the alternative function adapt_wavelet_limited is employed.

    int refRegion(double x,double y, double z){
        int lev;
        if( sq(x)+sq(y) < sq(DIAMETER*0.7) )
          lev = MAXLEVEL;
          lev = MAXLEVEL-4;
        return lev;
    event adapt (i++) {
      double uemax = 5e-2;

    Choose between region limited adaptation or standard adaptation:

        adapt_wavelet_limited ({f,u}, (double[]){1e-3,uemax,uemax,uemax}, refRegion, minlevel);
        adapt_wavelet ({f,u}, (double[]){1e-3,uemax,uemax,uemax}, MAXLEVEL, minlevel);

    Every ten timesteps, we output the time, timestep, multigrid iterations, CPU time, speed and amount of cells.

    event logfile (i ++,first) {
      if (i == 0){
        fprintf (ferr,
    	     "t dt mgp.i mgpf.i mgu.i perf.t perf.speed grid->tn\n");
      fprintf (ferr,
    	   "%g %g %d %d %d"
    	   "%.2e %.2e %ld \n", 
    	   t, dt, mgp.i, mgpf.i, mgu.i,
    	   perf.t, perf.speed, grid->tn);
      fflush (ferr);

    First ten steps are saved in gfsview to compare initial flow field and mesh.

    event snapshot (i=0;i++; i <= 10)
      scalar omegaz[];
        omegaz[] = (u.y[1] - u.y[-1] - u.x[0,1] + u.x[0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
      boundary ({omegaz});
      char name[80];
        sprintf (name, "snapshot-limited-%i_ts.gfs", i);
        sprintf (name, "snapshot-standard-%i_ts.gfs", i);
      output_gfs (file = name, t = t, list = {f,u,p, omegaz});

    Mesh evolution

    From the log of this example, a graph as the following can be obtained:

    Mesh size during runtime