
    #include "axi.h"
    #include "../src/tpccontact.h"
    #include "../src/compressible-tension.h"
    #include "view.h"
    int MINLEVEL = 7;
    int MAXLEVEL = 11;
    double CFLac = 0.4;
    double rhoL = 1., rhoG = 0.001;
    double pg0;
    double p0 = 1./10.;
    double pinf = 1.;
    double tend = 1.5;
    double Rbub = 1.;
    double lambda = 100.;
    double Reynolds = 10000.*0.1;
    double Web = 100./72.*1000.*0.1;
    scalar keliq[];
    uf.n[right] = neumann(0.);
    p[right]    = dirichlet(pinf);
    q.n[right]  = neumann(0.);
    f[right]    = dirichlet(1);
    fE1[right] = neumann(0.);
    uf.n[top] = neumann(0.);
    p[top]    = dirichlet(pinf);
    q.n[top]  = neumann(0.);
    f[top]    = dirichlet(1.);
    fE1[top] = neumann(0.);
    uf.n[bottom] = 0.;
    uf.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0.);
    void careful_refinement(){
      for(int ii = MINLEVEL ; ii <= MAXLEVEL; ii++){
        refine(level < ii /*&& sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y)) > (Rbub - 4.*sqrt(2.)*lambda/(1<<(ii-1)))*/ && sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y)) < (2.5*Rbub + 4.*sqrt(2.)*lambda/(1<<(ii-1))));
    event stability(i++)
      double cspeed;
          double fc = clamp (f[],0.,1.);
          double invgammaavg = fc/(gamma1 - 1.) + (1. - fc)/(gamma2 - 1.);
          double PIGAMMAavg = (fc*PI1*gamma1/(gamma1 - 1.) +
    			   (1. - fc)*PI2*gamma2/(gamma2 - 1.));
          double cspeedsq = (p[]*(invgammaavg + 1.) + PIGAMMAavg)/invgammaavg/(frho1[]+frho2[]);
          if (cspeedsq > 0.)
    	cspeed = sqrt(cspeedsq);
    	cspeed = sqrt(gamma1*(pinf + PI1));
          double dtmaxac = CFLac*Delta/cspeed;
          dtmax = min(dtmax,dtmaxac);
    int main() {
      tend *= 0.915;
      pg0 = p0 + 2./Web;
      f.gradient = zero;
      f.sigma= 1./Web;
      mu1 = 1./Reynolds;
      mu2 = mu1*0.01;
      gamma2 = 1.4;
      gamma1 = 7.14;
      PI1 = 1./sq(0.007)/7.14 - pinf;
      L0 = lambda;  
      X0 = 0.;
    event init (i = 0) {
      if (!restore (file = "restart"))
          //outside c=1, inside 0
          vertex scalar phi[];
          foreach_vertex() {
    	phi[] = sq(x) + sq(y) - Rbub*Rbub;
          boundary ({phi});
          fractions (phi, f);
          foreach() {
    	frho1[]  = f[]*rhoL;
    	frho2[]  = (1. - f[])*rhoG;
    	double pL = pinf*(1. - Rbub/sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y))) + (pg0 - 2*f.sigma/Rbub/Rbub)*Rbub/sqrt(sq(x) + sq(y));
    	double pg = pg0;
    	fE1[]   = f[]*(pL/(gamma1 - 1.) + PI1*gamma1/(gamma1 - 1.));
    	fE2[]   = (1.-f[])*pg/(gamma2 - 1.);
    	double invgammaavg = f[]/(gamma1 - 1.) + (1. - f[])/(gamma2 - 1.);
    	double PIGAMMAavg = (f[]*PI1*gamma1/(gamma1 - 1.) +
    			     (1. - f[])*PI2*gamma2/(gamma2 - 1.));
    	p[] = (fE1[] + fE2[] - PIGAMMAavg)/invgammaavg;
    	q.x[] = 0.;
    	q.y[] = 0.;
          boundary ((scalar *){q,frho1,frho2,p,fE1,fE2});
    // scalar unorm[],fscalar[];
    // event adapt (i++) {  
    //   foreach(){
    //     unorm[] = norm(q)/(frho1[]+frho2[]);
    //     fscalar[] = f[];
    //   }
    //   boundary ((scalar *){fscalar,unorm});
    //   adapt_wavelet((scalar *){fscalar,unorm},(double[]){0.001,0.002},maxlevel = MAXLEVEL);
    // }
    event logfile (i++) {
      scalar pgas[];
      double volume = 0.;
      double ekmax = 1.e-20;
      foreach (reduction(+:volume) reduction(max:ekmax)){
       pgas[] = p[]*(1. - f[]);
       double Ek = 0.;
         Ek += sq(q.x[]);
       keliq[] = (Ek/(frho1[] + frho2[]))*f[];
       ekmax = max(ekmax,keliq[]);
       volume += dv()*(1. - f[]);
     if(i == 0)
       fprintf(ferr,"#i \t t \t volume \t statsf(keliq).sum \t statsf(pgas).sum/volume \n");
     fprintf(ferr,"%d %10.9f %10.9f %10.9f %10.9f\n",i,t,volume,statsf(keliq).sum,statsf(pgas).sum/volume);
    event movie (t += tend/90.) {
      char s[80];
      sprintf (s, "t = %.2f T_RP", t/0.915);
      view(fov = 1., ty = -0.02, quat = {0,0,-cos(pi/4.),cos(pi/4.)}, width = 1980, height = 1980);
      squares("p", min = 1./5., max = 1., linear=true, map = cool_warm);
      mirror({0,1}) {
        squares("keliq", min = 0, max = 0.5, linear=true, map = cool_warm);
        draw_string (s, pos = 2, size = 100, lc = {255,255,255}, lw = 4);
        draw_string ("P/P0", pos = 3, size = 100, lc = {0,0,0}, lw = 4);
        draw_string ("KE/rho UC**2", size = 100, lc = {0,0,0}, lw = 4);
    event end (t = tend){}
    Comparison with the Rayleigh-Plesset solution
    set xlabel 't/T_{RP}'
    set ylabel 'R/R_0'
    plot "log" every 100 u 2:($3*3.)**(1./3.) w p pt 6 t "Basilisk",\
    "../RP.dat" w l lw 2 t "RP"
    Bubble radius as a function of time (script)

    Bubble radius as a function of time (script)