
    Circular droplet in equilibrium

    This is the classical “spurious” or “parasitic currents” test case discussed in Popinet, 2009. We will to check the well-balancedness of the new CSS method and compare with the standard CSF method available in basilisk.

    #define JACOBI 1
    //#define CSF 1
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #if CSF == 1
    #include "vof.h"
    #include "tension.h"
    scalar f[], * interfaces = {f};
    #include "two-phase-clsvof.h"
    #include "integral.h"
    scalar sigmaf[];

    The diameter of the droplet is 0.8. The density is constant (equal to unity by default), and the viscosity is defined through the Laplace number \displaystyle La = \sigma\rho D/\mu^2 with \sigma set to one. The simulation time is set to the characteristic viscous damping timescale.

    #define DIAMETER 0.8
    #define MU sqrt(DIAMETER/LAPLACE)
    #define TMAX (sq(DIAMETER)/MU)

    We will vary the Laplace number and check the spurious currents in the domain.

    int LEVEL;
    double LAPLACE = 120.;
    double DC = 0.;
    FILE * fp = NULL;
    int main() {

    We neglect the advection terms and vary the Laplace, for a constant resolution of 6 levels.

      TOLERANCE = 1e-6 [*];
      stokes = true;
    #if CSF == 1
      f.sigma = 1;
      d.sigmaf = sigmaf;
      LEVEL = 6;
      N = 1 << LEVEL;
      for (LAPLACE = 1200; LAPLACE <= 12000; LAPLACE *= 10)
    event init (i = 0) {

    We set the constant viscosity field…

      const face vector muc[] = {MU,MU};
      mu = muc;

    … open a new file to store the evolution of the amplitude of spurious currents for the various LAPLACE…

      char name[80];
    #if CSF == 1
      sprintf (name, "La-%g", LAPLACE);
      sprintf (name, "La-CSS-%g", LAPLACE);
      if (fp)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen (name, "w");

    … and initialise the shape of the interface and the initial volume fraction field.

    #if CSF == 1
      fraction (f, sq(DIAMETER/2) - sq(x) - sq(y));
        d[] = - sqrt (sq(x) + sq(y)) + DIAMETER/2.;
        sigmaf[] = 1.;
    event logfile (i++; t <= TMAX)
      scalar un[];
        un[] = norm(u);
      fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n",MU*t/sq(DIAMETER), normf(un).max*sqrt(DIAMETER));
    event error (t = end) {
      scalar un[];
      foreach() {
        un[] = norm(u);
      fprintf (stderr, "%d %10.10f %10.10f\n", 
               LEVEL, LAPLACE,normf(un).max*sqrt(DIAMETER));

    We use an adaptive mesh with a constant (maximum) resolution along the interface.

    #if TREE
    event adapt (i <= 10; i++) {
      adapt_wavelet ({f}, (double[]){0}, maxlevel = LEVEL, minlevel = 0);


    In the case of CSF model, the maximum velocity decays toward machine zero for a wide range of Laplace numbers on a timescale comparable to the viscous dissipation timescale, as expected. However, for the new CSS model, the velocity does not decay.

    set xlabel 't{/Symbol m}/D^2'
    set ylabel 'U(D/{/Symbol s})^{1/2}'
    set logscale y
    set key center right font "times,12"
    plot 'La-120' w l t "CSF,La=120",\
         'La-1200' w l t "CSF,La=1200",\
         'La-12000' w l t "CSF,La=12000",\
         'La-CSS-120' w l t "CSS,La=120",\
         'La-CSS-1200' w l t "CSS,La=1200",\
         'La-CSS-12000' w l t "CSS,La=12000"
    Comparison of two methods (script)

    Comparison of two methods (script)

    See also