
    Electrohydrodynamic stresses

    The EHD force density, \mathbf{f}_e, can be computed as the divergence of the Maxwell stress tensor \mathbf{M}, \displaystyle M_{ij} = \varepsilon (E_i E_j - \frac{E^2}{2}\delta_{ij}) where E_i is the i-component of the electric field, \mathbf{E}=-\nabla \phi and \delta_{ij} is the Kronecker delta.

    We need to add the corresponding acceleration to the Navier–Stokes solver.

    If the acceleration vector a (defined by the Navier–Stokes solver) is constant, we make it variable.

    event defaults (i = 0) {
      if (is_constant (a.x))
        a = new face vector;

    The logical place of these macros is in common.h as others. However, meanwhile…

    #ifndef EMBED
    #define face_avg_gradient_t1_x(a,i) \
      ((a[1,i-1] + a[1,i] - a[-1,i-1] - a[-1,i])/(4.*Delta)) 
    #define face_avg_gradient_t2_x(a,i) \
      ((a[1,0,i-1] + a[1,0,i] - a[-1,0,i-1] - a[-1,0,i])/(4.*Delta)) 
    #define face_avg_gradient_t1_y(a,i) \
      ((a[i-1,1] + a[i,1] - a[i-1,-1] - a[i,-1])/(4.*Delta)) 
    #define face_avg_gradient_t2_y(a,i) \
      ((a[0,1,i-1] + a[0,1,i] - a[0,-1,i-1] - a[0,-1,i])/(4.*Delta))
    #define face_avg_gradient_t1_z(a,i) \
      ((a[i-1,0,1] + a[i,0,1] - a[i-1,0,-1] - a[i,0,-1])/(4.*Delta)) 
    #define face_avg_gradient_t2_z(a,i) \
      ((a[0,i-1,1] + a[0,i,1] - a[i-1,0,-1] - a[0,i,-1])/(4.*Delta)) 

    If COEF is true the bilinear interpolation is used not only on the embed segment but for the faces of the mixed cells.

    #if EMBED
    #define COEF 1
    #if COEF
    static void electric_force_mixed (Point point, scalar cs, scalar phi,
    				  face vector perm, coord * force)
      assert(cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.); //Only mixed cells
      double area = 0.;
      coord o, n, of, E, np;
      pseudo_t A1;
      pseudo_v A2;
      area = coef_bilinear_corrected_embed_gradient (point, phi, &A1, &A2, &o, &n);
        np.x = sign(-n.x);

    We compute first the momentum flux through the embed segment.

      double En = 0., E2 = 0., fa = 0., perma = 0.;
      foreach_dimension() {
        E.x = A1.x.x/Delta;
        En += E.x*n.x;
        E2 +=  sq(E.x);
        perma += perm.x[] + perm.x[1];
        fa += fm.x[] + fm.x[1];
      perma /= fa;
        force->x = perma*(En*E.x-E2/2.*n.x)*area;
      for(int ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++)
        foreach_dimension () {
          of.x = -o.x + (2*ii-1)/2.;
          of.y = -o.y + np.y*(1.-fs.x[ii])/2.;
    	E.x = (A1.x.x + A1.x.y*of.y
    #if dimension > 2
    	       + A1.x.z*of.z
    	       + 2.*A2.x*of.x)/Delta;
          force->x += (2.*ii-1)*perm.x[ii]/2.*(sq(E.x)
    #if dimension > 2
          force->y += (2.*ii-1)*perm.x[ii]*E.x*E.y;
    #if dimension > 2
          force->z += (2.*ii-1)*perm.x[ii]*E.x*E.z;

    We overload the acceleration event of the Navier–Stokes solver to add the electrohydrodynamics acceleration term.

    event acceleration (i++) {
      vector f[];
      foreach_dimension() {
        face vector Mx[];
          Mx.x[] = epsilon.x[]/2.*(sq(face_gradient_x (phi,0))  
                                   - sq(face_avg_gradient_t1_y(phi, 0))
    #if dimension > 2			       
                                   - sq(face_avg_gradient_t1_z(phi, 0))
          Mx.y[] = epsilon.y[]*face_gradient_y (phi, 0)
          *face_avg_gradient_t1_x (phi, 0);
    #if dimension > 2
          Mx.z[] = epsilon.z[]*(face_gradient_z (phi, 0))*
                              *face_avg_gradient_t1_x (phi, 0);

    The electric force is the divergence of the Maxwell stress tensor \mathbf{M}.

        foreach() {
          double d = 0.;
    	d += Mx.x[1,0] - Mx.x[];
          f.x[] = d/Delta;

    If case of embed solid the electrical stresses on the solid must be taken into account.

    #if EMBED || AXI
      foreach() {
    #if EMBED
        if(cs[] > 0 && cs[] < 1.) {
    #if COEF      
          coord F;
          electric_force_mixed (point, cs, phi, epsilon, &F);
          	f.x[] = F.x/Delta;
          double area = 0.;
          coord grad, n;
          area = bilinear_corrected_embed_gradient (point, phi, &grad, &n);
          double E2 = 0., En = 0., epsilona = 0., fa = 0.;
          foreach_dimension() {
    	En += grad.x*n.x;
    	E2 += sq(grad.x);
    	epsilona += epsilon.x[] + epsilon.x[1];
    	fa  += fm.x[] + fm.x[1];
          epsilona /= fa;
          	f.x[] += epsilona*(En*grad.x-E2/2.*n.x)*area/Delta;
    #if AXI
        double E2 = 0., epsilona = 0., fa = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          E2 += sq(center_gradient(phi));
          epsilona += epsilon.x[] + epsilon.x[1];
          fa += fm.x[] + fm.x[1];
        epsilona /= fa;
        f.y[] += epsilona*E2/2.;

    To get the acceleration from the force we need to multiply by the specific volume \alpha.

      face vector av = a;
    #if EMBED  
        av.x[] += (cs[] > 0. && cs[-1] > 0.) ?
        (f.x[]/rho[] + f.x[-1]/rho[-1])/2. :
        (f.x[] + f.x[-1])/(rho[] + rho[-1] + SEPS);
        av.x[] += (f.x[]/rho[] + f.x[-1]/rho[-1])/2.;