
    Acceleration term in a hyperelastic incompressible material

    In a hyperlastic material, the stresses appears when a deformation occurs in the body. Usually this deformation is commonly described in a Lagrangian framework although a Eulerian description, that is the one commonly used for fluids, is possible. In effect, the Mooney–Rivlin constitutive law for the hyperelastic stress tensor \mathbf{S}_h writes, \displaystyle \mathbf{S}_h = 2c_1 \mathbf{B} + 2c_2 \, (tr(\mathbf{B}) \, \mathbf{B}-\mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{B}) + 4c_3(tr(\mathbf{B})-3)\mathbf{B} where tr() denotes the trace of a tensor and the dot denotes tensor multiplication. \mathbf{B} is the left Cauchy-Green deformation tensor whose temporal evolution is governed by the upper convective derivative, \displaystyle UCD(\mathbf{B}) = \partial_t \mathbf{B} + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{B} - (\nabla \mathbf{u})^T \cdot \mathbf{B} - \mathbf{B} \cdot (\nabla \mathbf{u}) = 0 c_1, c_2 and c_3 are characterizing coefficients of the Mooney–Rivlin hyperelastic material. Particular cases of an (incompressible) Mooney–Rivlin material are:

    • The neo-Hookian material: c_1 = G/2; c_2=c_3 = 0. G is the shear modulus.
    • The Saint-Venant–Kirchoff material: c_1 = \mu_L, c_2= -\mu_L/2 and c_3 = (\lambda_L +2 \mu_L)/8. \mu_L and \lambda_L are the Lame constants.

    We will reorder the constitutive equation for the stresses in the following form, \displaystyle \mathbf{S}_h = \beta_1 \mathbf{B} + \beta_2 TR(\mathbf{B}) \, \mathbf{B} + \beta_3 \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathbf{B} being in 2D \beta_1 = 2c_1 +2c_2-8c_3, \beta_2 = 2c_2+4c_3 and \beta_3 = -2c_3 and TR(\mathbf{B}) = B_{xx} + B_{yy}. Note that in 2D tr(\mathbf{B}) = B_{xx}+B_{yy} + 1 since B_{zz} = 1. In 3D \beta_1 would be \beta_1 = 2c_1 -12c_3.

    #include "upper.h"
    tensor B[];
    (const) scalar beta1 = zeroc, beta2 = zeroc, beta3 = zeroc;
    event defaults (i = 0) {
      foreach ()
        foreach_dimension ()
          B.x.x[] = 1.;
    event init (i = 0) {
      if (is_constant(a.x))
        a = new face vector;
    event tracer_advection (i++) {
      upper_convected_derivative (u, B, dt = dt, theta = zeroc);
    event acceleration (i++)

    The stress tensor \mathbf{S}_h for the Mooney–Rivlin hyperelastic material is calculated.

      tensor S[];
      foreach ()
        foreach_dimension() {
          S.x.x[] = (beta1[] + beta2[]*B.y.y[])*B.x.x[] 
            + beta3[]*B.x.y[]*B.y.x[] + (beta2[] + beta3[])*sq(B.x.x[]);
          S.x.y[] = (beta1[] + (B.x.x[] + B.y.y[])*(beta2[]+beta3[]))*B.x.y[];
      boundary ((scalar *) {S.x, S.y});
      face vector av = a;  
      foreach_face() {
        double shear = (S.x.y[0,1]*cm[0,1] + S.x.y[-1,1]*cm[-1,1] -
                        S.x.y[0,-1]*cm[0,-1] - S.x.y[-1,-1]*cm[-1,-1])/4.;
        av.x[] +=  (fm.x[] == 0. ? 0 :(shear +