
    Wave generation by fluidised flow. Three-phase Navier-Stokes with option for diffusion between two phases.

    This is the Navier-Stokes VOF case of the Bougouin, 2020 fluidized granular flow tsunami generation experiment.

    //#include "grid/octree.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"

    Initialise density tracer f3 (representative of third phase)

    scalar f3[];
    double rho3 = 1400; //density of dense salt water
    double mu3 = 0.1; //density of salt water at 20degrees

    We “overload” the default by defining the rho() and mu() macros before including the code for two phases.

    #ifndef rho
    # define rho(f) (clamp(f,0.,1.)*(clamp(f3[],0.,1.)*(rho3 - rho1) + rho1 -rho2) + rho2) 
    #ifndef mu
    # define mu(f)  (clamp(f,0.,1.)*(clamp(f3[],0.,1.)*(mu3 - mu1) + mu1 - mu2) + mu2) //viscoisty is a function of the volumne fraction

    Definition of the robin boundary, see Antoon’s robin.c for details.

    #define robin(a,b,c) ((dirichlet ((c)*Delta/(2*(b) + (a)*Delta))) + ((neumann (0))* ((2*(b) - (a)*Delta)/(2*(b) + (a)*Delta) + 1.)))

    Optional to include diffusion

    #include "sandbox/qmagdelaine/phase_change/advection_Q.h" 
    #include "two-phase.h"
    #include "myconserving.h" //updated conserving for new three-phase formulation
    #include "sandbox/qmagdelaine/phase_change/mixtures.h"
    //#include "sandbox/qmagdelaine/phase_change/elementary_body.h" //Optional
    //#include "tension.h" //Optional: if including surface tension
    #include "utils.h"
    double ue = 1e-3;
    #define io (0.338)
    #define MUR 54
    #define MAXLEVEL 12

    Initialise domain, 6 units long.

    int main() {
    	  L0 = 6.;
    	  origin (0, 0);
    	  rho1 = 998; //water
    	  rho2 = 1.27; //air
    	  mu1 = 1.002e-3; //water
              mu2 = 1.002e-3/MUR; //air	    
    	  //f.sigma = 73e-3;
    	  init_grid (1 << MAXLEVEL);
    	  //fp=fopen("tracers_cons_final.dat", "w");
     	  const face vector av[] = {9.81*sin(0.268), -9.81*cos(0.268), 0};
    	  a = av;
    	  CFL = 0.4;

    Implementation of robin boundary condition, robin(a,b,c) where b is the slip length.

    u.t[bottom] = robin(1.,0.04,0.); 
    u.n[left] = dirichlet(0.);
    u.t[left] = dirichlet(0.);

    Optional if including diffusion

    attribute {
    	  double D;

    Initialise the geometry.

    event init (t = 0)
    	  foreach() {
    		  if (y < tan(0.268)*(x-(1+io))) { //with water
    			  f[] = 1.;
    			  f3[] = 0.;
    		  else if (x < ((y - tan(1.309)*(io))/(-tan(1.309))) && y < 0.225 && z <= 0.2 ) { //accounts for the extra volume
    			  f[] = 1.;
    			  f3[] = 1.;
    			  else {
    			  f[] = 0.;
    		          f3[] = 0.;
    			  u.x[] = 0.;
    	boundary ({f,f3,u});
    //* Output statistics to a logfile. */
    #include "view.h"
    event logfile (i++){
    	  fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %d %d\n", i, t, mgp.i, mgu.i);

    If accounting for diffusion… fixme: diffusion into bottom boundary!

    #define D_L 0.0001
    mgstats mgd1;
    event tracer_diffusion (i++) {
                    f[] = clamp(f[], 0., 1.);
    	  boundary ({f});
                  f3[] = (f[] > F_ERR ? f3[]/f[] : 0.);
              f3.D = D_L;
              f3.inverse = false;
              no_flux_diffusion (f3, f, dt);
    		f3[] *= f[];

    Crude method for boundary implementation but works well for no diffusion case:

    scalar tri[];
    #define TRIANGLE (tan(0.268)*(x-(1+io+1.02)))
    event makeslope (i++) {
                    fraction (tri, y <= TRIANGLE);
    				u.x[] -= u.x[]*tri[];
    		face vector tri_face[];
     		face_fraction (tri, tri_face);
     		boundary ((scalar *){tri_face});
                            uf.x[] -= tri_face.x[]*uf.x[];
      		boundary ((scalar *){u, uf});  
    //3D boundary
    scalar edge[];
    event makeedge (i++) {
    	fraction(edge, z > 0.2);
    			u.x[] -= u.x[]*edge[];
    	boundary((scalar *){u, uf});

    Output images

    int time_step = 0.; //don't need this
    event output_files  (t += 0.01; t < 4.5) { 
    			char one[80], two[80], three[80], four[80];
    			foreach() {
    				   if (tri[] > 0.5)
    					       tri[] = -1;
    			//First two outputs show JPG snapshots for FOV 
    			sprintf (one, "tracer-%d.png",time_step );
    			output_ppm(f3, file = one, map = cool_warm, n = 2048, linear = true, box = {{0,0},{4.5,1}}, mask = tri);
    			sprintf (two, "density-%d.png",time_step );  
    			output_ppm(rho, file = two, min = 1, max = 1400, n = 2048, linear = true, box = {{0,0},{4.5,1}}, mask = tri);
                            //Bview outputs
    			view(fov = 20, psi = 0.268, tx = -0.55, ty = -0.05);
    			char str[80];
    			sprintf(str, "t = %g", t);
    			draw_string(str, pos = 4, lw =3);
    			draw_vof("f", filled = -1, fc = {1,1,1});
    			//We also output a vertical cross section of the velocity compoentns 
    			sprintf (three, "vprof-%d",time_step);
    			FILE * fp1 = fopen (three, "w");
    			for (double y = 0.; y <= 0.05; y += 8/(pow(2,MAXLEVEL))){
    				fprintf (fp1, "%g %g %g %g\n", y,interpolate (u.x, 1.238, y, 0.1),interpolate (u.y, 1.238, y, 0.1),interpolate(f, 1.238,y, 0.1));} //Outputs y, u.x, u.y, f
    			fclose (fp1);
    			time_step += 1.;


    We are interested in the viscous dissipation rate in both water, granular fluid and air.

    int dissipation_rate (double* rates)
      double rateWater = 0.0;
      double rateAir = 0.0;
      double rateFlow = 0.0;
      foreach (reduction (+:rateWater) reduction (+:rateAir) reduction (+:rateFlow)) {
        double dudx = (u.x[1]     - u.x[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dudy = (u.x[0,1]   - u.x[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dudz = (u.x[0,0,1] - u.x[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdx = (u.y[1]     - u.y[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdy = (u.y[0,1]   - u.y[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dvdz = (u.y[0,0,1] - u.y[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdx = (u.z[1]     - u.z[-1]    )/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdy = (u.z[0,1]   - u.z[0,-1]  )/(2.*Delta);
        double dwdz = (u.z[0,0,1] - u.z[0,0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
        double SDeformxx = dudx;
        double SDeformxy = 0.5*(dudy + dvdx);
        double SDeformxz = 0.5*(dudz + dwdx);
        double SDeformyx = SDeformxy;
        double SDeformyy = dvdy;
        double SDeformyz = 0.5*(dvdz + dwdy);
        double SDeformzx = SDeformxz;
        double SDeformzy = SDeformyz;
        double SDeformzz = dwdz; 
        double sqterm = 2.*dv()*(sq(SDeformxx) + sq(SDeformxy) + sq(SDeformxz) +
    			     sq(SDeformyx) + sq(SDeformyy) + sq(SDeformyz) +
    			     sq(SDeformzx) + sq(SDeformzy) + sq(SDeformzz)) ;
        rateWater += mu1/rho1*(1.-f3[])*f[]*sqterm; //water (when f3 is one, this will be zero)
        rateFlow += mu3/rho3*(f3[])*f[]*sqterm; //flow
        rateAir   += mu2/rho2*(1. - f[])*sqterm; //air
      rates[0] = rateWater;
      rates[1] = rateAir;
      rates[2] = rateFlow;
      return 0; }

    We log the evolution of the kinetic and potential energies and dissipation rate as functions of the non-dimensional time.

    event graphs (t += 0.01) {
      static FILE * fpwater = fopen("budgetWater.dat", "w");
      static FILE * fpair = fopen("budgetAir.dat", "w");
      static FILE * fflow = fopen("budgetFlow.dat", "w");
      double keWater = 0., gpeWater = 0.;
      double keAir = 0., gpeAir = 0.;
      double keFlow = 0., gpeFlow = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:keWater) reduction(+:gpeWater) 
    	  reduction(+:keAir) reduction(+:gpeAir)
    	  reduction(+:keFlow) reduction(+:gpeFlow)) {
        double norm2 = 0.;
          norm2 += sq(u.x[]);
        keWater += rho1*(1.0-f3[])*norm2*f[]*dv();
        keAir += rho2*norm2*(1.0-f[])*dv();
        keFlow += rho3*f3[]*norm2*f[]*dv();
        gpeWater += rho1*f[]*(1.0-f3[])*dv()*9.81*(-sin(0.268)*x+cos(0.268)*y);
        gpeAir += rho2*(1.0-f[])*dv()*9.81*(-sin(0.268)*x+cos(0.268)*y);
        gpeFlow += rho3*f[]*(f3[])*dv()*9.81*(-sin(0.268)*x+cos(0.268)*y);
      double rates[3];
      double dissWater = rates[0];
      double dissAir   = rates[1];
      double dissFlow   = rates[2];
        if (i == 0) {
        fprintf (fpwater, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
        fprintf (fpair, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
        fprintf (fflow, "t ke gpe dissipation\n");
      fprintf (fpwater, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t, keWater/2., gpeWater, dissWater);
      fprintf (fpair, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t, keAir/2., gpeAir, dissAir);
        fprintf (fflow, "%g %g %g %g\n",
    	   t, keFlow/2., gpeFlow, dissFlow);

    We output the water elevation profile, which is used to extract wave gauges.

    int add = 0;
    event interface (t+= 0.01) {
    		char fname[99];
    		sprintf(fname, "water_elevation%d.txt", add);
    		FILE * fp = fopen(fname, "w");
    		add += 1.;

    Option not to include - vtu files not necessary.

    int counter = 0;
    #include "output_vtu_foreach.h"
    event vtk_file (t += 0.05) {
    			FILE * fp;
    			char name[80];
    			sprintf(name, "test_0.01_%d.vtu", counter);
    			fp = fopen(name,"w");
    			output_vtu_bin_foreach((scalar *) {rho,f}, (vector *) {u},N,fp,false);
    			counter += 1.;

    Adapt with respect to vorticity.

    event adapt (i++)
    	scalar omega[];
    	adapt_wavelet((scalar *){omega,f},(double[]){ue,ue,0.01},MAXLEVEL);


    A. Bougouin, R. Paris and O. Roche. Impact of Fluidized Granular Flows into Water: Implications for Tsunamis Generated by Pyroclastic Flows.