
    Length of a loop of particles

    plength is more accurate than simple distance.

    The length of two curves is estimated from the particles placed on those curves.

    set key left outside
    set size ratio -1
    plot 'log' w l lw 2 t 'curve 1', 'circ' w l lw 2 t 'curve 2'


    The estimates are compared against Wolfram-Alpha’s reference value

    set size square
    set logscale xy
    set xr [50: 25600]
    set grid
    set xlabel 'Particles'
    set ylabel 'Error in length'
    plot 'out' , 'out' u 1:3, 50000000*x**(-4), 1000*x**(-2)
    Error Curve 1 (script)

    Error Curve 1 (script)

    The higher-order method is less robust for unresolved features.

    set size square
    set logscale xy
    set xr [1.5: 256]
    set grid
    set xlabel 'Particles'
    set ylabel 'Error in length'
    plot 'out' u 4:5 , 'out' u 4:6, 50*x**(-4), 10*x**(-2)
    Error Curve 2 (script)

    Error Curve 2 (script)

    But only needs a few point to resolve a circle: The 6-point estimate is less than 1% less off.

    #define X(T) (sin(T) + 0.5*erf(2*cos(3*T)))
    #define Y(T) (cos(T) + 0.4*exp(2*sin(4*T)))
    #define ANS (27.6374980235184900345111)
    #include "particle.h"
    #include "run.h"
    // Simple length:
    double length (Particles p) {
      double lenp = 0;
      coord p1 = {0,0}, pp = {0};
      foreach_particle_in(p) {
        if (p1.x == 0 && p1.y == 0)
          p1 = (coord){x, y};
        else {
          double d = 0;
    	d += sq(p().x - pp.x);
          lenp += sqrt(d);
        pp = (coord){x, y};
      double d = 0;
        d += sq(p1.x - pp.x);
      lenp += sqrt(d);
      return lenp;
    int np;
    int main() {
      for (np = 100; np <= 12800; np*= 2) 
    event init (t = 0) {
      Particles part1 = new_particles(np);
      Particles part2 = new_particles(np/33);
      foreach_particle_in(part1) {
        double T = j*2.*pi/(np);
        p().x = X(T);
        p().y = Y(T);
      foreach_particle_in(part2) {
        double Theta = j*2.*pi/(np/33);
        p().x = cos(Theta);
        p().y = sin(Theta);
      printf ("%d %g %g %d %g %g\n", np, fabs(ANS-plength(part1)), 
              fabs(ANS-length(part1)), np/33, fabs(2*pi-plength(part2)),
      if (np == 3200) {
          fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", x, y);
        FILE * fp = fopen("circ", "w");
          fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n", x, y);