
    #if LAYERS
    #define ML_ZB zb[]
    #define ML_H h[]
    #define ML_H_K h[0,0,k]
    #define ML_ETA eta[]
    #define ML_ZB 0
    #define ML_H 0
    #define ML_H_K 0
    #define ML_ETA 0

    A Particle class

    This headerfile defines some useful functions and types for generic particles in terms of initialization and cleanup as well as iterators. It then includes the relevant sub-library based on solver type.

    A particle is defined by a 3D position and possible additional members that may be #defined via the hook (mass, size etc.).

    typedef struct {
      double x;
      double y;
      double z;
    #ifdef ADD_PART_MEM
    } particle;

    In practice, more than one particle is stored in a list of particles. The code maintains a list of all lists (pl) together with a related terminate_int-terminated array (pn) that stores the numbers of particles in each list and the (dynammically) allocated space. Furthermore, a list can be referenced by an integer number , Particles (mind the case), indexing the how-manieth entry in pn and pl a list of particles is.

    typedef particle * particles; //omit double pointer types and mistakes
    typedef int Particles;        //An index reference
    particles * pl = NULL;        
    long unsigned int * pn = NULL, * pna =  NULL; // Particles and space
    long unsigned int terminate_int = ULONG_MAX;

    n new particles can be declared using the new_particles() function. All member-values are set to zero.

    Particles new_particles (long unsigned int n) {
      int j = 1;
      if (pn != NULL) 
        while (pn[j++] != terminate_int);
      pn = realloc (pn, (j + 1)*sizeof(long unsigned int));
      pna = realloc (pna, (j + 1)*sizeof(long unsigned int));
      pl = realloc (pl, j*sizeof(particle));
      pn[j] = terminate_int;
      pn[--j] = n;
      pna[j] = n;
      particle * pt = calloc (n, sizeof(particle));
      pl[j] = pt;
      return j;

    A list of particles can be added to a Particles list

    Particles * add_Particles_to_list (Particles p, Particles * plist) {
      int l = 0, t = 0;
      if (plist != NULL) {
        while (pn[l] != terminate_int) {
          if (l == plist[t]) 
      plist = realloc (plist, (t + 1)*sizeof(Particles));
      plist[t] = p;
      return plist;

    A particle can be added to a list …

    void change_plist_size (Particles Plist, int n) {
      long unsigned int n_new = n + pn[Plist];
      if (n_new > pna[Plist] || 2.5*(n_new + 1) < pna[Plist]) {
        pna[Plist] = 2*n_new;
        pl[Plist] = realloc (pl[Plist] , pna[Plist]*sizeof(particle));
      pn[Plist] += n;
    int add_particle (particle p, Particles Plist) {
    #if _MPI
      if (!(locate (p.x, p.y, p.z).level > 0)) //Only place particle where it can be found
        return 0;
      change_plist_size (Plist, 1);
      pl[Plist][pn[Plist] - 1] = p; //append data
      return 1;

    … or removed (based on index or condition)

    void remove_particles_index (Particles Plist, int n, long unsigned int ind[n]) {
      int m = 0, j = 0;
      while (j < pn[Plist] - n) {
        while (m < n ? j + m == ind[m] : 0)
        while (m < n ? j < pn[Plist] - n && j + m != ind[m] : j < pn[Plist] - n) {
          pl[Plist][j] = pl[Plist][j + m];
      change_plist_size(Plist, -n);

    the “undo-everything” function can be used to prevent the all-important memory leaks.

    void free_p (void) {
      int j = 0;
      while (pn[j++] != terminate_int) {
        free (pl[j - 1]);
        pl[j -1] = NULL;
      free (pl);
      pl = NULL;
      free (pn);
      pn = NULL;
      free (pna);
      pna = NULL;
    event free_particles (t = end)


    Two particle iterators are @defined. Within these foreach_particle.. iterators, the coordinates x, y, z become available and the particle data itself (p()).

    • The foreach_particle() iterator loops over every particles.

    • The foreach_particle_in(Particles P) iterator loops over every particle in a single list referenced by P

    Furthermore, the foreach_P_in(Particles * Pl) loops over lists of Particles. Inside the iterator, Particles P becomes available.

    For example, if you want to set the x-coordinate of all particles in some list (say tracer_particles) to 1, you could do:

    Particles * tracer_particles;
    foreach_P_in(tracer_particles) {
      foreach_particle_in(P) {
        p().x = 1.

    If all particles happen to be tracer_particles, this behaves identical to

    foreach_particle() {
      p().x = 1.

    The Implementation makes use of qccs excellent foreach... functions. Meaning that these iterators can also do simple reductions.

    #define p() pl[_l_particle][_j_particle] 
      double x = pl[_l_particle][_j_particle].x; NOT_UNUSED(x);
      double y = pl[_l_particle][_j_particle].y; NOT_UNUSED(y);
      double z = pl[_l_particle][_j_particle].z; NOT_UNUSED(z);
    @def foreach_particle() {
      int _l_particle = 0;
      while (pn[_l_particle] != terminate_int) {
        for (int _j_particle = 0; _j_particle < pn[_l_particle]; _j_particle++) {
    @def end_foreach_particle()
    @def foreach_particle_in(PARTICLES) {
      int _l_particle = PARTICLES;
      for (int _j_particle = 0; _j_particle < pn[_l_particle]; _j_particle++) {
    @def end_foreach_particle_in()
    @def foreach_P_in_list(PARTICLES_LIST) {
      int _lll_particle = 0, _ll_particle = 0;
      while (pn[_lll_particle] != terminate_int) {
        if (_lll_particle == PARTICLES_LIST[_ll_particle]) {
    	Particles P = _lll_particle; NOT_UNUSED(P);
    @def end_foreach_P_in_list()
    #define remove_particles(p,CONDITION) do {		\
      int nr = 0;						\
      foreach_particle_in ((p)) {				\
        if ((CONDITION))					\
          nr++;						\
      }							\
      long unsigned int ind[nr];				\
      int i = 0;						\
      foreach_particle_in ((p)) {				\
        if ((CONDITION))					\
          ind[i++] = _j_particle;					\
      }							\
      remove_particles_index ((p), nr, ind);		\
      } while (0)

    MPI particle exchange

    With _MPI, particles may find themselves outside the realm of their thread’s domain. Here we implement a particle exchange function. If a particle is not within any boundary, it is lost…

    #if _MPI
    void update_mpi (Particles p) {
      int l = 0;
      while (pn[l] != terminate_int) {
        if (l == p) {
          int outt, in = 0, m = 0, out = 0;
    	if (locate (p().x, p().y, p().z).level < 0) {
          //get indices and outgoing data
          int * ind = malloc (sizeof(int)*out);
          particle * senddata = malloc (sizeof(particle)*out);
          foreach_particle_in(p) { 
    	if (locate (p().x, p().y, p().z).level < 0) {
    	  ind[m] = _j_particle;
    	  senddata[m++] = p();
          //remove the senddata from arrays (shrink)
          m = 0;
          int j = 0;
          while (j < pn[l] - out) {
    	while (m < out ? j + m == ind[m] : 0)
    	while (m < out ? j < pn[l] - out && j + m != ind[m] : j < pn[l] - out) {
    	  pl[l][j]   = pl[l][j + m];
          // Gather lost particles among threads:
          // First, count all of them
          int outa[npe()], outat[npe()];
          outat[0] = 0;
          MPI_Allgather (&out, 1, MPI_INT, &outa[0], 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
          //Compute displacements
          for (int j = 1; j < npe(); j++) 
    	outat[j] = outa[j - 1] + outat[j - 1];
          outt = outat[npe() - 1] + outa[npe() - 1]; 
          // Allocate recieve buffer and gather
          particle * recdata = malloc (sizeof(particle)*outt);
          for (int j = 0; j < npe(); j++) {
    	outat[j] *= sizeof(particle);
    	outa[j]  *= sizeof(particle);
        //send and recieve data
          MPI_Allgatherv (&senddata[0], outa[pid()], MPI_BYTE,
    		      &recdata[0], outa, outat, MPI_BYTE,
        //count new particles
        for (int j = 0; j < outt ; j++) 
          if (locate (recdata[j].x, recdata[j].y, recdata[j].z).level > 0)
        long unsigned int po = pn[l] - out;
        //Manage the memory if required...
        change_plist_size (l, in - out);
        //Collect new particles from `recdata`
        if (in > 0) {
          int indi[in];
          m = 0;
          for (int j = 0; j < outt; j++) 
    	if (locate (recdata[j].x, recdata[j].y, recdata[j].z).level > 0)
    	  indi[m++] = j;
          m = 0;
          for (j = po; j < pn[l]; j++) {
    	pl[l][j] = recdata[indi[m]];
        // clean the mess
        free (ind); free (senddata); free (recdata);
    // Some shared placement functions
    struct Init_P {
      int n;
      double xm;
      double ym;
      double l;
      double zp;
    void place_in_square (Particles p, struct Init_P inp) {
      if (!inp.n)
        inp.n = 10;
      if (!inp.l)
        inp.l = L0;
      long unsigned int j = 0;
      particles pp = pl[p];
      double dx = inp.l/(double)inp.n;
      double x0 = inp.xm - inp.l/2. + dx/2;
      double y0 = inp.ym - inp.l/2. + dx/2;
      for (double xp = x0; xp < inp.xm + inp.l/2.; xp += dx) {
        for (double yp = y0; yp < inp.ym + inp.l/2.; yp += dx) {
          pp[j].x = xp;
          pp[j].y = yp;
          pp[j++].z = inp.zp;
    void place_in_circle (Particles p, struct Init_P inp) {
      particles pp = pl[p];
      for (int j = 0; j < inp.n; j++) {
        double angle = noise()*pi;
        double R = sqrt(fabs(noise()))*inp.l;
        pp[j].x = R*sin(angle) + inp.xm;
        pp[j].y = R*cos(angle) + inp.ym;
        pp[j].z = inp.zp;
    // A shared particle statistics struct
    typedef struct {
      coord avg;
      coord min;
      coord max;
      coord stddev;
    } pstats;

    Dump and restore particles

    The pdump() and prestore() functions are implemented below.

    struct DumpP {
      char * fname;   //File name       Default: "pdump"
      Particles * td; //Particle lists  Default: all
      FILE * fp;      //File pointer    Default: Not used
      bool Dmem;      //Member data     Default: false, only x,y,z
      bool print;     //Show dump data  Default: false
    bool pdump (struct DumpP p) {
      // The file:
      FILE * fp = p.fp;
      char def[] = "pdump", * file = p.fname ? p.fname : p.fp ? NULL : def;
      if (file) {
        if ((fp = fopen (file, "wb")) == NULL) {
          perror (file);
          exit (1);
      assert (fp);
      // Get particle lists data
      Particles * td =;
      int j = 0, n = 0;        
      if (td) {
        foreach_P_in_list (td) 
      } else  {// all
        while (pn[j++] != terminate_int);
        td = malloc (sizeof(int)*j);
        j = 0;
        while (pn[j] != terminate_int) { 
          td[j] = j;
      // Nr of particles
      long unsigned int np[j];
      foreach_P_in_list (td) {
        np[n] = pn[P];
    #if _MPI
      // Dump members?
      bool Dmem = true;
      if (!p.Dmem)
        Dmem = false ;
      // Print header
      if (pid() == 0) {
        fwrite (&j, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
        fwrite (np, sizeof(long unsigned int), j, fp);
        fwrite (&Dmem, sizeof(bool), 1, fp);
      int Headersize = sizeof(int) + j*sizeof (long unsigned int) + sizeof(bool); 
      fseek (fp, Headersize, SEEK_SET); //offset
      if (p.print && pid() == 0) 
        fputs ("# P\tamount\n", stderr);
      // Print particle data
      for (int m = 0; m < j; m++) { //Nesting within foreach_P... did not work
        Particles P = td[m];
    #if _MPI
        int size = Dmem ? sizeof(particle) : 3*sizeof(double);
        long unsigned int outa[npe()], outat[npe()  + 1];
        outat[0] = 0;
        MPI_Allgather (&pn[td[m]], 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
    		   &outa[0], 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        //Compute and set displacements
        for (int j = 1; j <= npe(); j++) 
          outat[j] = outa[j - 1] + outat[j - 1];
        fseek (fp, outat[pid()]*size, SEEK_CUR);
        foreach_particle_in (P) {
          if (Dmem) {
    	fwrite (&p(), sizeof(particle), 1, fp);
          } else {
    	double c[3] = {x, y, z};
    	fwrite (c, sizeof(double), 3, fp);
        if (p.print && pid() == 0) 
          fprintf (stderr, "# %d\t%ld\n", m, np[m]);
    #if _MPI
          fseek (fp, (np[m] - outat[pid() + 1])*size, SEEK_CUR);
      fclose (fp);
      if (!
        free (td);
      return true; 
    #if LAYERS
    #include "particle_multilayer.h"
    #include "particle_classic.h"

    Particle Restoration

    The restore function forgets all existing particles and does not assign particles to any list, nor does it know about the names of the particle lists references. See also this test.

    int prestore (struct DumpP p) {
      // Open file
      FILE * fp = p.fp;
      char * file = p.fname;
      if (file && (fp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL)
        return 0;
      assert (fp);
      //read nr. of lists and nr. of particles
      int j;
      bool Dmem;
      fread (&j, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
      long unsigned int np[j];
      fread (np, sizeof(long unsigned int), j, fp);
      fread (&Dmem, sizeof(bool), 1, fp);
      // Print some reference data
      if (p.print) {
        if (pid() == 0) {
          if (Dmem)
    	fputs ("# Restoring members...\n", stderr);
          fputs ("# P\tamount\n", stderr);
          for (int m = 0; m < j; m++)
    	fprintf (stderr, "# %d\t%ld\n", m, np[m]);
      // Remove existing particles
      if (pl != NULL)
      // Allocate and read
      Particles P;
      for (int m = 0; m < j; m++) {
        if (pid() == 0) { // This could be more balanced
          P = new_particles (np[m]);
          if (Dmem) 
    	fread (pl[m], sizeof(particle), np[m], fp);
          else {
    	foreach_particle_in (P) {
    	  double c[3];
    	  fread (&c, sizeof(double), 3, fp);
    	  p().x = c[0]; p().y = c[1]; p().z = c[2];
        } else // slaves do not read data
          P = new_particles (0);
         // Apply boundary conditions.
        particle_boundary (P);
      if (file)
        fclose (fp);
      return j;