
    2D algorithm for transport of tracer

    The general structure is:

    1. Initializing the linear system
    2. Solve linear system
    3. Check for convergence
    4. Cleanup

    The initialization requires us declaring a lot of arrays, which we initialize once at the start. Some of these are likely superflous, and will be cleaned up in a future patch.

    Ml_Tracer transport_tracer(Ml_Tracer _i_tracer){
      // Initialization
      double tol = tml().tol;
      scalar c   = tml().c;
      double rho_c = tml().rho_c;
      scalar c_0 = new scalar[nl];
      scalar c_prev = new scalar[nl];
      double a_c[N], a_w[N], a_e[N],b[N], c_[N];
      double total_c0 = 0;
      TDMA_fluxes cf;
        foreach_layer() {
          c_0[] = c[];
          c_prev[] = c[];
          total_c0 += Delta*Delta*h[]*sq(c[]);
      printf("C total before = %g\n", total_c0);
      double residual = HUGE;
      int iterations = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        a_c[i]  = 0.0;
         a_w[i]  = 0.0;
        a_e[i]  = 0.0;
        b[i]    = 0.0;
        c_[i]   = 0.0;
      while (residual > tol){
        residual = 0;
        foreach_point(0,0, nowarning){
          for (int l = 0; l < nl; l++){
            // Initializing Linear system
            for (point.i = GHOSTS; point.i < point.n + GHOSTS; point.i++){
              cf = compute_fluxes(point, l, _i_tracer, c_0);
              int idx = point.i - GHOSTS;
              a_w[idx]  = - cf.aW;
              a_c[idx]  =  rho_c/dt + cf.aW + cf.aE + cf.aT + cf.aB + cf.div - cf.Sp;
              a_e[idx]  = - cf.aE;
              b[idx]    = rho_c/dt * c_0[0,0,l] + cf.Su;
              if (l < nl-1)
                b[idx] += cf.aT*c_prev[0,0,l+1];
              if (l > 0)
                b[idx] += cf.aB*c_prev[0,0,l-1];
              double Sdc = TVD_deferred_correction(point, c_prev, l, _i_tracer);
              b[idx] += Sdc/Delta;
            TDMA(a_w, a_c, a_e, b, c_, point.n);
            for (point.i = GHOSTS; point.i < point.n + GHOSTS; point.i++){
              c[0,0,l] = c_[point.i - GHOSTS];
        double total_c = 0;
            residual += sq(c[] - c_prev[])*Delta*Delta*h[];
            total_c += Delta*Delta*h[]*sq(c[]);
            c_prev[] = c[];
        printf("total_c = %g residual = %g.\n",total_c, residual);
        if (nl > 1)
          residual = sqrt(residual);
          residual = 0;
      tml().c = c;
      printf("Solution converged after %d iterations\n", iterations);
      delete((scalar *){c_0, c_prev});
      return _i_tracer;