
    A multilayer compatible convection diffusion solver. We start by defining the diffusion scheme and a small tolerance function (To avoid dividing by zero).


    • scheme 0 is the first order upwind scheme. Fast, but first order and best suited for high Peclet numbers.

    • scheme 1 is the van Albada TVD scheme (from A comparative study of computational methods in cosmic gas dynamics by van Albada et al. 1982. This scheme is second order in space, and stable at all Peclet numbers.

    #define scheme 1
    #define EPS_ML_TRACER 1e-8

    Here we define a lot of package specific variables. Of these, only the ml_tracer struct is intended to be used by the user.

    typedef int Ml_Tracer;
    typedef struct {
      double kappa_c;
      double tol;
      double rho_c;
      scalar c;
      double (*bf)(Point point, double t, Ml_Tracer tracer);
      double (*Sf)(Point point, double t, Ml_Tracer tracer);
    } ml_tracer;
    typedef struct {
      double aP;
      double aW;
      double aE;
      double aT;
      double aB;
      #if dimension > 1
        double aN;
        double aS;
      double Sp;
      double Su;
      double div;
    } TDMA_fluxes;

    Here we perform some book-keeping where we initialize a list of all tracers the user initializes. Each tracer gets a unique ID corresponding to its index in the tracer list array tl.

    typedef ml_tracer * ml_tracers;
    ml_tracers tl = NULL;
    long unsigned int num_tracers = 0;

    The vertical velocity w is not defined in the hydrostatic solver. Hence, we define the vertical velocity and then set it to zero.

    #if NH
      scalar w;
    event make_w(i=0){
      #if NH
        w = new scalar[nl];
            w[] = 0.0;
    event clean_w(t=end){
      #if NH
        delete((scalar *) {w});

    Here starts the first important function of the tracer library, namely the init_tracer function. This function takes four arguments, namely

    • scalar c , a user defined scalar field which acts as the initial condition of the tracer.
    • double kappa_c is the diffusion coefficient of the tracer.
    • double rho_c is the density of the tracer. Currently, the relative density between the tracer and the fluid in the multilayer solver is not considered.
    • double tol is the numerical tolerance. The algorithm is an iterative solver, and this sets the cutoff point for the solver, as the iterations will terminate when the residual in terms of the L^2-norm is less than this tolerance.

    The functions bf0 and Sf0 are the default boundary condition and source functions, and can be overwritten by a user using the set_tracer_BC and set_source_function functions. The boundary and source functions need to take three arguments, namely the spatial coordinate Point point, the time double t and the tracer index Ml_Tracer tracer.

    double bf0(Point point,  double t, Ml_Tracer tracer){
      return 0.0;
    double Sf0(Point point,  double t, Ml_Tracer tracer){
      return 0.0;
    Ml_Tracer init_tracer(scalar c, double kappa_c, double rho_c, double tol){
      ml_tracer tracer;
      tracer.kappa_c = kappa_c; 
      tracer.tol = tol;
      tracer.rho_c = rho_c;
      tracer.c = c;
      //boundary and source functions = &bf0;
      tracer.Sf = &Sf0;
      tl = realloc (tl, num_tracers*sizeof(ml_tracer));
      tl[num_tracers-1] = tracer;
      return num_tracers-1;
    Ml_Tracer set_tracer_BC(Ml_Tracer _i_tracer,double (*bf)(Point point, double t, Ml_Tracer tracer)){
      tl[_i_tracer].bf = bf;
      return _i_tracer;
    Ml_Tracer set_source_function(Ml_Tracer _i_tracer, double (*Sf)(Point point, double t, Ml_Tracer tracer)){
      tl[_i_tracer].Sf = Sf;
      return _i_tracer;
    double _tracer_boundary_function(Ml_Tracer _i_tracer, Point point,  double t){
      ml_tracer tracer = tl[_i_tracer];
      return, t, _i_tracer);
    double _tracer_source_function(Ml_Tracer _i_tracer, Point point, double t){
      ml_tracer tracer = tl[_i_tracer];
      return tracer.Sf(point, t, _i_tracer);

    Here we define some useful (and some potentially useful) shortcuts, and the foreach_ml_tracer() iterator, which allow a user to iterate over all initialized tracers.

    #define tml() tl[_i_tracer]
      double kappa_c = tml().kappa_c; NOT_UNUSED(kappa_c);
      double tol     = tml().tol; NOT_UNUSED(tol);
      scalar c       = tml().c; NOT_UNUSED(c);
      double rho_c   = tml().rho_c; NOT_UNUSED(rho_c);
    @def foreach_ml_tracer()
      int _i_tracer;
      for (_i_tracer = 0; _i_tracer < num_tracers; _i_tracer++){
    @def end_foreach_ml_tracer()

    This package solves the convection diffusion equations using the Thomas algorithm, and here we define the row reduction function.

    void TDMA(double * a_w, double * a_c, double * a_e, double * b, double * c, int n){
      double  a_d[n], rhs[n];
      int _i;
      double d;
      for (_i = 0; _i < n; _i++){
        a_d[_i] = a_c[_i];
        rhs[_i] = b[_i];
      for (_i = 1; _i < n; _i++){
        d  = a_w[_i]/ a_d[_i-1];
        a_d[_i] -= d*a_e[_i];
        rhs[_i] -= d*rhs[_i-1];
      for (_i = n - 1; _i > 0; _i--) {
        d  = a_e[_i-1]/a_d[_i];
        rhs[_i-1] -= d*rhs[_i];
      for (_i = 0; _i < n; _i++) {
        c[_i] = rhs[_i]/a_d[_i];

    TVD schemes use a TVD-limiter function. More functionality can easily be added here to support more schemes

    #if scheme == 0
      // Upwind
      double TVD_limiter(double r){
        return 0.0;
    #elif scheme == 1
      // Van Albada
      double TVD_limiter(double r){
        return (r + sq(r))/(1 + sq(r));

    This (way too big) function computes the tracer fluxes entering each cell. Currently, this is done manually for each face, and can in all likelihood be simplified dramatically.

    TDMA_fluxes compute_fluxes(Point point, int l, int _i_tracer, scalar c_0){
      double rho_c = tml().rho_c;
      double kappa_c = tml().kappa_c;
      double aW = 0, aE = 0, aT = 0, aB = 0;
      double Su = 0.0;
      double Sp = 0.0;
      double aP = 1;
      double div = 0;
      #if dimension > 1
        double aN = 0, aS = 0;
      if (h[] > dry) {
        // Implement with matrix entries from Versteeg
        double Dh = kappa_c/(Delta);
        double Dv = kappa_c/h[0,0,l];
        double Fw = 0, Fe = 0, Fb = 0, Ft = 0;
        Su = _tracer_source_function(_i_tracer, point, t);
        #if dimension > 1
          double Fn = 0, Fs = 0;
        // West side
        if (point.i > GHOSTS) {
          Fw = rho_c*u.x[-1,0,l];
          aW = (Dh +  max(Fw,0))/Delta;
        } else {
          Fw = rho_c*u.x[0,0,l];
          aW = 0.0;
          Sp -= (2*Dh + max(Fw,0))/Delta;
          //Add BC effects 
          Su += (2*Dh + max(Fw,0))*_tracer_boundary_function(_i_tracer, point ,t)/Delta;
        // East side
        if (point.i < point.n + GHOSTS -1){
          Fe = rho_c*u.x[1,0,l];
          aE = (Dh + max(-Fe,0))/Delta;
        } else {
          Fe = rho_c*u.x[0,0,l];
          aE = 0.0;
          Sp -= (2*Dh + max(-Fe,0))/Delta;
          Su += (2*Dh + max(-Fe,0))*_tracer_boundary_function(_i_tracer, point ,t)/Delta;
        #if dimension > 1
          // North side
          if (point.j < point.n + GHOSTS- 1){
            Fn = rho_c*u.y[0,1,l];
            aN = (Dh + max(-Fn,0))/Delta;
          } else {
            Fn = rho_c*u.y[0,0,l];
            aN = 0.0;
            Sp -= (2*Dh + max(-Fn,0))/Delta;
            Su += (2*Dh + max(-Fn,0))*_tracer_boundary_function(_i_tracer, point ,t)/Delta;
          // South side
          if (point.j > GHOSTS){
            Fs = rho_c*u.y[0,-1,l];
            aS = (Dh + max(Fs,0))/Delta;
          } else {
            Fs = rho_c*u.y[0,0,l];
            aS = 0.0;
            Sp -= (2*Dh + max(Fs,0))/Delta;
            Su += (2*Dh + max(Fs,0))*_tracer_boundary_function(_i_tracer, point ,t)/Delta;
        // Top side
        if (l < nl - 1 && nl > 1){
          Ft = rho_c*w[0,0,l+1];
          aT = (Dv + max(Ft,0))/h[0,0,l];
        } else {
          Ft = 0.0;
          aT = 0.0;
          Sp -= (2*Dv + Ft)/h[0,0,l];
          Su += (2*Dv + Ft)*c_0[0,0,l]/(h[0,0,l]);
        // Bottom side
        if (l > 0 && nl > 1) {
          Fb = rho_c*w[0,0,l-1];
          aB = (Dv + Fb)/h[0,0,l];
        } else {
          aB = 0.0;
          Fb = 0.0;
          Sp -= (2*Dv + Fb)/h[0,0,l];
          Su += (2*Dv + Fb)*c_0[0,0,l]/h[0,0,l];
        div = Fe + Ft - Fw - Fb;
        #if dimension > 1
          div += Fn - Fs;
      TDMA_fluxes cf;
      cf.aP = aP; 
      cf.aW = aW;
      cf.aE = aE;
      cf.aT = aT;
      cf.aB = aB;
      cf.div = div;
      #if dimension > 1
        cf.aN = aN;
        cf.aS = aS;    
      cf.Sp = Sp;
      cf.Su = Su;
      return cf;

    Finally, this is where the deferred correction term in the TVD algorithm is computed. In the upwind case, this function rturns 0. Similarily to the function above, this code can probably be simplified drstically using e.g. foreach_dimension()

    double TVD_deferred_correction(Point point, scalar c, int l, int _i_tracer){
      double Sdc = 0;
      #if scheme == 0
        double rho_c = tml().rho_c;
        double Fe = rho_c*u.x[ 1,0,l];
        double Fw = rho_c*u.x[ -1,0,l];
        double Fb = l > 0 ? w[0,0,l-1] : 0;
        double Ft = l < nl - 1 ? w[0,0,l+1] : 0;
        double re, rw, rt, rb;
        #if dimension > 1
          double rn, rs;
          double Fn = rho_c*u.y[0,1,l], Fs = rho_c*u.y[0,-1,l];
          int alpha_n = Fn > 0 ? 1 : 0;
          int alpha_s = Fs > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        int alpha_w = Fw > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        int alpha_e = Fe > 0 ? 1 : 0; 
        int alpha_t = Ft > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        int alpha_b = Fb > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        double c0 = 2*_tracer_boundary_function(_i_tracer, point ,t) - c[0,0,l];
        if (alpha_e > 0) {
          if (point.i > GHOSTS && point.i < point.n + GHOSTS -1) {
            re = (c[0,0,l] - c[-1, 0,l])/(c[1,0,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (point.i == GHOSTS){
            re = (c[0,0,l] - c0)/(c[1,0,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            re =  0.0;
          // Do not need to check bounds, as TVD_limiter is zero at point.i == point.n + GHOSTS
        } else {
          if (point.i >= GHOSTS && point.i < point.n + GHOSTS - 2) {
            re = (c[1,0,l] - c[2,0,l])/(c[0,0,l] - c[1,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (point.i == point.n + GHOSTS -2){
            re = (c[1,0,l] - c0)/(c[0,0,l] - c[1,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            re =  0.0;
          // Do not need to check bounds, as TVD_limiter is zero at point.i == point.n + GHOSTS
        Sdc -= 0.5*fabs(Fe)*TVD_limiter(re)*(c[1,0,l] - c[0,0,l]);
        if (alpha_w > 0) {
          if (point.i > GHOSTS +  1 && point.i < point.n + GHOSTS) { 
            rw = (c[-1,0,l] - c[-2, 0,l])/(c[0,0,l] - c[-1,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (point.i == GHOSTS + 1){
            rw = (c[-1,0,l] - c0)/(c[0,0,l] - c[-1,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            rw =  0.0;
        } else {
          if (point.i > GHOSTS && point.i < point.n + GHOSTS - 1) { 
            rw = (c[0,0,l] - c[1,0,l])/(c[-1,0,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (point.i == point.n + GHOSTS -1){
            rw = (c[0,0,l] - c0)/(c[-1,0,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            rw =  0.0;
        Sdc += 0.5*fabs(Fw)*TVD_limiter(rw)*(c[0,0,l] - c[-1,0,l]);
        #if dimension > 1
          if (alpha_n > 0) {
            if (point.j > GHOSTS && point.j < point.n + GHOSTS -1) { 
              rn = (c[0,0,l] - c[0, -1,l])/(c[0,1,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else if (point.j == GHOSTS){
              rn = (c[0,0,l] - c0)/(c[0,-1,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else {
              rn =  0.0;
          } else {
            if (point.j >= GHOSTS && point.j < point.n + GHOSTS - 2) { 
              rn = (c[0,1,l] - c[0,2,l])/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,1,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else if (point.j == point.n + GHOSTS - 2){
              rn = (c[0,1,l] - c0)/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,1,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else {
              rn =  0.0;
          Sdc -= 0.5*fabs(Fn)*TVD_limiter(rn)*(c[0,1,l] - c[0,0,l]);
          if (alpha_s > 0) {
            if (point.j > GHOSTS +  1 && point.j < point.n + GHOSTS) { 
              rs = (c[0,-1,l] - c[0, -2,l])/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,-1,l]+ EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else if (point.j == GHOSTS + 1){
              rs = (c[0,-1,l] - c0)/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,-1,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else {
              rs =  0.0;
          } else {
            if (point.j > GHOSTS && point.j < point.n + GHOSTS - 1) { 
              rs = (c[0,0,l] - c[0,1,l])/(c[0,-1,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else if (point.j == point.n + GHOSTS -1){
              rs = (c[0,0,l] - c0)/(c[0,-1,l] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
            } else {
              rs =  0.0;
          Sdc += 0.5*fabs(Fs)*TVD_limiter(rs)*(c[0,0,l] - c[0,-1,l]);
        if (alpha_t > 0) {
          if (l > 0 && l < nl - 1) { 
            rt = (c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l-1])/(c[0,0,l-1] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (l == nl){
            rt = (c[0,0,l])/(c[0,0,l-1] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            rt =  0.0;
        } else {
          if (l >= 0 && l < nl - 2) { 
            rt = (c[0,0,l+1] - c[0,0,l+2])/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l+1] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (l == nl-2){
            rt = (c[0,0,l+1] - c0)/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l+1] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            rt =  0.0;
        if (l < nl - 1)
          Sdc -= 0.5*fabs(Ft)*TVD_limiter(rt)*(c[0,0,l+1] - c[0,0,l]);
        if (alpha_b > 0) {
          if (l > 1 && l < nl) { 
            rb = (c[0,0,l-1] - c[0, 0,l-2])/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l-1] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (l == 1){
            rb = (c[0,0,l-1] - c0)/(c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l-1] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            rb =  0.0;
        } else {
          if (l > 0 && l < nl - 2) { 
            rb = (c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l+1])/(c[0,0,l-1] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else if (l == nl - 2){
            rb = (c[0,0,l] - c0)/(c[0,0,l-1] - c[0,0,l] + EPS_ML_TRACER);
          } else {
            rb =  0.0;
        if (l > 1)
          Sdc += 0.5*fabs(Fb)*TVD_limiter(rb)*(c[0,0,l] - c[0,0,l-1]);
      return Sdc;

    Cleanup and importation of the transport-function

    #if dimension == 1
      #include "mltracer2D.h"
      #include "mltracer3D.h"
    event free_tracers (t = end){
      free (tl);
      tl = NULL;