
    Three phase interfacial flows

    This is a modified version of two–phase which allow to add a third phase explicitly.

    This file helps setup simulations for flows of three fluids separated by an interface (i.e. immiscible fluids). It is typically used in combination with a Navier–Stokes solver.

    The interface between the fluids is tracked with a Volume-Of-Fluid method. The volume fraction in fluid 1 is f1=1, f2=1 in fluid 2 and f3=1 in fluid 3. The densities and dynamic viscosities for fluid 1,2 are rho1, mu1, rho2, mu2, rho3, mu3 respectively.

    #include "vof.h"
    scalar f1[], f2[], f3[];
    scalar * interfaces = {f1,f2,f3};
    double rho1 = 1., mu1 = 0., rho2 = 1., mu2 = 0., rho3 = 1., mu3 = 0.;
    face vector alphav[];
    scalar rhov[];
    event defaults (i = 0) {
      alpha = alphav;
      rho = rhov;
      if (mu1 || mu2|| mu3)
        mu = new face vector;
    #ifndef rho
    //We define rho based on the sum of product of fluid fraction and density
    #define rho(f1,f2,f3) (clamp(f3,0.,1.)*rho3 + clamp(f2,0.,1.)*rho2 + clamp(f1,0.,1.)*rho1) 
    //We define also rhoM to avoid zero value for rho
    #define rhom(f1,f2,f3) max(rho(f1,f2,f3),rho1)
    #ifndef mu
    //We define mu based on the sum of product of fluid fraction and viscosity
    #define mu(f1,f2,f3) (clamp(f3,0.,1.)*mu3 + clamp(f2,0.,1.)*mu2 + clamp(f1,0.,1.)*mu1) 
    //We define also muM to avoid zero value for mu
    #define mum(f1,f2,f3) max(mu(f1,f2,f3),mu1)
    #ifdef FILTERED
    scalar sf1[], sf2[], sf3[];
    # define sf1 f1
    # define sf2 f2
    # define sf3 f3
    event properties(i++) {
    #ifndef sf1
    #if dimension <= 2
        sf1[] = (4.*f1[] +
    	2.*(f1[0,1] + f1[0,-1] + f1[1,0] + f1[-1,0]) +
    	f1[-1,-1] + f1[1,-1] + f1[1,1] + f1[-1,1])/16.;
    #else // dimension == 3
        sf1[] = (8.*f1[] +
    	4.*(f1[-1] + f1[1] + f1[0,1] + f1[0,-1] + f1[0,0,1] + f1[0,0,-1]) +
    	2.*(f1[-1,1] + f1[-1,0,1] + f1[-1,0,-1] + f1[-1,-1] +
    	  f1[0,1,1] + f1[0,1,-1] + f1[0,-1,1] + f1[0,-1,-1] +
    	  f1[1,1] + f1[1,0,1] + f1[1,-1] + f1[1,0,-1]) +
    	f1[1,-1,1] + f1[-1,1,1] + f1[-1,1,-1] + f1[1,1,1] +
    	f1[1,1,-1] + f1[-1,-1,-1] + f1[1,-1,-1] + f1[-1,-1,1])/64.;
    #ifndef sf2
    #if dimension <= 2
        sf2[] = (4.*f2[] +
    	2.*(f2[0,1] + f2[0,-1] + f2[1,0] + f2[-1,0]) +
    	f2[-1,-1] + f2[1,-1] + f2[1,1] + f2[-1,1])/16.;
    #else // dimension == 3
        sf2[] = (8.*f2[] +
    	4.*(f2[-1] + f2[1] + f2[0,1] + f2[0,-1] + f2[0,0,1] + f2[0,0,-1]) +
    	2.*(f2[-1,1] + f2[-1,0,1] + f2[-1,0,-1] + f2[-1,-1] +
    	  f2[0,1,1] + f2[0,1,-1] + f2[0,-1,1] + f2[0,-1,-1] +
    	  f2[1,1] + f2[1,0,1] + f2[1,-1] + f2[1,0,-1]) +
    	f2[1,-1,1] + f2[-1,1,1] + f2[-1,1,-1] + f2[1,1,1] +
    	f2[1,1,-1] + f2[-1,-1,-1] + f2[1,-1,-1] + f2[-1,-1,1])/64.;
    #ifndef sf3
    #if dimension <= 2
        sf3[] = (4.*f3[] +
    	2.*(f3[0,1] + f3[0,-1] + f3[1,0] + f3[-1,0]) +
    	f3[-1,-1] + f3[1,-1] + f3[1,1] + f3[-1,1])/16.;
    #else // dimension == 3
        sf3[] = (8.*f3[] +
    	4.*(f3[-1] + f3[1] + f3[0,1] + f3[0,-1] + f3[0,0,1] + f3[0,0,-1]) +
    	2.*(f3[-1,1] + f3[-1,0,1] + f3[-1,0,-1] + f3[-1,-1] +
    	  f3[0,1,1] + f3[0,1,-1] + f3[0,-1,1] + f3[0,-1,-1] +
    	  f3[1,1] + f3[1,0,1] + f3[1,-1] + f3[1,0,-1]) +
    	f3[1,-1,1] + f3[-1,1,1] + f3[-1,1,-1] + f3[1,1,1] +
    	f3[1,1,-1] + f3[-1,-1,-1] + f3[1,-1,-1] + f3[-1,-1,1])/64.;
    #if TREE
      sf1.prolongation = refine_bilinear;
      sf2.prolongation = refine_bilinear;
      sf3.prolongation = refine_bilinear;
      boundary ({sf1, sf2, sf3});
      foreach_face() {
        double f1m = (sf1[] + sf1[-1])/2.;
        double f2m = (sf2[] + sf2[-1])/2.;
        double f3m = (sf3[] + sf3[-1])/2.;
        alphav.x[] = (fm.x[]/rhom(f1m,f2m,f3m));
        if (mu1 || mu2 || mu3) {
          face vector muv = mu;
          muv.x[] = (fm.x[]*mum(f1m,f2m,f3m));
        rhov[] = (cm[]*rhom(sf1[],sf2[],sf3[]));
    #if TREE  
      sf1.prolongation = fraction_refine;
      sf2.prolongation = fraction_refine;
      sf3.prolongation = fraction_refine;
      boundary ({sf1, sf2, sf3});